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linking .dlg within a .dlg


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balk! :fist:


OK, I know I have done this before at least I think I have.. hehehe.. but for the life of me I cannot link to another .dlg from within a .dlg :confused:



I've created a dialogue entry such as:

+ Disguises
|_ +Are You Sure?
  |_ YES (script [color=yellow]hak_disguise[/color] fires to launch other .dlg)
    |_  (pasted copy of node to Main Menu)



//Initiates Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises .dlg -( hl_cloakworks.dlg )
//Author: andargor

void main() 


I've also tried a script using OBJECT_SELF instead of GetFirstPC(), but to no avail...


Is there an include that perchance needs to be in the compile? (I've tried "k_inc_debug" & "k_inc_utility")


I'm at a loss because the Hak Pad's "Upgrade Bench" function is the exact same layout and it launches "k_workbench_t3" (which is a .dlg file)...


Does the "YES" reply need another "reply" or "entry" node and fire the script in those?


Please help the the script/dialogue-tard® please .. hehehe :D



@andargor, I renamed the .dlg file during testing because the .dlg and the .ncs were named the same... wanted to cut down the confusion (on my part) ;)

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Originally posted by Darth333

Depending on how you see this, perhaps the CONVERSATION_TYPE_COMPUTER could be more appropriate in this case? It will show you the computer interface. Just my $0.02

Cha-Ching :D


I'll be sure to give that one a try too! Thanks :)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I'll definitely try that.. though would I need the "CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC"?

The last two parameters are the default values, so it isn't neccessary to specify them if you are happy with them. CONVERSATION_TYPE_CINEMATIC would play the .dlg file like a normal conversation between two "people", so it probably wouldn't look so good in this case. I don't how the calling dialog is played, but I think it would look best if they are both of the same type, IMHO.
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Worked like a CHARM! :D


Thanks Tupac and Darth333! :emodanc:


//Initiates Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises
//Author: andargor
//special thanks to Tupac Amaru & Darth333 for the proper script

void main() 
DelayCommand(0.5, ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(),"hl_cloakworks" , FALSE, CONVERSATION_TYPE_COMPUTER));

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