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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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heh...weird dejavu. You can have the point jedispy. It actually went unanswered last time. The Enterprise flies around repeatedly in the background in TPM behind the queens chambers on coruscant...


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Q. What was the designation of the flight leader whose squadron assisted in the mission to rescue the chancellor...



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Originally posted by guybroom

have i gone crazy or has the thread appeared again the the other trivia thread dissapeared?


yes you have gone crazy ! RUN !!!


well, you probably noticed/read that the servers messed up in a large way. So we hav ebeen restored to a 'backup' that was made on Jun 11... as a result, the original thread is restored and the v2.0 thread disappears !!


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Back to the question !


Q. What was the designation of the flight leader whose squadron assisted in the mission to rescue the chancellor...



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Q. What was the designation of the flight leader whose squadron assisted in the mission to rescue the chancellor...

The squad leader is Oddball.


Q: Other than in the prequel trilogy, where in the original trillogy do we see Nemoidians (the Trade Federation Aliens)?

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Originally posted by jedispy

The squad leader is Oddball.


Q: Other than in the prequel trilogy, where in the original trillogy do we see Nemoidians (the Trade Federation Aliens)?


Oddball !! Correct !


jedispy, I share your CCG background so I know what you mean, but this is clearly an EU question.... :p


For those interested, the Neimoidians are an offshot species of the Duros(from near corellia). They appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina in ANH. When TPM came out, the similarity to the Nemoidians was striking.... I even started a thread on it at TFN, where most people called me crazy! Eventually, it was woven into the Duros history via EU/RPG




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New Question


Q. Excluding droids, how many arms get severed in the saga ? Whose ?


(I know 'how many' questions are bad, but this one is manageable enough)



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O.k. fair enough. I will concede. I seem to remember hearing that it was a cannon thing now, and therefore not EU. However, now when I go starwars databank, it lists them as seperate species. rats.








O.k. so as not be guilty of spamming:

First off, are we specifically saying ARMS ONLY, or do we count upper body appendages such as hands, wrists, elbow joints, etc....


TPM: no limbs cut off (that I can remember)

AOTC: Zam Wessel's hand, Anakin's hand. I'm going to go with 2 (even though countless Genosians are cut apart.)

ROTS: Count Dooku's hands are cut off (2), Mace Windu's hand is cut off (1), I want to think that Kit Fisto's hand was cut off, but I can't confirm it. I don't know if any Clones have hands cut off. (there are plenty of heads. Greivous (who is not really a droid. He's a cyborg) had 4 arms cut off (I think that's the right count)

ANH: Ponda Baba's arm was cut off near the elbow (1)

ESB: Luke's hand cut off (1)

ROTJ: Vader's hand cut off by Luke (1). Taym Dren Garyn's hand was cut off on the skiff fight (1). I'm thinking that was all.


So here's my count: 13 upper body apendages.


since I'm more than likely incorrect (hope I'm not) I am passing on the question.

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Chase and Jedispy can have a point. I should have clarified arms/hands etc :p


Yes, Mace's hand was cut off only.... see below


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New Question


Q. Name 3 similarities between a Tie Fighter and a Jedi Starfighter in ROTS era


3 point bonus : pics




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I don't know who is correct, but since DarthMoeller didn't ask a question, I will.


Q: Galactic Basic is the most common language spoken in the SW movies. What is the second most common spoken language?


(FYI, Galactic Basic would be the language of the viewer. It's pretty much English, but whatever language the version of the film is in is called Basic)

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

Ahh. Well, do thats what TIE stands for. I knew it stood for something, but not sure what...sounds like I was wrong. :( O well, I had 2 out of 3.


you were right too Moeller. The ILM guys deliberately made the inside displays resembles the inside of a tie fighters as seen in ANH... see pic below


Of course the Twin Ion Engines is correct from jedispy, but since Moeller was first he gets the points :)




Jedispy's question stands


Q: Galactic Basic is the most common language spoken in the SW movies. What is the second most common spoken language?




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Originally posted by Sabretooth

That will either be Ryl (Twi'lek Language) or Huttese.


I think it's the latter.


If right, pass!


No one speaks Ryl in the films sabre.... many speak Huttese though. Even the songs in ROTJ(old and new versions) were written in Huttese...


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New Question


Q. Which ANH character featured in a deleted scene from Episode I ?



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

correct ET :) I quite liked that deleted scene...


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New Question


Q. Why was it necessary for the Death Star II to stay in stationary orbit around the moon of Endor ?? *think*




What was in the deleted scene? I only have the video of the films. I'm gonna get all 6 dvds if a box set comes out with ROTS.



A: The shield generator was on Endor. While the shield had to be up, it could not move out of orbit.


Another possible reason which i think is too far fetched, is that Palpatine kept it there as bait with the shield generator as a decoy. therefore, when the rebels found out about it, they would be captured on Endor and in the space battle, where they would be caught off guard when the Death Star shows that it was opperational.



But i am drawn towards the first answer. Take them both!




Pass if correct

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The deleted scene was Little anakin having a little brawl with Greedo, and at the end of it one of the kids says that his temper is going to be the end of him one day...or something to that effect.


As for the orbit, I'm guessing you meant to ask why the DeathStar is in a geo-synchronous orbit around Endor..


Edit - this is to remove my foot from my mouth, it appears that geo-synch and stationary orbits are synonymous.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Edit - this is to remove my foot from my mouth, it appears that geo-synch and stationary orbits are synonymous.


hehe pwnt by astronomy :p


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I'll give guybroom the question as he came close enough to the answer...


the DS2..... still under consruction, at the start of ROTJ the superlaser is not yet operational. In addition, and just as importantly, the hyperdrive is not operational. This is why it got placed near endor to begin with, as the stationary orbit will allow for the shield to be generated from the moons surface, making it less vulnerable to attack...


so the answer was because the death star2 was immobile... which is sort've what guybroom said, but the shield was up because it couldnt move, not the other way around ;)


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Q. How many alliance ships made the assault on the first Death Star ? How is this significant for the ANH SE ??


EDIT : In many sources, it was stated as 30 ships. 30 ships howveer did not appear in the 77 release.(You can count most of the pilots in the debriefing scene though). ILM put the full 30 in for the SE. Nb. The Falcon is nit counte din this number as it was not involved in the actual attack on the DS.


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New Question


Q. Why does Grievous refer to Obi-Wan as 'The Negotiator' in Episode III ?


EDIT2 : This is an EU question moreso, so I am changing the question....!


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Q. What were the 2 major scenes that were re-inserted intothe ANH SE ??



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Astro - make up your mind on the questions!



A: I'm gonna say that they put in the Jabba/Han scene by the Falcon.


And the Biggs/Luke scene - but I'm not sure about that one. I havn't seen the SEs for sooo long.




Q: Who said "I've got a funny feeling I'm not gonna see her again." ? What was the context?

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