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Mist of the future

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It is the year 2959 of the human years. The sun has start growing and become very unstable. All the colonies on planets and in space are either moving towards the edge of the system, or being evacuated into larger ships. The humans have developed the first actual blasters, or laser-rifles like the humans say. The humankind of the sol-system flee and leave all that is precious to them. They flee and eventually end up into a huge wormhole, appearing of nowhere, and the other end is in another galaxy... In the outskirts of the Yavin-system. The humans set course to the system and land on the nearest planet. The planet of Yavin IV.

The Republic has gotten word iof these new arrivals quickly, and keeps the system on close eye as the humans make settlements quickly and expand all over into the habitable planets of the Yavin-system. The years went past quickly and peacefully, the new generations of the Solians, as the Republic senate called them, became aware of the force, and even could do some small jedi-tricks, but only few could do it purposely. They were called fakes and wizards as nobody believed in such things they did. Their blaster technology slowly became almost the same as the Republics, and that started to worry the senate and the jedi order. Many negotiations were held between these two, concerning the fate of the Solians. A few jedi were sent to talk with the Solians, Two of them being humans so they wouldn't scare the newer humans. One of them was a Twi'lek. An agreement was made quickly. The Solians got a seat in the senate and the "wizards" were taken to the jedi council to test if they were good enought. Soon the Solians showed their greed and started many underground organizations, shipyards and a large number of these humans became smugglers, pirates or mercenaries and bounty hunters. Two of the Solians taken to the jedi council became jedi, and soon a few children joined them. The age of the Solians started...










Bio: (Optional)




Name: Thomas Argon

Age: 24

Race: Human (Solian)

Alignment: Good

Occupation: Jedi

Weaponry: Sol-12-A Blaster pistol and a yellow lightsaber

Bio: Not much. He was the second generation of those that were born in the Yavin-system. the second to be met by the Jedi council and the first to be approved into the training. He is kind at heart and enjoys the company of friends, men or female.


Name: Jonathan "Jon" Argon

Age: 25

Eace: Human (Solian)

Alignment: Neutral

Occupation: Mercenary

Weaponry: Dual Sol-15-A Blaster pistols and various other things, depending on the mission.

Bio: The big brother of Thomas. He chose another path on his life. He, in the opposite of Thomas does not have much friends, thought he tries very hard. Like his father, he is a true ladies man... In his mind

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Name: Amanda Lykens

Age: 20

Race: Human(Solian)

Alignment: Good

Occupation: Jedi in trainging

Weaponry: homemade knife, single blue lightsaber.

Bio: Grew up on Yavin IV and was found to be strong in the force and was the first to be met by the jedi council and seocnd to be approved

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Thomas and Jonathan sat in the cockpit of a YT-2400 light freighter, heading towards Coruscant. "I am truly grateful for the ride, Jon. I don't know how long it would take me to reach Coruscant with other transportations"

"Well, that's why I'm here, brother"

The brothers smiled to each others as the ship jumped out of hyperspace and closened on the planet, always awake. The freighter quickly landed into the hangars of the jedi temple.

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((Sure, Larz))


"Thanks for the ride, again, Jon. I'll call you if I need anything"

"Sure thing, bro. I need to get that stuff to the Mandalorian anyways. See you!"

"Yeah, bye!"

The jedi left towards the door leading into the jedi temple itself with his cape flapping behind him slightly. Jon sighed and shook his head, walking back up the ramp and into his ship. The ramp pulled in and the door closed as Jon was inside and walked to the cockpit.


Thomas sighed as he walked throught the quite empty corridors and into the turbolift. He pressed the top button and the lift started moving high into the very top, where the jedi council gathered. He had been summoned there, but he would have just go there anyways

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Name: Jen

Age: 16

Race: Human (Solian)

Alignment: Good

Occupation: Jedi in training

Weaponry: single orange lightsaber, modified blaster pistol

Bio: Next to nothing is known about Jen. She never gives a last name when she introduces herself. She joined the other two Solians not long after they became Jedi. She looks up to both of them, but even they do not know anything about her past.






Jen walked briskly down a hallway, heading toward the indoor gardens. Her dark red hair hung loose around her face, falling to her shoulders and her green eyes were directed briefly at anyone she passed. She slowed slightly as she saw Amanda and nodded out of respect before walking past.

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Jen stopped and turned back when Amanda spoke to her. She smiled and shrugged.


"I suppose it's just fine," she said. "A lot of the things they want me to do haven't yet become second nature, but they're close. Then, there are things they ask me to do over and over again... one after another, without stopping. They're trying to get me to feel a certain way... or something like that."


She laughed. "Something about feeling the air that surrounds everything. A solid wall isn't so solid. If you backflip off of it, you're supposed to feel it give under your foot and help you spring off of it... I just got that one yesterday." Her eyes sparkled. "That was a cool feeling!"

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Thomas shook his head as he stepped out of the council's meeting room. It had been a short talk. They only needed Thomas' report and give him some time to rest. The jedi sighed quietly, walking to the garden to think. It was actually the only place where he felt home. Still the blood of his fathers rushed in his veins. The blood of the people of Earth... He sighed again, sitting down on a bench, looking at the plants in front of him

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Jen was busy poking around in the trees when Thomas entered the garden. She heard him enter, but paid no attention to him. In a matter of minutes, she was in the tree directly over him. As she reached for another branch, the one underneath her snapped and she dropped with a yelp of surprise. She landed on her feet in front of Thomas and jumped back.


"I had no idea you were so close," she apologized. She grinned and shrugged. "By the way, Amanda was asking about you... I think she likes you." Jen giggled and ran off into the bushes. Once a Solian, always a Solian, she thought, with the same mischeivous thoughts of love and other elements of life.


Shaking the thought away, she leapt up to the top of a small waterfall, using the Force to get there.

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Amanda was now in a force trance, but she felt a twinge of pain, then it became greater and greater until he saw a face appear infornt of her, he woke up and jumped back with a short scream.

"agh, i need to be with some living things" Amanda whispered then walked to the gardens, it felt much like the greenhouses back in Toronto.

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((Curt, by that, you better mean a space station by that name, as none of us here have actually lived in Earth or the Sol-system itself))


Thomas raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "You still have many things to learn, Jen" Thomas said, sitting still on the seat, his eyes still fixed on the plants. He put his hands inside each other's sleeves. Thomas remembered his youth on the first colony the Solians made on Yavin IV...

He could still remember the city like it was back then. All the paths he had taken to get away from the merchants chasing after him because he had stole something. Now, he just sat there, knowing well what was going on around him, even not by looking.


Jonathan started unloading his cargo into a local storage building. Nothing new to him. Credits on his account and the cargo in the buyers storage building. A couple of rodians handled the actual unloading part as Jon supervised, but that's just a minor detail

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((heh heh, oh yeah, Toronto, the space station named after the city :p))


Amanda strolled through the gardnes, now refreshed and feeling better, she walked passed the beautiful pink and purple plants, the green and red ones, and the waterfalls as well, until she came apon Thomas.

"hello, Thomas, where have you been? getting into trouble no less?" Amanda said as she smiled.

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Jen wasn't close enough to hear Thomas's reply to her joke, but she knew the basic idea of his words. She'd been told the same thing many times by other Jedi, but they all knew she said these things as a joke.


"I guess people get tired of jokes," Jen said thoughtfully. She shrugged and began climbing a nearby tree. "I suppose I could slow it down a bit."


She leapt out of the highest branches of the tree and dropped over the edge of the waterfall she'd just jumped up. It was small, but Jen knew from experience that the water dropped into a very deep hole. It was into this hole that Jen jumped.


Deeper and deeper she dropped, using the Force to aid her descent. Finally, she slowed herself down and reached out to her left. Though she could not see, she'd done this enough to know that there was a small hole in the wall. She pulled herself into this hole and began to swim.


Jen was glad she'd had the chance to swim a lot when she was younger. These times helped her now as she swam through the darkness. The most difficult part, she decided, was having to hold her breath. She began to let it out slowly and pushed herself up slightly. After about another minute, she pushed hard against the floor and shot up into breatheable air, gasping for breath.


The cavern wasn't very large and Jen still couldn't see anything, but she swam forward and climbed out of the water. She walked four steps to her right and began climbing a set of stairs. Her feet led her straight to the top and she opened the door she felt there. It led back out into the garden, not far from where Amanda and Thomas were talking. With a happy smile in their direction, Jen turned and closed the door, making it again seem like just another rock. Then, completely wet, Jen dropped to her back on the grass under the artificial sunlight in the garden and closed her eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Bump :mad: (too bad they don't have a smiley of a mom with her hands on her hips:D ))


Jen opened her eyes and looked over to where Amanda and Thomas were. She was not within range to be able to hear them and she wondered what they were talking about. She chuckled to herself as she realized they must simply be catching up with each other, just as she had done with Amanda earlier that day.


"Unless Thomas has had some interesting adventures, it will be an overall uninteresting conversation," Jen said to herself. Then, she closed her eyes once more, drinking in the peaceful atmosphere of the garden.

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