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What do I need? To make a NATIVE TONGUE GF?


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GF is a great game.


But in my country, few people knew it, mainly because of her language difference.


As a deep-lover of GF, I am dreaming to make my native tongue GF and introduce her to all my friends.


But I don't know what do I need to make my dream come true.


I have ScummRev, and a voice recording device, and a whole translation of her dialogue content, but I don't know what softwares or computer languages I should have too?


At least, if I couldn't replace Manny's voice with mine, what else should I need to replace the subtitle into my own language?


I am deeply into such things now, please could anybody give me some advices? If I know the motheds I will learn them at any cost! Thanks!

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To get your voice into it, you would have to edit and replace every one of the 7000 voice lines, and even then the lip sync would be wrong. So, in my opinion, not worth it ;). I recommend only changing the subtitles.


(And, when you are done, email it to me, and I'll upload it to The D.O.D.. I can add a language pack sention to the site :). If anyone has any they've done already, send them in)

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So many thanks, buddy!


I tried ScummREV, but it can only extract things from the game, I don't know how to rewrite a text/voice file and replace it into the game again>_<, what equipment or knowledge should I have to use or learn??


I want to translate GF into Chinese.


As for translation, that's easy, it only needs time but not much technique, the problem is how I can make this translation into a file that the game can recognize?


A language kit? This sounds great!!Is there any softwares that can directly generate a thing like that? Can ScummREV do that?

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OH, This mothed really ROCKS!


It's easy, I have plenty of time to do the translation




The only problem is when I type Chinese character (just like: ÎÒ°®¡¶Éñͨ¹í´ó¡·) into it, the game itself CAN'T display it normally!!


Could anybody tell me a way to make the game just accept non-Latin characters as well?

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Hmm... you'd have to edit the game font. It's probably a sprite bank, which you'll have to add your symbols to, and there's be some sort of a configuration file where you tell the game which characters are where.


Well atleast that's how the adventure programming language I use does it ;).


By the way, how do you replace files in the game files? I still don't know

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Oh, a shame that actually I know nothing about computer languages.



GF has a file "GRIM.TAB" that contain all the dialogues and comments.


Following neon_git's thread above, I use ScummREV 2012 to decrypt this file to "GRIM.TXT", then I can make any changes I want and save it, then rename it to GRIM.TAB again, and put it back to the game folder (better not overwrite the original file), it's that easy.


But now can you teach me how to change the game's font? And make it recognized? Thank you James Issac :D

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I looked in DATA0000.lab with SCUMM Rev, and I found at the beginning some LUA scripts beginning with _ (e.g. _dialog.lua, _system.lua). These seem like the files where they set the configuration stuff up for the game, right? If that's true, then one of these should set up the font.



Edit - ignore all that. The font files are .laf files in DATA0000.lab. There is treb13bs.laf, ComicSans18.lab, kino14.laf and ocr10.laf. The number is probably the font size. Unfortunately SCUMM Rev can't convert these files to anything else, or view them. But you or anyone can see if you can find a way to get these into ttf or something, then you could add your characters. I don't know much about this 'hex editing' stuff, so I won't be much help ;)

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