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How many Jedi were on katarr


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Here's how I would write it :devburn: ...


If K1 Light Side:



we all know that Juhani and Jolee lived



If K1 Dark Side:



Jolee and Juhani try to stop you. You and Bastilla kill them in battle, right? Wrong. Carth finds them both at the temple barely clinging to life. He gets them to safety and supplies them with his last 2 medpacks before continuing on to "save" Revan (assuming that Revan is female). Of course, he is unsuccessful and Revan cuts him down where he stands.


When Revan and Bastilla arrive back on the Rakatan planet, they find Jolee and Juhani very weak, but nursing their wounds. Bastilla warns Revan of the threat that they pose should they live, but Revan has other plans. Revan offers the two the choice to bow down to him/her or face execution during the ceremony at the temple summit that formally recrowns Revan as the true Dark Lord of the Sith. Juhani, being weak of body and spirit, accepts Revan's offer and falls to the Dark Side. Jolee refuses the offer.


After Bastilla announces Revan's return to power (as we see in the end scene) 2 dark jedi drag the weak and helpless Jolee to the edge of the balcony beside them. (If male Revan) Revan reaches for his lightsaber, but Bastilla places her hand on his and says with a sly smile, "Allow me, My Love." She spins with her doublebladed saber and promptly lops off Jolee's head! As it bounces off the edge of the balcony and into the crowd below, the crowd cheers in thunderous applause! Now THAT is a Dark Side ending!


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After Bastilla announces Revan's return to power (as we see in the end scene) 2 dark jedi drag the weak and helpless Jolee to the edge of the balcony beside them. (If male Revan) Revan reaches for his lightsaber, but Bastilla places her hand on his and says with a sly smile, "Allow me, My Love." She spins with her doublebladed saber and promptly lops off Jolee's head! As it bounces off the edge of the balcony and into the crowd below, the crowd cheers in thunderous applause! Now THAT is a Dark Side ending!


After several complaints from people who lost relatives in this gruesome manner and blamed it on KotOR, the ESRB decides to give KotOR a new AO rating :D

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If K1 Dark Side:



Jolee and Juhani try to stop you. You and Bastilla kill them in battle, right? Wrong. Carth finds them both at the temple barely clinging to life. He gets them to safety and supplies them with his last 2 medpacks before continuing on to "save" Revan (assuming that Revan is female). Of course, he is unsuccessful and Revan cuts him down where he stands.


When Revan and Bastilla arrive back on the Rakatan planet, they find Jolee and Juhani very weak, but nursing their wounds. Bastilla warns Revan of the threat that they pose should they live, but Revan has other plans. Revan offers the two the choice to bow down to him/her or face execution during the ceremony at the temple summit that formally recrowns Revan as the true Dark Lord of the Sith. Juhani, being weak of body and spirit, accepts Revan's offer and falls to the Dark Side. Jolee refuses the offer.


After Bastilla announces Revan's return to power (as we see in the end scene) 2 dark jedi drag the weak and helpless Jolee to the edge of the balcony beside them. (If male Revan) Revan reaches for his lightsaber, but Bastilla places her hand on his and says with a sly smile, "Allow me, My Love." She spins with her doublebladed saber and promptly lops off Jolee's head! As it bounces off the edge of the balcony and into the crowd below, the crowd cheers in thunderous applause! Now THAT is a Dark Side ending!


Really liking that ending vey cool.

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