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The SW KotOR and The Sith Lords Trivia Thread


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A to Q2:Hey, I am not sure whether the saber crystal question still stands, but it is Solari, found on Korriban. (don't you only find one Upari also on the unknown world, or is it random too?)


Q: (that is, if Vladimir doesn't have one) What is the name of the Zabraks armor that is sold to you by Eli Gand on Kashyyyk? Clue: he was the Zabrak that was really scared for his life after raiding a sith warship so he used his fortune to make the armor, but he was killed anyway.

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Vladimir-Vlada answered Ziost (or Korriban, but in that case, your question doesn't really make sense)to your question, so if that is wrong then the question still stands, and you shouldn't post a new one.


2. Only one active question at a time. If you believe your answer is correct, you may ask a new question. If you are only speculating on the answer (eg I think the answer is...but I'm not sure...), you cannot ask a new question.


If Vlad was speculating, then what was the real answer???

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Well, first I wasn't the one that asked the question about the sith council, and secondly, I was just answering because I thought that Ziost was the answer, and finally, I was answering a second question asked by somebody else.


Oh, and by the way, you only get one Eralam crystal also (off of Dak Vesser's body).

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hey, is it too late to join? Im in the sw film trivia thread and i just finished TSL for the second time (i should play it some more at some point) the other day.


Cant see a question in play and im not going to read through the whole thread so ill leave it.


[kinda spammy post]

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Vandar - Either died during the battle, or on Katarr.

Zhar - Presumably died on Katarr.

Dorak - Presumably died on Katarr.

Vrook - Went into hiding on Dantooine.


The crystal question isn't in play guys, besides, none of you are completely right so far. You've all forgotten Mantle of the Force, and Heart of the Guardian. Then there's Solari, and the Upari Amulet. Pretty sure that's it, but it doesn't matter much anyway.

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1. @RobQel-Droma: Excuse me, it seems you are right, you didn't ask thàt qeustion... :fist: I should really learn to double-check on who posted what before I go ranting... Again I apologise...


2. @Mono entirely correct. Although Zhar and Dorak are surely killed on Katarr, Vrook names them.


3. New Q: How many different party npc's are there in both games combined?

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hey, is it too late to join? Im in the sw film trivia thread and i just finished TSL for the second time (i should play it some more at some point) the other day.

Glad to see you in on the action guybroom!


* * *


Q: What does Jolee make when you request he make something for you?

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