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Kotor 1 Models -> TSL?


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I am wondering if it is possible to take the models from Kotor 1 and transfer them to Kotor 2. I want to use Anakins hilt, but I don't want to wait for the Ultimate Lightsaber project to come out. Even though it is in beta, I still have no clue.


All I am wondering if it is possible, and if someone did it, can you spare any info. I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure it out.:D

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So its illegal to take a mod that someone created? Not the actual files from Kotor 1.


What about an update on the saber project, I mean, I am sure that t7 didn't take his model from Kotor 1, the anakin saber, and make a totally new one if he liked the first one. There has to be a way to copy it.

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Originally posted by rich8722

So its illegal to take a mod that someone created? Not the actual files from Kotor 1.

Maybe, now that I think about it, since it is an original saber, not based on anything, It probably would be ok to take it to tsl. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how this would be done.

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I do not believe the EULA applies to community made stuff. So legal terms community made mods can go from K1 to K2. However, if you did NOT make Anakin's hilt for K1, you must seek permission from the person who did the model to port from K1 to K2.

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Well, its t7's mod, and in his readme he says, quote "You have the right to use my mod for your own personal use and alter the contents anyway you see fit". But he does say I need to ask permission to make my own mod to send out to the community.


This is for my own personal use, thats why I saw no reason in the first place why this would be illegal.


I would figure the model files would be the same, because I have seen some of the model files from Kotor 1, just as examples, and player made mods for TSL, and there is no extra files. I know its not as simple as just renaming and copying files, I am just asking if someone knew how. :D

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You would have to Extract a default saber model from TSL use MDLops to convert it to ascii,then import that model into gmax or 3dsmax, convert my saber model to ascii then rig it with the TSL saber, export and compile. it sounds easy and after you do it once it is but you will want to read the Tutorials in the Skinning and modeling Forum.


You could do all that or wait a week. ;)

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Am I the only one that noticed that just about everything from K1 is already in K2? All of the models, textures, and just about everything else from the first game is still in the K2 backlog of stuff they never used including stuff they didn't even use in K1. It's like they just copied their game on top of the other.

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Originally posted by cate_kroft

Am I the only one that noticed that just about everything from K1 is already in K2? All of the models, textures, and just about everything else from the first game is still in the K2 backlog of stuff they never used including stuff they didn't even use in K1. It's like they just copied their game on top of the other.


There are most of the files from K1 in K2 however there are some that everybody wished were there in particular all of the models related to Mission, Jolee, Juhani, & Zaalbar. There are also other files such as some of the original Player heads and other hit and miss files that have been removed.


Since Bioware had originally started K2 they had already created the framework of what was there for usage. Other things that were removed were things like area maps & models for the various planets from K1. Which means we have no way to import some of the really awesome module areas for reuse such as Manaan, or Kashyykk.

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Oky, I can answer this in a weird way!


One of my classes this year was based upon art history. Contemporay to Modern Art that is. One of the chapters was based upon cypywritten work. Whats is leagal and what is illegal! In the art and buisness world, there is a catch to what is legal and what is not. Bare with me!!!


What is copywritten:

1. Anything that is original work.


What is illeagal copywritten:

1. Anything that is someone elses original work being released as is and profited by another artist. Otherwords, you releasing someone elses work and claiming it as your own.


Oky, here is were copywritten work becomes legal to rerelease:

1 Any original work that is manipulated and does not represent it's original state. Therefore, you can bring KotOR I work into KotOR II if you manipulate the original design. As long as it does not look exactly the same as the original, (change color, some textures, etc...), then it is completely leagal to do so.


Now, I studied about 1000 + pgs on this stuff. In art history 'Andy Warhole', conteporary artist of 1960s POP culture, replicated 'Coke-a-Cola' bottles in a massive painting. Several artists in the 60,s70s,80s,90s, and today do this. In the 60s, there were court cases that artists end up winning, for they took someone elses original work, in POP culture, and replicated them in a manner which they nolonger represented their original qualities.


"As long as the KotOR I textures are manipulated" in some manner, it is completly legal to bring them into KotOR II. Completely Legal.


-Sorry for any misspelled words!

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