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Can real levels be made?


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I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but can complete levels be made? By this I mean can someone take all the different creations people have made to make a, say, a recreation of a scene from one of the movies?


For instance, could I take, the Kamino landing pad map that was created, add in an Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett models and have them fight? I would also like to for the Obi-Wan model to use the same hilt he does in the movie, and for Jango to not use a lightsaber.


I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but I don't know much about making maps and stuff, and I'd rather take the time to make an accurate recreation of a movie scene than see some clonetrooper or battle droid models running around with lightsabers.

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Thanks for the tip, but what I really wanted to be able to do, was build my own sp levels. For instance, like the death star level that you have for that mod, except I'd like for there to be loads of stormtroopers about and only have the ability in this instance at least, to select from Han, Luke, Chewie or Obi-Wan.


But maybe that kind of thing is asking too much of the game.

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