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gotos yacht/characters


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Im on gotos yacht but keep dying what are the best characters to take with you my best combo is visas and hanharr.I wanted to take kreia coz she has better force powers than visas but i only have two lightsabres mine and visas's and i cant change them to a different character.Any ideas.Thanx :lsduel:

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Im on gotos yacht but keep dying what are the best characters to take with you my best combo is visas and hanharr.I wanted to take kreia coz she has better force powers than visas but i only have two lightsabres mine and visas's and i cant change them to a different character.


I often use Visas and T3M4. Visas as group leader (since she has decent charisma) and for Force powers and saber attacks, and T3 as a target dummy and for hacking computers and unlocking doors.


Since T3M4's renewable shield uses no charges he can just reactivate it whenever it drops. So I use him to get the attention of the Sentry Droids and draw their fire while Visas finish them off. Have T3 dual-wield upgraded Ion blasters and he can help out with the droid killing as well. :)


And there's an extra bonus for T3 on the yacht as well that no other character can get, as far as I know...

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I say T3 because his alright at this point with blasters and he can download stuff to boost his stats also bao dur if he's a Guardian if not i say Mira be she goodwith two blasters and her and T3 can hold their own until you get your character.

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I always go with Mandalore and HK47. Mandalore is proficient at both melee and blaster attacks, and has tons of life because of high constitution. Hk is always good because like Mandalore he has huge amounts of Vitality, and is exceptions with blaster weapons, not to mention you can fit him with tons of upgrades.

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I always go with Mandalore and HK47. Mandalore is proficient at both melee and blaster attacks, and has tons of life because of high constitution. Hk is always good because like Mandalore he has huge amounts of Vitality, and is exceptions with blaster weapons, not to mention you can fit him with tons of upgrades.


Finished it now and i did it with hanharr and visas but used hanharr as lead coz of his strength. :)

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First time around I used Atton and Mira. . . very bad match up.


I found the best team for me was Handmaiden and Visas (admitedly I hit the yacht so late in the game that by that point ANYONE would have been capable.), but the only reason I chose that pair was because I was hoping they would argue.


However, T3 is a must if you reach the yacht early in the game and pair him up with whoever has the highest vitality.

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