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Episode 3 Jedi Starfighter *SPOILERS*


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Ok, something very very funny happened when i used these. Y'know when you exit a ship in mid-air it keeps going? Well since i cant play online thats what i do. And i play on the Rebel VS Imp map by Lindsey. I was in Anakins JSF and i was shooting down Obi's and when i destroyed one of its wings, it flew out of contol, turned around, and crashed into me. Funniest and weirdest thing i've ever seen.

These JSF's are the best ive seen yet.

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Well, I still haven't heard from the people that were making the extra skins for it and I don't feel like waiting anymore. So I went ahead and released it --




For anyone that downloaded the beta I posted here before, this one does have a few slight updates to it (nothing really noticeable though) so you'll want to replace the beta with the final release.


I guess for the people making the extra skins for it, either release them on your own or get em to me and i'll release em as a pack.



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Hey i tested this some days a go and it was Perfect thanks Manquesa! i found one "bug" i think tho when u have done the "spin turn" the ship moves to the opposite direction, maybe there isnt much to do about it. Oh and Buffy are you some kind of official screenshot provider? just asking

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