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Could anybody please give a list of the enemies present in the game?(I don't have it, but I'm wanting to set a Star Wars RPG campaign in that era, and I don't know what enemies to use). If possible, give some stats about the enemies too... Thanks in advance:)

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Download KOTOR tool, go to RIMS, select the module you want, and you can look at the NPC's stats, appearence, weapons, etc... Just don't look at "904mal", though. If you haven't played the game, there are massive spoilers there. You don't need to worry about buying KOTOR tool, it's free.

And what are doing here, asking aboout the enemies when you could be saving up money to get the game with? Oh, if you don't have KOTOR I, I'd recommend that you get it. TSL doesn't do a very good job explaining the events of the first game.


Here's a summary of the enemies you fight: (For a Dark Side character)


Peragus II: Weak mining droids. Later on Sith Assassins and Sith Troopers. Oh, and one assassination droid.


Citadel Station: Thugs, mercenaries, members of the TSF. (They're like the police.)


Telos' surface: Mercenaries, cannoks (little pests that eat ANYTHING).


Abandoned military base: Assault droids, turrets, and a tank droid (A droid built for taking out tanks).


Polar region: Three assassination droid, the Handmaidens if you choose to spar with them, and the last is a spoiler.


Nar Shadaa: Various aliens, thugs, bounty hunters, assassins, Ubese, and LOTS of droids, and a spoiler.


Dantooine: Kinrath (they're like big spiders), laigreks, kath hounds, merecnaries, and a spoiler.


Dxun: Cannoks, malraas, bomas, a zakkeg, and a force of Sith Assassins. Later on, Sith war droids, Sith Troopers, Dark Jedi, and three Sith Masters.


Onderon: Thugs, memebers of the Onderon military. Later on, Royalist troops, Sith Troops, Queen Talia, and a spoiler.


Korriban: Tuk'ata, shyrack, Sith Assassins, visions of your past, and Darth Sion.


SPOILER: Sith Commandos, Dark Jedi, and turrets.


The Ravager: Sith Commandos, Sith Troopers, Dark Jedi, Darth Nihilus.


SPOILER: Twisted humonoids (Storm beasts.)


SPOILER: Sith Commandos, Dark Jedi, Sith Assassins, Sith Marauders, Sith Masters, Darth Sion, and a spoiler.

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Thanks a lot! Btw, the game's story is already kinda spoiled for me, I've already read as much as I can about it! :) The problem though is that I can't seem to find it at retail stores... I might have to use Amazon.com to buy the game... It seems wonderful...


EDIT: Oh, unfortunately it seems that I need to have KotOR/KotOR II installed to see their respective NPCs/Enemies...

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