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Lightsabre Blades?

Colma Adawin

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hello all,


since my joining into holowan i have witnessed many great things, Re-texturing, (Re-Skinning) Recuitment mods, Modeling, one little .2da file making tremendous alterations to the game. the amount of mods made are more numerous than the Clone Army it self! :xp:


My Question, i've just watched SW: Clone Wars, and i was staring into Master Yoda's Lightsabre blade, its not 'rounded' off, so i was wondering if WE (modders) could actually manipulate the size / length / shape of the lightsabre blade?



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Well, saber baldes are actually rectangular meshes, and appear rounded off due to transparency, so it is probably possible to square it out more. I've noticed that the blade texture is mapped kinda weird onto the blade though, so it may take some guess-and-check alterations to the texture.

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Originally posted by Drazin

Yep, you can.

Harker has already made them thinner and I have seen multicolored blades and longer ones and shorter ones.

I have a feeling you can do whatever you want to with em, if you know how.


Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Well, saber baldes are actually rectangular meshes, and appear rounded off due to transparency, so it is probably possible to square it out more. I've noticed that the blade texture is mapped kinda weird onto the blade though, so it may take some guess-and-check alterations to the texture.


so, does that mean that the ACTUAL BLADE can be changed, it doesn't HAVE to be straight or a particular size and length?


so when i pull out a Sabre, and i have yoda appearence, i can have a lightsabre thats the same size, not bigger than he is :p



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stop right there!!! :p


I don't think that you can actually model a different length into your saber blade, the most altering I've heard of the actual model of the saber blade being alter was it being "bent" by svösh and Sep, for their curved sabers in their pack, but I don't know how they did it. The best I think you could do is a hex editing alteration, but that is all guess and check, as I have no real idea as to how the btexture is mapped onto the blade, sorry :(



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Originally posted by maverick187

stop right there!!! :p


I don't think that you can actually model a different length into your saber blade, the most altering I've heard of the actual model of the saber blade being alter was it being "bent" by svösh and Sep, for their curved sabers in their pack, but I don't know how they did it

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but Mav's right. You can't edit the actual blade itself (at least yet)...


The thinner blades are just a coloring trick by making a smaller color core with more black on the outer edges. The longer blades are Malak's model saber, & the shorter length blades are short saber blades.


Because the blade color / texture is based on radius rather than length, there's no way to even "fake" it by alpha channeling (or .txi) the blade to make parts 'invisible'.


Messing with the blade dummy's in MAX will only make you pull your hair out, though may be the route to go in the future ;)


As for Sep's & svösh's trick, the blade itself is still the same length just at a pivot angle...and like Mav, I'm completely in the dark as to pulling off that trick. Guess we'll need bigger sticks to poke them with ... :stick:


I just wanted to let Mav know he's got some 'backup' before there's 30 threads asking "OK, I'm in MAX, now how do I reshape the blade?'... ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but Mav's right. You can't edit the actual blade itself (at least yet)...


The thinner blades are just a coloring trick by making a smaller color core with more black on the outer edges. The longer blades are Malak's model saber, & the shorter length blades are short saber blades.


Because the blade color / texture is based on radius rather than length, there's no way to even "fake" it by alpha channeling (or .txi) the blade to make parts 'invisible'.


Messing with the blade dummy's in MAX will only make you pull your hair out, though may be the route to go in the future ;)


As for Sep's & svösh's trick, the blade itself is still the same length just at a pivot angle...and like Mav, I'm completely in the dark as to pulling off that trick. Guess we'll need bigger sticks to poke them with ... :stick:


I just wanted to let Mav know he's got some 'backup' before there's 30 threads asking "OK, I'm in MAX, now how do I reshape the blade?'... ;)


Thats all i wanted to know ;)


No they Cant be done, but somewhere in a galaxy FAR FAR AWAY some necky git is doing this and wont tell us (JOKE)


Thanx to all who replied,



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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Because the blade color / texture is based on radius rather than length, there's no way to even "fake" it by alpha channeling (or .txi) the blade to make parts 'invisible'.


Yeah, I've tried doing that too, it give a cool saber blade appearance, just not a different length.

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