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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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guybroom and jedispy can have a point each.... speaking of which I must update the points tally :)


* **


New Question :)


Q. Apart from Jabba himself, who else was added into the Jabba meets Han scene that was reinserted into ANH SE ?


Bonus : who played him ?



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. Apart from Jabba himself, who else was added into the Jabba meets Han scene that was reinserted into ANH SE ?

Boba Fett.


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Bonus : who played him ?

Mark Austin



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Originally posted by Nalukai

Peter Diamond. He actually played 4 different characters in A New Hope:




Tusken Raider

Death Star Trooper

and Garouf Lafoe (the pilot that informs the stormtroopers about obiwans short fight in the cantina)


Q: What 2 items are used as extra asteroids in the Asteroid Belt scene of ESB???

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think jedispy didn't mean which actor played multiple characters, but which character was played by multiple actors.

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Heh. Yeah let me clarify:


Q. What somewhat-main character in ANH was played by two different actors? (The voice and body of Darth Vader does not count, neither does any stunt person filling in for an actor, and again, this is for a somewhat-main character in ANH)

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omfg did anyone read my re-edit...


TK 421.... mark hamill and a no name uncredited storm troper.. ( if you like i will be happy to name to list of 15 that were in the uncredits..)


i thought i read it the wrong way but i am certain about this answer because there is noone else conviencable to play a different part with 2 different characters with a mask on and a mask off... ty and drive through sir for ur total..


now answer my ? whjat 2 items were protrayed as asteriods in ESB without lucas' prior knowledge until the final take

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Originally posted by Nalukai

omfg did anyone read my re-edit...


i thought i read it the wrong way but i am certain about this answer because there is noone else conviencable


now answer my ? whjat 2 items were protrayed as asteriods in ESB without lucas' prior knowledge until the final take


calm down Nalukai, and welcome to the trivia thread, where obvious answers are never as obvious as they seem :p Many of us have learnt this, now its your turn !


I think Jedispy could referring to Greedo, plyed by two different people, this was due to a re-shoot :)


One could get technicial and argue that the original fat scottish guy who played Jabbaa nd spoke all the lines Jabba speaks was replaced TWICE by a CGI Jabba and by another voice over....


>>>I will let jedispy confirm the answer


* * *


The answer to Nalukai's question re-faux asteroids is

'potato' and 'running shoe' :)


* * *


Not unlike Nalukai's question...


Q. What piece of kitchen hardware gets blown to smithereens somewhere in the Coruscant space battle in ROTS ?


I'll give anyone an extra 5 points if they find a pic of it :)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. What piece of kitchen hardware gets blown to smithereens somewhere in the Coruscant space battle in ROTS ?


I'll give anyone an extra 5 points if they find a pic of it :)

A kitchen sink



I pass unless I think of a good question soon.

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Originally posted by guybroom

Are you sure that's a sink? it's hard to see in that pic.



I'll ask a question:


Q: Who is Wat Tambor? What does he do?


The leader of the Techno Union, he summoned the meeting of other Seperatists on Geonosis as seen in Ep II.



I pass :o

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Well done Moeller - 6 points :)


I'll keep my out open for a better pic, but thats all that seems around atm


* * *


As for guybroom's question, this is very close to EU...


Q: Who is Wat Tambor? What does he do?


as far as the movies go, Wat was a senator that eventually became one of the separatist leaders. He is among the leaders seen in AOTC and ROTS, and does get dispatched by Vader on Mustafar. There's alot more on this guy in EU, but thats not relevant here :)


* * *


Q. What body gesture did a suited Vader do in ROTS that he never did in the OT ??




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Originally posted by guybroom

Q: Who is Wat Tambor? What does he do?


Wat Tambor was a member of the seperatists in AOTC and leader of the Techno Union Army.


Crap....looks like I was just a few minutes late.


o.k. to answer astrotoy's question

...body gesture....suited Darth vader...


It is his hands stretched out looking upward:



Or at least I think so.


Back to my previous question, the actual answer I was looking for was WEDGE ANTILLES

This snippet from star wars databank provides further info:

taken from Star Wars Databank

Actor Denis Lawson -- who is Ewan McGregor's real-life uncle -- played Wedge Antilles in the classic trilogy. Although the script identifies him as Wedge Antilles, and the voiceover is the same, that is not Lawson sitting beside Mark Hamill during the Yavin briefing. Lawson was unavailable that day for shooting and another actor filled in. This has led to fans identifying that particular Wedge as the "fake Wedge," although it is intended as the same character.


Q: Of the following, which was never a General:

a. Kenobi

b. Solo

c. Derlin

d. Calrissian

e. Madine

f. Veers

g. Tagge


***BoNuS*** 1pt

There are 3 Imperial admirals mentioned by name in the OT. How many REBEL Admirals are mentioned in the OT?

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The only one i can guess is Bren Durlin.


I think the highest rank he held was colonel during the movies but eventaully became a brigadiere general.. dunno if that counts


kenobi was general in the clone wars

solo and cal were generals in the assautl of the second death star


veers was the imperial general that at-at walker gets flambeed


and general madine was mon mothas advisor.


that right?


no bonus points for me cuz i have no clue on that one :(

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For the Wat Tambor question, i only meant in the films, that he joins the sepratists and is head of the techno union army and gives his droids to the cause - I did not mean to go into the EU



Originally posted by jedispy

***BoNuS*** 1pt

There are 3 Imperial admirals mentioned by name in the OT. How many REBEL Admirals are mentioned in the OT?


I'm going to say 6:


1) Obi-wan

2) Han

3) Lando

4) crix mandine

5) Carlist Rieekan

6) Jan dedonna


But I expect ive missed 1 or 2

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Originally posted by Nalukai

The only one i can guess is Bren Durlin.


I think the highest rank he held was colonel during the movies but eventaully became a brigadiere general.. dunno if that counts


You are correct!! However, Bren Derlin was a Major in ESB. As far as I can tell, he is not a character in ROTJ. At least if we was, he wasn't played by John Ratzenberger (a.k.a. Cliff Claven on Cheers)


Originally posted by Guybroom

I'm going to say 6:


1) Obi-wan

2) Han

3) Lando

4) crix mandine

5) Carlist Rieekan

6) Jan dedonna


But I expect ive missed 1 or 2

Ha ha!! tricked you!. Those guys were all Generals, not Admirals.


Astrotoy, may we keep my bonus question as the next question in play?


There are 3 Imperial admirals mentioned by name in the OT. How many REBEL Admirals are mentioned in the OT?
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Q: Lucasfilm Sound Engineer Ben Burtt is famous for his inventiveness in making sound effects for the movies. However, he also appeared in a star wars movie. Which Star Wars movie was it?


**Bonus point**

Which scene was it?

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