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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Originally posted by guybroom

Q: Simmilar to Jedispy's ....


Where is Anthony Daniels' cameo (minus the suit) in Ep2?

I could be wrong, but I believe he is int he cantina on coruscant when the 2 Jedi go in. I'll wait for confirmation though before asking a question.

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A: without really thinking about it, i'm gonna say "may the force be with you."




(not in order)


ep1) Qui-gon and obi

ep2) obi, ani and probably padame

ep3) ani and obi

ep4) obi and han, leia

ep5) luke, leia and han

ep6) admaral (sp?) akbar, luke



pass as i'm probably wrong

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Well, that prase is said in every movie, and though I was thinking of "I have a bad feeling about this," "may the force be with you" would also be a valid answer. Though I do not have the list of who says "may the force be with you" in each movie, I can confidently say that Luke NEVER says that line. Weird, huh?

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

I can confidently say that Luke NEVER says that line. Weird, huh?


really? that is odd...


but as for the "bad feelings" i think that the answer is


ep1) Obi-wan talking to qui-gon at the beggining

ep2) Anikan in geonosis

ep3) Obi-wan at the beggining in the space battle

ep4) Luke as they see the death star

Han in the garbage compactor

ep5) Leia in the giant slug's stomach

ep6) C3PO when he is in Jabba's palace

Han with the ewoks





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Correct on the first one. At first I thought it was because of something like the corrupting power of the Dark Side (which doesn't make sense because it didn't mess up Dooku in AOTC).


If you watch the scene, you will actually see that the close proximity of Windu's lightsaber is arcing the bolts back to Palpatine.




I suppose if lightning shot me in the face, I'd be fugly like the Emperor too.


I'll let someone else ask a question

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Actually I'm pretty sure guybrooms second answer was right, not the first. Here's a good explanation:

Originally posted by Redhawke

From what I understand GL told Ian McDermid(sp?) that basically through EP 1 and EP 2 to treat the Palapatine character as if he were wearing a mask one that hides who he really is. He also could be older than he looks and when he was holding off Mace he had to drop his disguise... later he claimed that fighting the Jedi deformed him, it also garnered him extra kudos from the senate.

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jedispy, thats a pretty awful bootleg you have there :p


* * *


EV-9D9 was the droid that enjoyed torturing other droids in jabbas palace, in ROTJ.


* * *


The "Ive got a bad feeling about this" topic was actually asked very early in this quiz. Dont waste space by regurgitating such things


* * *


New Question :


Q. What was special about the waterfalls ILM created for Naboo in episode 1 and 2 ?



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Originally posted by Chase Windu

I think I heard that the waterfalls were sand, being poured instead of water.


close....it was actually salt... but I'll give you a point anyway :)


* * *


New Question


Q. Name the segments of ep1 and 2 where Padme isnt being "herself" ?



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Actually I'm pretty sure guybrooms second answer was right, not the first. Here's a good explanation

Good explanations are nice and all, but actual movie footage shows the force lightning hitting Palpatine in the face. For example: Decipher's SWCCG has a good explanation of Ki Adi Mundi as being the only Jedi council member that was not a Jedi Master. However, actual movie footage from ROTS falsified this when Anikan said there has never been a non-master on the council. I mean no disrespect, but movie footage is cannon. That's why we never hear anyone ever talking about the "Bogan" or planet Utapau (from GL's first draft of SW). Unless it's in a SW movie, then it is either non-cannon, or it is EU


EDIT:EEPS!!! O.k. so I was wrong about Utapau. It is mentioned in ROTS. It's where Kenobi kills Greivous. Still my point is the same. Unless mentioned in a SW movie, SW information is either EU(accepted but still non-cannon), or non-cannon(not accepted).


jedispy, thats a pretty awful bootleg you have there

:devscare:<sheepish>Officially I know nothing about any bootlegging. Officially, the images I have are taken from third parties whose identities are unknown.




Anyway, segments of ep1 & 2 where padme isn't herself.


EP1 I would guess is whenever her decoy Sabe is filling in (such as at the Gungan sacred hiding place) However I am not sure if this is correct because although she was not playing Padme Amidala the queen of Naboo, she was playing Padme the handmaiden. You'd think that it would have made sense for her handmaiden code name would be Sabe, but I guess I missed that phone call when George Lucas wanted my opinion. :laugh6:


EP2 is in the beginning sequence when Zam Wessel blows up the Naboo cruiser, and Padme was actually a pilot onboard one of the starfighters. :naboo:


If right then:

Q: In AOTC, who was it that wanted Padme Amidala dead? (hint, the answer I'm looking for is not the Trade Federation or Nute Gunray)

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O geez...I want to say Palpatine/Sidious but I'm going to say Count Dooku.

Zam tried to kill Padme be she was hired by Jango who was recruited by Dooku.

*waits for correct answer in anticipation*


I really need to crack open my DVDs and watch them again.


yes Chase, that's right. (Jango does refer to Dooku by the name Tyranus, so Obi Wan doesnt make the connection when on Kamino) Of course, we can assume that Sidious is directing it all but it is never openly admitted in any movie dialogue.


* * *


Q. What's the difference between a booma, a bongo and a fambaa ?? :p




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The bongo is the Gungan submarine in which Qui-Gon and Obi with Jar-Jar travelled to the Theed palace.

The booma is a Gungan weapon, the deadly round balls in Episode I which are thrown by hand, sling or something equivalent of those.

The fambaas are the huge four-legged dudes carrying the shield generators in the battle of Naboo.


Pass it, baby!

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Astro, in the old trivia thread (v2.0 - got deleted, remember?) you said that there would be a score tally or something like that. (I'm going to guess it's something like you had in the EU trivia thread, in my brief experiance.) So where is it?


Q: What is the last English word spoken in ROTJ (not including the singers in the score.)

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Not sure if this is correct, but in the message he wanted the it retransmitted to Coruscant (since his holonet transmitter was too damaged to make it to Coruscant alone.)


I think it was in hopes that the Jedi council would send reinforcements.


pass if correct.

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well i'll say it's right:


I was thinking that because he said it in the arena when they were captured, I thought he was waiting for Anakin to be there or captured or something. I guess i hadnt really thought that one out too well.


But I suppose that you got it right.

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Wookiees have life debts.


Pass on question.

Lets start making the questions harder. THe ones so far seem pretty easy.

Not so fast. That's only one species. There are more than one. The question actually implied plural (is "species" plural, or is it specieses or something like that?)


So far you're only partially right

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