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Sasha and Milla

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*Blush* I'm uh...I'm female. Sigh...ah wounded pride. ^^

I'm thinking of switching all of the fics on my website to Fanart Central. The formatting is SO much better. (>.< I think I've given up on Fanfiction.net.)


I'll tell you how much I adore your story as soon as I have time to read it...at the moment I'm quite busy.




Does the format matter? Psych-fiction is fantastic no matter how ugly the format is, foo!


I knew you were a girl, homie. I saw your picta' on your bio. (vurry pretty. Love your eyes.)

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Does the format matter? Psych-fiction is fantastic no matter how ugly the format is, foo!


I knew you were a girl, homie. I saw your picta' on your bio. (vurry pretty. Love your eyes.)


Hehe, thanx.


Yea, I know it doesn't matter...it's just sort of annoying having to put all of those spaces in between paragraphs.


(It really is a pity FF.Net is evil and lets sections like Ping Pong, Tetris and Solitaire in but not Psychonauts when I ask for it...and email them several times...sounding more and more irritated each time I do...stupid ff.net.)

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Hehe, thanx.


Yea, I know it doesn't matter...it's just sort of annoying having to put all of those spaces in between paragraphs.


(It really is a pity FF.Net is evil and lets sections like Ping Pong, Tetris and Solitaire in but not Psychonauts when I ask for it...and email them several times...sounding more and more irritated each time I do...stupid ff.net.)


Besides, there's too mch stuff there. How do you filter out the crap? You don't, that's what. And it turns into FF.NET. And then it goes around being a total game-ist, and hating psychic people.

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SORRY ZETS-DARKE! Youre user name sounded like a boy... So Sorry! Anyway its my first fic so I'll try to fix that spacing and the do more than font changes for flashbacks. I really thought the prologue sucked from the start so thanx to Kila for telling me what exactly was wrong with it now i have an excuse to edit it a bit without confusing everyone about the sudden changes! hehe! Though I did like what I did with chapter 1, typing chapter 2 and am still trying to brainstorm for chapter 3... I was thinking of sending them to each others minds for a change(I'm giving out the story! :-p)...But I'm still not quite sure...Tnx for the comments!

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SORRY ZETS-DARKE! Youre user name sounded like a boy... So Sorry! Anyway its my first fic so I'll try to fix that spacing and the do more than font changes for flashbacks. I really thought the prologue sucked from the start so thanx to Kila for telling me what exactly was wrong with it now i have an excuse to edit it a bit without confusing everyone about the sudden changes! hehe! Though I did like what I did with chapter 1, typing chapter 2 and am still trying to brainstorm for chapter 3... I was thinking of sending them to each others minds for a change(I'm giving out the story! :-p)...But I'm still not quite sure...Tnx for the comments!


Your welcome. It is a really good idea. (I have trouble writing new characters and Sasha and Milla.)


*Here lies the body of something that was once witty*

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Heh. I'm just reviewing Chapter 1.


It's excellent and superb except in a few places. But I seriously was blown away by how in character they were in.


The only issues I have is this.


yada yada... soo predictable…”


This is really hard for me to imagine Milla saying this. The whole dialouge sounds a little bit too percise for here to be saying as I found her dialouge to be a lot more general.


“Correct” interjected Sasha. “Are you ready?” as his cigarette lost its flame and flicked away.


The as his cigarette part needs to be placed in with the interjected Sasha.


as they hopped into a flashy red sports car and drove off to their mission


Milla's dialouge is spot on. However this reads too vauge as it goes from a specific moment of time, her talking, to an extended moment of time, them driving off, in one sentence.

They arrived at the man a few minutes later. The guards at the entrance asked for their identification.


Try to add some senseory words so the readers get a feel of where they are. No that doesn't mean making them taste things, and you don't have to do all five. But it would help to describe a bit by sharing. Basically showing not telling.


You are very good with dialouge and Sasha is again greatly expressed. However your transition lines need a bit of work.


The guards checked then checked their I.D.

This is worded strangely and rips the reader away.


as the guards flagged the car towards the entrance.


Take away the as and it will be fine. Or they speculated as... Something along those lines.


He thought of the pitiful lives they're in.

Why would he suddenly think of the pitiful lives he is in? Also the sentence makes it seem as if he is two people. It's not that it isn't a good idea. It just needs to flow better.


Sasha walked into Psychonauts headquarters for the first time. He marched up to its lobby. He tried his best to conceal his excitement amid the hustle and bustle. He then saw a burly looking man holding a bunch of papers


He walked up the stairs. He saw a man. He waved hi. These sentences are a little too short and choppy making the flow strange once again.


When Sasha opened his mouth to say something Milla was for once actually hoping he would say something meaningful but what came out was


“There, we should be able to get inside the mansion and find the vice-president before he does any real damage.” He pointed into a set of double doors.


Milla nodded remorsefully as they walked away from the crowd, turned themselves invisible then slowly opened the doors and crept up inside.


Best segment ever.

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Oh, it was meant to be like that I always wanted to have a suddden change of pace when writing, keeps people from being bored by reading overly long details! Hope you don't take it against me! The guard thing was typographical error. Tnx for noticing


I don't take anything against you. This is your story I just am saying my opinion. A lot of people think different things.


I like editing. It keeps my brain resourceful.

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Vocabulor might eat everyone.


I did it well.

Good night.


I always get mixed up. And I have a splinter in my thumb.


That did take me a while to figure out. It made me learn that the English language sucks in terms of grammer.


Seriously, Psychoporn. Put spoiler tags on, lest I have this spoiler censoring eel eat your soul. And I'd hate to do that.


If only to have my sould still intact will I listen to your request. I'm having it sold on E-bay for three bucks and they're still betting on it.



It's 11:00. One more hour and I get to show you all the Fred's thong.


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I have no idea what you're talking about! But I'm so excited!


If you get too excited then it won't be exciting. Put your hopes down. Crush them and give me 20 soldier!


Why does any army comment suddenly sound like Coach Oleander's saying it?

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Off topic? OFF TOPIC?!?!!? Dude, if mighty God-blor didn't instate me as Vocabulor I would've taken up a position of Loki the Chaos God. (its pretty chaotic to have a real god name in that weird list) So don't tell me about OFF TOPIC. Ever survive a TGTTM hate war on the [AS]Forums? *shudders* I am a forum refugee.

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Off topic? OFF TOPIC?!?!!? Dude, if mighty God-blor didn't instate me as Vocabulor I would've taken up a position of Loki the Chaos God. (its pretty chaotic to have a real god name in that weird list) So don't tell me about OFF TOPIC. Ever survive a TGTTM hate war on the [AS]Forums? *shudders* I am a forum refugee.






well i don't need you. i'll make my own thread.



see you tommorrow

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