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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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jedispy, being the resident SOTE expert can perhaps fill us in too ?

In SOTE, his first hyperspace jump was to Tatooine, but was ambushed by IG-88 in orbit. Knowing that the other bounty hunters (not to mention Rebels like Lando and Chewie) would be on the surface waiting for him, he fled to Gall where he knew he would be safe, and would get repairs for Slave 1. In EU, Boba Fett was often times protected, and sometimes favored, by the Empire. On Gall, he was confronted by Bossk and Zuckuss in a bar while Slave 1 was being repaired. 4-LOM tried to steal Han, but then the Rebels came. Boba Fett kills 4-LOM, and takes off. (The original game account has a fight with Dash Rendar here) Fett escapes. From there, he gets captured by Bossk's ship, and then escapes. Then he heads to Jabba's palace to turn in the prize.


<Jedispy exhales> PHEW!!


Sorry for the long winded explanation.



Back to business.

A: Kit Fisto is a Nautolan from Glee Anselm. Other than having head tails (similar to the Lekku of the Twi'leks) he is amphibious and can breathe air or under water, similar to Kaminoans, Quarrens, and Mon Calamari.


As a side note (I had to look this one up) I always wondered how he could swing his lightsaber through water so fast. It seemed to me that the water resistance would prevent such quick movement. Then I read this from the SW databank:

"He had perfected difficult Force techniques that manipulated the movement of water for defensive or offensive use."





I can't think of a question, so pass

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

You may not accept this, but Jedi Master Jocasta Nu was in the library, as she typically is.




No pic OR question from me.


I will give you a point for being clever :)


let me rephrase the question !


Q. Which Jedi Council member was also in the Temple Library when Obi wan was searching for records on Kamino ??



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Originally posted by jedispy

What the?! If you don't know the answer, then how can you ask the question?


Sorry, It was a contest where, if you are lucky, you can get tickets for the premiere. Three questions were:

Which Jedi becomes Darth Vader in Episode III (Ani, Obi, Mace)

How many times does Darth Maul blink in Episode I? (1, 2, 6)

Which Bounty hunter are Obi and Ani searching for on Coruscant in Episode II (Zam, Palpatine :eek: , Jango)


I obviously got all three right. :p


@Astroski: Depa Bilabba...?


Pass if right.

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haha.. astro they aired ep2 on channel 10 tonite, so i got to see it


I think it was Ki-Adi-mundi



if it was..


Q Whick jedi was walking down the stairs when obi wan was going to see yoda and the young padawans about a missing planet in AOTC

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Firstly, let me give you all a communal pat on the back for making this(and the other trivia thread) such a success :)


I may have seemed a bit scarce recently, but I was sorting some things out with other staff members. Luckily they have allowed me to stay on and do this stuff, because it is easily the most enjoyable part of my time here :)


* * *


Wow. Three different answers.... Sabre Im not even sure who you are referring to :( Gonna have to look into it :)


Abes, Im fairly sure she wasnt in the library at the point ive referred to (obi looking up kamino)


I was looking for Shaak Ti ! I dont have my own compy so I cant post a pic atm :(


* * *


Q. How many arms does Dexter Jettster have ? Where did Lucas derive his name from ?


SUPER 10 POINT BONUS : A very similar creature has appeared in SW before(animation) Name the cartoon/character and show us a pic :)



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A: Dexter has 4 arms, 2 legs. The name "Jettster" implies that he's been to all parts of the known galaxy, and thus has wisdom and experience that rivals the best that the Jedi Temple has to offer. I believe it was derived from the term "jet setter."


Not sure if this is entirely what you're looking for, so pass on questions. As for the bonus...I got nothing. I recommend we keep it open for a while in case anyone can find it.

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Depa's a Jedi on the Council and rather unnoticable, so I thought you'd trick us into her...




Anways, at your question: I'm not sure, but he could be referring to Dexter from Dexter's Lab. He might be comparing Dexter's science knowledge with Jetster's knowledge of the galaxy.

A second theory of mine points to the word dexterity, which means accuracy or the chances of being right. This seems slightly irrelevant to the name, though.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

SUPER 10 POINT BONUS : A very similar creature has appeared in SW before(animation) Name the cartoon/character and show us a pic :)




Is it General Grievous? Not sure if this is spoiler material or not:



Grievous has four arms when lightsabering and he was in the clone wars cartoon


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Wooow. Guys, I won that contest, uber-thanks to Konar for telling me that DM blinks once. I owe you one, man.


What do I win? Tickets to the India premiere of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. May 19 (A day earlier), 11 pm.



Astro, just give Konar ten-twenty points from me. He deserves it.

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Firstly - Congrats sabre :) You may indeed be one of the first of us to see ROTS. There are also some Belgian members among us(like Alegis) who actually get to see it on the 18th as they have an earlier release date !!


* * *


Jedispy, you definitely get the point :) I liked the "jetsetter" thing, is that what is says on sw.com. ??


Anytime you see "Jett" appear in SW it is usually linked to GL, who has a son by this name. I actually believe that he was responsible for naming Jar-Jar, and also appears in ROTS as a padawan :)


as for the super bonus, I was after a character from the DROIDS cartoon series. I recently saw an episode with a multi limbed bar owner, very reminiscent of Dexter....


Interestingly enough, even AOTC pays tribute to SW animation from the 80s...


so the next question is :)




Q. Which obscure location mentioned in AOTC was originally depicted in an 80s SW cartoon ? Which cartoon was it ??



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Originally posted by guybroom

A: Ok so here is a very random guess:


Is it the Sub Terrel from Droids???


Very much a random guess


Interesting. That wasnt the answer I was after but you may also be correct :) Just let me know when sub terrel was mentioned in AOTC... (I have a feeling it is at a very similar time to the bit I am after !)


[EDIT] This has been up over a day now, so I'll move on. The answer I was after is Bogden, mentioned my Jango in AOTC. It is also where Boba Fett originally appeared in the animated segement from the SW Holiday Special IIRC....


* * *


New Question


Q. TPM included *three* tributes to GLs friend and fellow filmmaker, Steven Spielberg .... what were they (hint- 2 have already been shown in pics elsewhere in this thread) ?



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Q. TPM included *three* tributes to GLs friend and fellow filmmaker, Steven Spielberg .... what were they (hint- 2 have already been shown in pics elsewhere in this thread)

1. E.T.'s species senators in the galactic republic senate.

2. Indiana Jones in the crowd at the Boonta Eve race on Tatooine

3. Jedi Master Yarael Poof looks like the tall alien in Close Encounters of the third kind.


I believe this is what you're looking for.


Q: Really easy one. Which of Luke's hands is cut off in ESB?

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Interesting. That wasnt the answer I was after but you may also be correct :) Just let me know when sub terrel was mentioned in AOTC... (I have a feeling it is at a very similar time to the bit I am after !)


It's mentioned by whatshisname who tells Obi-Wan about Kamino. He says "i havnt seen one of these since i was prospecting on Sub Terrel"

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Q) Which SW language is an actual language (mostly, at least) spoken on Earth, other then Basic? Who speaks it (in the movie)? Where on Earth is it spoken? Why was it used?

I'm going out on a limb here, but I believe you are referring to the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand, or Aotearoa as they call it. The name of the language is the same as the name of the people: Maori. I believe it is the language that Jango and Boba share when they talked on Kamino.


Temura Morrison (Jango Fett, matured clone troopers, voice of Boba Fett in OT SW DVD) is a famous actor from New Zealand who happens to be Maori. I recommend you watch him in Once Were Warriors. He's one bad@$$ dude!!!


I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for.


In either case, I would like to ask another question.


Now to mix things up a little:

Q: What Star Wars ship can be seen in Spaceballs??

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Firstly - Guybroom, can you confirm Sub Terel is in the droids series ?? (Im assuming youve seen the DVDs)


Secondly, Jedispy. With regards to Yarael Proof, was that specifically referenced somewhere, eg, sw.com I will give you a point however :)


but the *specific* thing I was looking for was anakins "Its working! Its working !" in TPM. Quoted by Lucas as an homage to ET once again, when they get the 'phone home' working :)


Q: What Star Wars ship can be seen in Spaceballs??


I'll leave it in as a curiousity jedispy :p Try to keep subsequent questions on or about the movies :p



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Originally posted by jedispy

I'm going out on a limb here, but I believe you are referring to the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand, or Aotearoa as they call it. The name of the language is the same as the name of the people: Maori. I believe it is the language that Jango and Boba share when they talked on Kamino.


That may also be true (I've never heard of it, though), but what I was going for was actually Sullustan (the language spoke by Nien Numb, Lando's co-pilot in the battle of Endor). It is a language that is spoken in Kenya, and was untranslated for ROTJ due to the fact that there was not enough time to make a unique language, so they left it, assuming no one would really notice (although when it played in Kenya, they sure noticed).

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7



Firstly - Guybroom, can you confirm Sub Terel is in the droids series ?? (Im assuming youve seen the DVDs)


I havnt seen the DVDs :(


Also I said that the answer was a complete guess. I had no idea if it is right or wrong. But you sound convinsed, astro, so can i havew the points?

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

That may also be true (I've never heard of it, though), but what I was going for was actually Sullustan (the language spoke by Nien Numb, Lando's co-pilot in the battle of Endor). It is a language that is spoken in Kenya, and was untranslated for ROTJ due to the fact that there was not enough time to make a unique language, so they left it, assuming no one would really notice (although when it played in Kenya, they sure noticed).


I see. Well I can't prove that Jango was actually speaking Maori (it sounds like it to me, but I don't know the language well enough to say that it is certain.) So I would say I was not correct in the answer. That's pretty cool though. Didn't know that about Sullustans

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guybroom, you are actually incorrect, it was Bogden after all....but I'll give you a point because it actually was a droids cartoon Bodgen wasmentioned on :)


* * *


Interesting about the sullustans. I dont know about the maori bit. I have some maori clients but im sure they havent seen SW, so I cant verify it :) It is a possibility tho :)


* * *


Back to the question at hand


Q: What Star Wars ship can be seen in Spaceballs??


EDIT - No takers it seems.... jedispy, you may have to supply us with the answer :)


* * *


New Question


Q. What STAR TREK ship appeared in a SW movie. Which ship ? Which movie ? When ?


bonus : pic



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  • 1 month later...

Heh. It looks like this thread went back in time too.

jedispy, you may have to supply us with the answer

O.k. so I asked

Q: What Star Wars ship can be seen in Spaceballs??


The answer was the Millennium Falcon.



As for the question in play....I'm going to guess the Enterprise. I don't know which one, and I don't have a pic.


I'm going to guess The Phantom Menace. When is probably in orbit around Coruscant.

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