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Two Years, Two Masters


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"Even better!" Falya exclaimed. "That way, we'll know a little of what happens after we're considered dead... don't the eyes, ears, and other stuff function for a little after the head's off?"


She shook her head in partial disgust. "I can't believe we're talking about this so lightly."

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Darth Revan and Darth Sion stood outside, on the temple terrace, overlooking the forets and courtyard. They both ignited their sabers, Revan ignited both of his red bladed weapons, and Sion Ignited his lone saber.


Without a word they charged one another, and began striking blow after blow, each blocking and deflecting the others strikes. It was a whir of red energy as the two Sith engaged one another in a training bout, with the speed and ferocity of actual combat, for what seemed like and eternity, the two Sith continued their bout, each displaying a different form of lightsaber mastery. Revan engaged Sion very aggressively, but with finesse, Revan's strikes, had almost an art in their movement. Sion on the other hand attacked equally as aggressively,though not pretty to the eye as Revan, Sion attacked without the artistic touch, but with a cold calculated efficiency, each strike with a solid purpose, to cause as much harm as possible. THe two locked sabers and with equal force broke away, and spun around.


Sion turned to have Revan's blade near his throat. "And there....Sion.....you would have fallen." Revan panted. "Look at your chest Lord revan, you to are defeated."Sion arrogantly stated. Revan Looked down snd saw the tip of Sion's blade over his heart.

"Well met my friend." Revan turns his saber off, and steps away. "come Sion we have much work to do, the time is almost set for our return to the galaxy. Preparations must be made." The two Sith headed down the hallway back into the throne room.

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