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Confusing things about KOTOR II


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I am very confused about a couple of things in KOTOR II:


1. If Kreia helps you grow strong in the Force and helps to make

you powerful up to a certain point, why does she try to kill you

either a) along with the remaining Jedi Masters if you're Light Side,

or b) after you've finished them all off if you're Dark Side? It seems

to me that if Kreia wanted you dead from the start, she would have

tried to demoralize and weaken you instead of strengthen you, eh?

Also, if you become a Sith, how come Kreia turns on you anyway?

I know she's Darth Traya, but you've obeyed her until the end!


2. I think it really sucks that ultimately, all the influence I strove to

gain with Kreia counted for nothing in the end. I've played Arcanum

before, and there WAS an option in that game to join the arch-villain

and aid him in his diabolical plot. Why could have I not yielded to Kreia

and become Darth Exile, helping to destroy the Force as per her wish?


3. Is there a Dark Side equivalent of Revitalize? How do you learn it?


4. Is there a way NOT to duel Master Vrook or any of the other Jedi

after you've followed the "dark path" on each of the four planets?

I thought it was kind of cool how you could tell the mercenaries on

Dantooine that pretentious Master Vrook belonged on Nar Shaddaa!


5. Can you equip overlays and underlays on robes, or just underlays?


Thank you all, and may the Force be with you!



Padawan Learner Tysyacha

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First of all, welcome to the Forums.


Second, the game is actually incomplete. The devs ran out of time so they had to cut ALOT of the story out. There is a restoration project going on that lets you get these "cut contents" but it is still being worked on.


The influence you get with Kreia can be helpful. She shows you some cutscenes, I think about Sion and Nihilus. As to why she, still tries to kill you, I don't entirely understand myself, so I don't want to tell you the wrong things.


Vrook has to be fought if you side with the Mercenaries.



Here's a link to all of the force powers in TSL. I don't see an equivalent of Revitalize though:




Robes can be only upgraded with underlays.

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4. Is there a way NOT to duel Master Vrook or any of the other Jedi

after you've followed the "dark path" on each of the four planets?


I dont think so, you need to follow the light path to keep from fighting them. If you go the dark path, they assume youre their enemy.


I thought it was kind of cool how you could tell the mercenaries on

Dantooine that pretentious Master Vrook belonged on Nar Shaddaa!


Yeah it was and youd think that if you tell him this and then you go help Khoonda instead of Azkul that this would keep Vrook from fighting you because he intended for you to leave him in the mercenaries custody so he could negotiate the safety of Khoonda, but unfortunately for some reason he considers you an enemy because of this but yet scolds you if you help him escape.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought about what kreia said. She said that galazeys always need their betrayers which is why she betrayed you whatever side you choose. But i thought you are the betrayer if you are dark side and it turn out it was her. I got confused when i played dark side and she betrayed you because you have "failed" her.


I thought if i didn't kill the last remaining jedis and gather all of them on dantoonie and kill them right there. But i didn't and instead kreia did. I wish that happens instead of kreia doing what she did. I tried that one time as lightside and i was disappointed.

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Yeah I wonder why her killing the jedi masters is okay but you killing them somehow fails in Kreia's eyes, either way they die which is what she really wanted anyways it seems. I like the light side encounter better though because I like her storming in there and zapping all those jedi masters, it really does make them look pathetic.



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I am very confused about a couple of things in KOTOR II:


1. If Kreia helps you grow strong in the Force and helps to make

you powerful up to a certain point, why does she try to kill you

either a) along with the remaining Jedi Masters if you're Light Side,

or b) after you've finished them all off if you're Dark Side? It seems

to me that if Kreia wanted you dead from the start, she would have

tried to demoralize and weaken you instead of strengthen you, eh?

Also, if you become a Sith, how come Kreia turns on you anyway?

I know she's Darth Traya, but you've obeyed her until the end!


I don't see any real problem, if you desappoint her... I understand she could find stupid you to try and kill all the masters.

But I dont remember her trying to kill me with (or after) the jedi masters, either in LS or Neutral S (which is, on my mind, the natural way of playing).


Any way the big problem in TSL in inherent to the game and unavoidable. Since it has a linear, pretty detailled story, and few very different ways of playing it, the "writers" had to fine way to get every play to the same milestones.

But I cannot say they have done this well without talking of critical missing content... (After the first travel around the planets, the story become nearly stupid (on my mind) to match with the DS way).

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That brings up another interesting question: When, exactly,

or how was the Force Bond between the Exile and Kreia

broken? If you die along with Kreia on Malachor V, then

who or what is flying the Ebon Hawk out of the wreckage

(LS ending) or remains on Malachor V (DS ending?)

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I think the Exile is killed at the end of the game, but you did have companions, you know, and the Exile never piloted the Ebon Hawk; Atton did. If you went Darkside, I guess the companions wanted to use the Trayus Academy or something.

There is also the possibility that the Force Bond was broken by Kreia at some point. If you ask when the bond was BROKEN, I ask when it was FORGED?

In my opinion, I just think that all this was explained in the original game, but then the creators released it whithout finishing it, and confused us all just to make an extra few million dollars.

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Kreia never truly betrays you, that's Atris' role. Let me explain, on a personal level, she needs this, she needs you to validate her teachings. You are a Jedi that exists outside the Force, a Jedi that has no destiny, no fate, but the one that you MAKE for youself. Her previous students Sion and Nihilus failed to understand this and became slaves to the Force. She needs you to let her know that she was right, that there is more to life than the Force.


So how can she make sure you come to this understanding? That you realize your true potential? She is going to send you through the longest and toughest training she can think of. You'll have to face down the Sith, the Jedi, your past and everything in between, all the while learning to control the Force, to believe in yourself, not the other way around. And at the end when you've beaten her and you at least can make the decision about what you wish to do with your own life, you've completed your training.


So ultimately, it was all a test, to see if you were strong enough and could trust in yourself over the Force.

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Kriea in my opinion was fully prepared to go through with her threats but only as a means to lure the Exile to Malachor to complete his training. There is an important scene where she tells the Exile that no matter what happens, no matter how lost things appear to be, to trust in her and her teachings, and if not even that, to trust in himself. In other words, ' I know what I'm about to do is going to confuse the **** out of you, and you're going to feel betrayed, but just remember what I've taught you and who you are and you'll do fine'.



And remember that after Kreia is defeated, she pats you on the back and drops her destruction of the Force gimmick totally.

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