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CU Combat Ratings


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Anybody know how the game calculates combat rating numbers after the CU? You know, that number that appears to the right of the character info? I haven't seen any character with a number higher than 80. I play a crafting character with a combat rating of 20 as a Novice Rifleman, Marksman 4/0/0/4. I'm wondering what is the best way to increase my combat rating, taking up Brawler, filling pistol or carbine boxes, or advancing in Rifleman?


Anybody know how the combat rating calculations work?



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Yeah, It is getting up your combat stats. Brawler, Rifleman ect, anything that has to do with combat. But thats for certain things. Such as if your a TKM, then you change it to Novice Rilfman it will be different.

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Yeah, I understand generally that combat rating is related to increasing combat skills. I am wondering more specifically how CR is calculated. As a Novice Rifleman and Marksman 4/0/0/4 with a CR of 20, I filled the first pistol box, but my CR did not go up at all. So, I am wondering how the calculations are made. Would I need to make Master Marksman, or would advancing Brawler increase my CR? Or, having started an elite combat prof, do I need to advance in that to increase my CR?

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Ok, though I don't get any CR points for making Novice Rifleman? (with the additional pistol box, I oughta get another 5 points)


Also, what about the redo of the weapon certifications? Any idea when I'll regain certifications for E11 and laser rifle? Will I get them by continuing to advance Rifleman, or can I gain them merely by getting my CR numbers up? I hear that T21 requires Master Rifleman and Power Hammer requires Master Swordsman.

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riflemen do ALOT of damage though!!! i prefer crowd control of the carbines though...so im master carbineer, trying to get master bounty hunter....and go for some rifleman as well. :) carbineer rules though, cept in some quests, like when you have to talk to an informant, and use improved full auto area on some of the thugs that attack you, and well....the informant gets shot in the face. :D

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