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^ stop making faces at me!


< Will see new Terry Gilliam (a.k.a. New God of Cinema) film tonight. It will be cool, but I'm looking for to his next one, Tideland, a little more.


V has an arrow in his shoulder and is feeling queesy from all the butter.

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^ Oh, yeah. Didn't you storyboard that one movie where they were fighting in space and there was that dude in a black suit and a prissy robot and a chick with cowturds on the sides of her head?


< Did not get to see Gilliam film tonight. Is bitter.


V Is bitter just in general.

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^ Therefore is calling me a cannibal because I ate chicken today.


< Had a dream I went back to my old school yet went during the middle of the night when no one was there.


V You have things sticking out of your back. Just thought I'd tell you.

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