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Your JTL Stats


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I know everyone is talking about the CU right now so Ill give us something new to talk about :D . What is your JTL stats right now, of course me meaning how far have you gotten xp wise in space.


Im 4/4/4/4 (Have been like that forever) I just am lazy and am about to get master :D , so what about you guys?

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Mastered. I wanted the jacket, heh; I wear it instead of the usual Imperial uniform jacket. And the pants are the same colour as the ace helmet.


Now whenever the urge grabs me, I go to Kessel and blast rebel scum out of the sky. Still don't like the Ace TIE, wish they'd used the original experimental models instead of drawing up these new ones.


Only been to deep space once. Was checking out the star destroyer when some rebel interrupted. Couldn't be bothered to go back after that. Maybe whenever I max out my prestige.


Still want them to add llambda shuttles.

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yeah they better add shuttles and more mp ships like that. maybe add some shuttle missions too, where you're transporting important people, like a local moff, and maybe the dark lord himself!


i'm only like 1111 or something. i can't get past this one part cause the shuttle i'm supposed to disable just likes to wreck my ship.

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I know someone who considers them self an "Ace" just because they supposedly got Jtl first. Yet they are at 3/2/2/2 because there "Comp froze on them".


If you find a traumpoi on Interpid tell him to stay away from all the cool ppl lol. :cool: .


And im not Master! Now what to do? Suggesttions?

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