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The Promised Land MOD recruits..


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Originally posted by tylerjk

Can you use the dialogue with rukil after you find the promised land journals and bring them back to him?

And I just need a computer it doesn't really matter what kind or anything I can edit the dialogue with it after you make the script, and I need it at these coordinates 283.73, 112.72, 1.50.

Hoping this can help compensate the computer problems soem of you are having :)


Just use the module OnEnter event. Extract k_ptar_a04aa_en.ncs and rename it to old_a04aa_en.ncs (check if it's the correct module...)


And make a new k_ptar_a04aa_en.nss tp spawn the computer:

void main()
 object oEntering = GetEnteringObject();
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 if (GetIsPC(oEntering))
     //check if the object is already there to avoid multiple objects
     if  (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("computer_tag_goes_here")))
              CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "container_templateresref", Location(Vector(283.73, 112.72, 1.50), 0.0)); 
ExecuteScript("old_a04aa_en", OBJECT_SELF()); 

The computer should be there whenever you visit the module but you want the computer to be unlockable only after a certain event, you can use a conditional script for the .dlg with the computer.


...or if you want the computer to spawn only after a certain event, just add a condition in the script, somehting like:

if (GetGlobalNumber("GLOBAL TO CHECK FOR GOES HERE")==x)

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Um, well, hmm, that scrip kinda doesn't work for what I need. It will only fire once cause you will never talk to rukil again after the promised land and also I tried a script like that and a third thing it needs to be atached to a dialogue actually, I don't want to replace any script there is already we need a new one.

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