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Pros & Cons ? High Const at start up

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Guardian: Advancing CON at the expense of other attributes is a waste of time here I think. You will already have a high VP by virtue of choosing this class and you'll get lots of feats so you can just develop Toughness to boost VP. You won't miss really any of the better implants. Generally implants come in three flavours; those that boost physical attributes (STR, DEX), mental attributes (INT, WIS, CHA) and skills. The first is what you should be concentrating your attribute points anyway as a Guardian and doing so will leave you with higher stats here than any implant can provide. The second and third are not really in the nature of your class anyway - you'll be doing most of the talking with your lightsaber. Plus things like the Czerka and Exchange belts can boost skills anyway.


Sentinel: You'll have lower VP but not so low that a high CON is a must, though fewer feats might mean you're not prepared to take Toughness. As far as skills are concerned you'll already be loaded, so implants catering for these aren't necessary. STR, DEX, WIS, CHA implants might intrigue you though.


Consuler: A high CON is probably most needed here because of low VP and low feats. Also a higher WIS and CHA is more important to a Consular than STR is to a Guardian or DEX to a Sentinel so those implants which provide this will be advantageous, on top of any robes you might find that boost WIS and CHA.

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I never raise my con above 12, no matter which class I play. You can get some bonuses to this attirbute during the game and some upgrades for the robes give you excellent constitution bonuses.


I prefer to invest the precious attibute points in less "passive" attributes such as dex, str, wis, cha, and int (depending on which class I am playing). I tend to privilege either dex, str, or wis over the the other attributes. What good is it to have a high constitution if you can't hit your ennemy...it just takes longer to die...


There are some nice implants you can use when you have high cons but itme placement is random...

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True Darth,

however you can make implants up to I think 16 con requirement.

And some of them are quite handy to have installed.


If you start with 14 con, which is easily feasible at creation (14 in all attributes except 1) You can get it to 16 with little trouble and it wont really neglect more important attributes like dexterity or Wisdom.


I personally feel it to be a waste of attribute points at creation by raising any attribute above 14 (which then costs 2 points per 1 attribute) unless you are going for hardcore extremes. Like 10 dex/str/con/int with 18 Wis/Cha

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

Are people forgetting that some of the best implants can only be used by players with an 18 CON? That Universal D-Package is clutch.

No I am not forgetting about implants but there are plenty of other items that are quite useful too. I prefer to make sure that I'll get what I want by raising the attributes that my character will use the most and not rely on the random item placement script...


I agree with Drazin that unless you want to try something special, there is no point inrasing atributes above 14 during initial character creation.

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Originally posted by Darth333

No I am not forgetting about implants but there are plenty of other items that are quite useful too. I prefer to make sure that I'll get what I want by raising the attributes that my character will use the most and not rely on the random item placement script...


I agree with Drazin that unless you want to try something special, there is no point inrasing atributes above 14 during initial character creation.

I agree re: character creation, but during the game, I always go straight for CON. The bonuses provided by the level 2 and level 3 implants just can't be ignored. Of course, I am a big fan of hardcore mods too which might heavily influence my opinion. I can see where some of these implants might result in a uber powerful pc on normal settings without such mods.
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A high CON isn't necessary when you have Master Heal ready to go. That, and because you'll find plenty of health packs...

Focus on DEX so enemies won't be able to hit you in the first place(except for bosses of course).

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My first time through, I increased the attributes that my character most needed (Str for gardians/soldiers, wis/chas for consulars, etc). I did ok but a bunch of the battles were difficult (of course I was playing on 'difficult'). The 2nd time through, I hacked my credits and had ewveryone concentrate on getting con to 18. That 2md time I only had one tough battle which was

fighting the master on dantooine

. So, in my experience, you get more powerful characters with an 18 con *if* you have the credits to buy all the implants the game makes avalible to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For my next playthrough, I intend to start the game with CON 14, CHA 12, and all others at 13, devoting my attribute point attained every 4th level towards CON. Doing so will make CON 18 by PC level 16, thereby enabling the use of the top shelf implants which boost the other attributes.

The main reason for homogenizing the other attributes and devoting the points solely to CON is the hope that the PC will not miss out on any of the attribute dependent dialog options within the game.

However, these stats might prove for challenging play when fighting the miscreants at the Telos Restoration Zone, Czerka Area, and the Underground Base!


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Not to get off topic here, but one of my Favorite characters in another game was a CON Spec'd Barbarian.

He had (After buffs and such) 260 Constitution, combined with his Racial and Class HP/Con gain ratio he had around 10,000 HP after all things were factored out.


While he hit like a little girl, he could exhaust multiple opponents of their stamina or Mana. It was quite fun to watch some of the most powerful enemies throw everything they have at you until they have nothing left, without so much as putting a dent in your health bar.


That said,

K1-K2 doesnt have quite the same impact on high Vitality. But it still nice to have some extra health for taking on large rooms of enemies without using any area effect force powers.

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I started with only 12 cons and never raised it but i got the regeneration armor which gives +cons, i just picks up every regeneration stuff, its just nice when you always heals! ^^


What i wanted to ask... Mandalore got his own implants but do they work together with normal ones?

*please dont hit me* :(



I want to know what game you mean!Please tell me or i have to send :fett: over to you!


*thinks a moment then looks to the the JEDI*


:amidala: says : please make him tell me what game he is talking about!


:syoda: *looks to drazin and gets into his MIND* [Tell her what game you are talking about!]


:amidala: *waits and look towards drazin too*:confused:

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Originally posted by Drazin


Not to get off topic here, but one of my Favorite characters in another game was a CON Spec'd Barbarian.

He had (After buffs and such) 260 Constitution, combined with his Racial and Class HP/Con gain ratio he had around 10,000 HP after all things were factored out.


While he hit like a little girl, he could exhaust multiple opponents of their stamina or Mana. It was quite fun to watch some of the most powerful enemies throw everything they have at you until they have nothing left, without so much as putting a dent in your health bar.


That said,

K1-K2 doesnt have quite the same impact on high Vitality. But it still nice to have some extra health for taking on large rooms of enemies without using any area effect force powers.





It must be a pretty funny sight :lol:


I wish we could do that in KOTOR.

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