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What is the point of Stealth?


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Originally posted by Smilodon

Yea, stealthing through an area full of enemies without being spotted and then rewarded with XP would be a nice feature, beside some additions in combat that many of us want. Or perhaps minor quests that can only be solved using stealth (similar to Mandalore's room on Dxun) could also make it more useful. Let's see what KOTOR III will do :)


That would be excellent.


PS - How could you use stealth in Mandalore's room???

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In the building where you first meet Mandalore in his camp on Dxun, there is ramp leading to a locked door. If you normally run up to it, Mandalore will stop you. If you switch into stealth mode, he won't notice you, so you can go up the ramp and unlock the door to loot his room ;)

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Well I'll give you an example of Stealth that I utilize in most every game and it's so much more fun than merely "charging" them like a raging bantha. :)


On Dxun when you are eliminating the Sith around it's opening, try utilizing this skill here. Pick a high level in stealth and demolitions for this then put yourself in stealth and walk towards your first objective which is the control center next to the ship. I like to use stealth to lay mines at the feet of the sith troops and then decloak to take them on. As soon as they move BAM!!! all dead wtih minimal effort and since I "killed" them max exp. points.


Then utilizing stealth again (after you run foothold scen.) lay mines all around the entry to the walkway of the tomb. Then proceed up the left side laying mines watching for new sith coming from above. If you are in the way get out or they won't run all the way down. You can take your time then once all of the sith run past you on the ramp to lay a few more then head back through your minefield to the "ship terminal" to run foothold.


After foothold clears even more sith from the area you can now head back over to the entry way and with your other party members charge a vastly decreased (defensively) sith base.


For me that's a perfect example where stealth can help you out greatly. :D


Also it allows you to do certain quests or at least get the pert. info. on them. ;)



General Kenobi

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