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Is it a pun, or am I reading too much into it?


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Something rather odd about the character Visas Marr. It seemed to me her name is a slight twist on many different foreign words for "see". For instance, according to an online dictionary, in Portuguese ver or veja means see. In French vois or voyez means see. In Italian visitare means see. I mean, is this coincidence? But to take it one step further, I know for a fact that in Spanish, mar means sea. And mirar means look or something to that effect. Once again I ask: is this mere coincidence? I think not, but perhaps I'm a little too paranoid. *Laffz*

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Not much of a discussion starter. Stuff like this happens a lot - Nihilus was derived from a latin word that means "nothong", Sion was derived from a sect of masochists in the Middle Ages, Vader means something along the lines of "dark father", and it's obvious what Traya, Sidious and Bane were derived from.

What's there to be paranoid about?

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eh, I don't know. I mean, just funny when you got see, sea for a girl that doesn't see. but then I also noticed Mandalore's sense of humor when he said "Kiph in the cantina could probably do something with this. We should head back."

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I agree with The_Maker. Thats not humour.

I doubt it's a coincidence.I mean, lookat all the other Sith names, like Emperor Devon pointed out. Other Sith names are just as easy to discover their meaning. For example: Nullifus - Nullify (to kill/extinguish), Malak - phonetical pronunciation of Malice, Revan - beggining of Revenge (on Malak for his betrayal), Plagous (Sidious' Sith master) - Plague. It can't be a coincidence.

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