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"incorrect Guide"


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I have been reading through the game guide for KOTOR II and from playing through the game twice (DS and LS) I can obviously tell that the guide was made at an early stage of development. For example... it says that when you get to the....

Final stage of the "visions" in the Korriban cave it says once you defeat the Revan "ghost" you can look through its remains and find Bastilla's Lightsaber


Now THAT would be cool :D


Another "incorrect piece of info" I found was that when you

Defeat Visas you are suppposed to either get A; a piece for your saber, or B; she starts with THE Visas Lightsaber instead of just a randomly generated one.


I found this odd because it would make more sense to the character but since it is restricted to DS I suppose they had to remove it :(


Even more strange is that

Vrook is actually supposed to have Zez Khai El's type lightsaber (double bladed with purple blade) instead of a green single blade.



Sorry if this thread exists somewhere else but I didn't find one so I figured I could post this :D


What other strange "anomalies" (my spelling stinks just fyi :p ) have you found within the "guide"?

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To your 2nd point, the first part is true:

If you defeat Visas and have not yet built your lightsaber, you will get one of the three components. Otherwise you will get a doublesaber, regular saber, or a shortsaber depending on what the game feels like giving you :D

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Originally posted by The_Maker What other strange "anomalies" (my spelling stinks just fyi :p ) have you found within the "guide"?

I've heard others mention that the guide has items that are otherwise unattainable in the game. :mad:

For example: HK's Assassin Rifle, and Darth Malak's Armor/Robe


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I went to my local game shop and had a look in the guide the other day it says all thos tihngs like when you fight revan in the tomb you get bastilas lightsaber, and malke robes, and thw pictures of when you fight atrais is when shes in black and looks like a sith theres a picture of her somewheren like that and hear it is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/The...y/SithLord2.jpg

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Originally posted by Bastila

I went to my local game shop and had a look in the guide the other day it says all thos tihngs like when you fight revan in the tomb you get bastilas lightsaber, and malke robes, and thw pictures of when you fight atrais is when shes in black and looks like a sith theres a picture of her somewheren like that and hear it is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/The...y/SithLord2.jpg


Atris was suppose to be bearing the name of Darth Traya, and wearing those robes, but they cut that out. Possibly the largest error i've seen is the picture of Nihilus battling with Atris, which they represent Good and Evil, but thats rather false when you get deep into the game..

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Or maybe they just led us to believe something else so the plot twist is that much more meaningful?



Let's not blame anything and everything on cuts and such.


I think it's a good idea to cut out Traya/Atris. She just looked weird and it wouldn't make any sense for her to go to Malachor and have the Sith just obey her like that.

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

Atris was suppose to be bearing the name of Darth Traya, and wearing those robes, but they cut that out. Possibly the largest error i've seen is the picture of Nihilus battling with Atris, which they represent Good and Evil, but thats rather false when you get deep into the game..



Yeah that poster of them is stupid really when you start to play the game it's like shes a sith as well.

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