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Galaxies says something is old about my Graphics card?


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Hi all,just installed Galaxies and clicked on play ,but it said to me that "the application has detected old ati video card drivers,which could have known issues that could cause a crash" ,what do I do now ?


My computer has is brand new and so is the video card that came with it ,does anyone think my pc will crash if I play SWG ?


Thanks ,




P.S. Here are the cards specs :


Chip Type: RADEON X300 SE (0x5B60)


DAC Type: Internal DAC(400 MHz)


Memory Size: 128 MB


Adapter String: RADEON X300 Series

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Well, the drivers are basically the software that makes the hardware work, in this case your grafixcard.



Go to ATi and see if there is a newer driver version there, download that, read the instructions first before installing the newer driver version.


Go here if you have trouble finding the downloads page.

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Well, click the here link above, then press Windows XP Drivers and Software (I assume you have XP :) ), then RADEON obviously :) , then Catalyst 5.4 Windows XP - Driver Download, then choose the top download in the list that comes up below all the instructions and Notes if you have highspeed connection, or download 1, 2, and 4 (skip #3) alittle further down in the slow speed connection section if you have dial-up connection.


Alternatly, if you know you have Catalyst Control Center already installed on the machine, download the second download if you have Highspeed connection, or all 4 downloads in the slowspeed section if you have dial-up.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest DarthMaulUK

Playing galaxies on dial up is possible. But I have 8 meg broadband and i lag like hell.


If broadband is possible where you live, get it



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Originally posted by Tyrek_Morsso

Dang...... Ive been looking into getting sattelite, where i live only direcway offers it though. The estimate said connection speeds of 500k, would that do ok?


Be wary of satellite internet if you are a gamer. Wireless broadband is known for it's high packet loss on the upload. You'll not notice this browsing, streaming videos, or say, downloading songs. However, gaming requires intenseive packet exchange both up and down between your connection and the host server.


You may want to query the satellite provider on this before getting the service.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

The pre-req of broadband was for playing in space I believe, not the ground game.


But it seems, atleast according to a friend, that 56K'ers have been screwed to play even the ground based game now after the Combat Upgrade came out.


You'll be kind of hard pressed to find any modern online titles that are sympathetic to broadband users. Especially since broadband has surpassed dialup in terms of subscribers in some regions.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I set up a wireless network at home and it was a waste of time. The slighest thing could and would cause connection loss.


Shame really



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I have a standard DSL connection and rarely lag, the only time I do get lag is when there are many people PvPing in the same place, even then it's only for a second and then it passes. You can probly play on dial up but you may not enjoy things like massive PvP and such. You may also rubber band and such more often then others.

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LAG comes from having low RAM mostly. i run on a 512 kb/s not a gig. my pal has 512 mb RAM and i had 256. he lags a little bit every time second for second. he has 1 gig in his connection. i got a 512mb RAM so i do now have 768. i lag only when 2 lairs explode right next to each other and 4 ppl PvP there to.




RAM is 80% of the answer. rest is the connection. besides RAM has become extremly cheap.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I have to disagree.


I have almost 2.gig on my PC and it drops to 1fps. Its the frame rate drop that is the problem due to the server not being able to handle 10 people in one area!



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strange then. oh i forgot background programs. like Messenger even if u close down the windows sometimes the application stays on. try using a startup checker. search on download.com or somthing like it. i could give u a link but i am in china at the moment. i will give the link on this thread when i come home to sweden.

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