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Two Years, Two Masters


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"Good question...I say that we lay low, no," he looked at the Exile, "flashing our lightsabers everywhere." he looked at her sternly before cracking into a would-be smile. "After a while, we can see if we can charter a ship to take us somewhere where our pressence would be hard to find. Even then, it would only be a matter of time before Sion found us. However, it will buy us some time to prepare and," he glanced at the Exile again, "to train."

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Sion stood in the small cargo hold of his vessel, with his saber ignited, practicing his teqnique. He twirled his saber through the air with alarming speed, all one could see was a red blur spinning around his battered body. His eyes were closed as he did this. He knew that he could not die, or even lose a limb, for the Dark Side kept him together, and without pain, the could be no understanding, no increased abilities.

Faster and faster he twirled his saber, until all one saw was a tornado of red light surrounding his outline. His impressive saber skills had improved 10 fold. His speed was blinding, and his movements masterful.


As quickly as he began, he stopped and deactivated his weapon. He stood silent, and still for a moment, taking in his motions, the current of his actions, and in a split second, turned with all of his fury, and sent a bolt of lightning so intense and powerful through a metal crate in the hangar, that it exploded. "Now you begin to feel the power of the dark side." He muttered to himself.


He stopped, and glanced around the bay. "I can feel your attempt to track me Elron....you will not succeed, I have spent years learning the dark side and all of its tricks. Your feeble attempts to find me, have only revealed your whereabouts. So you sought to trick me, you never left Nar Shadaa, you only hid on the other side, shielded by Nal Hutta, no wonder you were difficult to track. I am coming, this time to finish you, and her." He springs from the hangar, and to the cockpit, to send his shuttle to Nar shadaa. "The ancient world of ZIOST will have to wait, Revan will have to wait, my vengeance comes first. I must possess all or I possess nothing."


The small ship springs back to the cesspit of Nar Shadaa.

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A grim smile twisted Elron's lips, but he hid it beneath his hood.


"He is indeed. Though...we'll say he's not as young as he used to be." a soft chuckle escaped the darkness of his hood. "Argh!" Elron grunted.

Molten fire surrounded his mind. It felt as if a hyperdrive had gone off inside his skull.

So you sought to trick me, you never left Nar Shadaa, you only hid on the other side, shielded by Nal Hutta, no wonder you were difficult to track. I am coming, this time to finish you, and her.

No...no, I won't let you! I WON'T!

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Darth Sion sits in his cockpit and laughs evily, while using the force, to probe Elrons mind. "It is inevitable....It is your DESTINY." He smiles arrogantly. "It is your destiny to die shielding her, and hers to suffer. I have forseen It. It won't be long now, I am coming, for you, for the jedi, for the child, and for HER." He laughs again, and stares intently into space, as the stars whiz by at the speed of light.

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NO SION, NO! You think you know of my power, but you are a FOOL if you think I will yeild to YOU. I will not fall and I will not let you even so much as TOUCH her! "NO!"

Elron finally forced Sion out of his mind, throwing up barriers against the Dark Lord. He gazed around to see the others looking at him. Apparently, he had just yelled 'no' out loud.

"Sion...he knows where we are...he's coming as we speak." he said in a rasping voice. Sweat beaded his forehead and his arms quaked.

It is your DESTINY.

No, it's my destiny to stop you.

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Tysyacha cringed at the young man who had so fortuitously crashed

his escape pod into the hull of the Ebon Hawk. Not because of his

ignorance as to Darth Sion, however; it was because even speaking

of the Sith Lord sent cold chills up her spine. The Exile explained:


"Sion, or Darth Sion as he should rightly be called, is a Sith Lord

who wants to slaughter all of us. He used to be a man, a human

being like you and me, but over time his soul became corrupted

by the Dark Side. Darth Sion feeds on pain--his own pain and

that of others. His broken body is held together by the force of

his will and the power of the Dark Side of the Force. He's strong."


Pausing for a moment, Syscha then confessed her greatest failure.


"I was forced to duel Darth Sion at the Trayus Academy upon

Malachor V. When the mass shadow generator was activated once

more, I thought Sion would surely disintegrate, being dead after

our lightsaber battle. However, by some dark miracle or mystery,

Sion is still alive, and he seeks revenge because I tried to kill him

and subdue his will. If I were he, I might have done the same thing.

He was tortured and broken before, however, by a Sith Lord I'll

only call Traya. Darth Traya. She was the head of the academy."

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Senses the walls around Elron...."it is of no concern, I have already obtained that which I desire. Shield her if you must, but know that you will die trying to save her from me."


The shuttle exits Light speed, just in orbit above Nar Shadaa. The ship glides smooththly through space, as it searches for the Ebon Hawk.

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As the crew chats about what to do, a blank and monotonous voice sounds from behind, "If I may interject, good sirs and madams, if you are fleeing from someone, it may be wisest to enter hyperspace and leave at a planet or moon in which you have many allies." An old protocol droid, the only one of the droids that remained of those who Lussk had... obtained to help him stared at them.


Recieving no reply, it continued on, "From my scanning of the ship, I discovered that the hyperdrive is still fully functional. And although it will be slowed down, the existance of the escape pod will not prevent this Corellian Freighter from entering hyperspace. Also, if the one you are fleeing from is any form of a decent hunter, he or she should soon find you, as you are but drifting. An escape pod will not be a suitable escape vehicle in this scenario. If you would take this pod to seek out a suitable ship to escape on, your only chance of finding one would be to head to Nal Hutta or return to Nar Shaddaa. And, in case you were wondering, the pod, obviously, has no hyperdrive. And, as I said, escaping to another planet or space station or moon with a number of allies that could aid you would be the wisest choice. From there you could obtain a more suitable ship to flee from your seeker."


(OOC: Also, in case you don't know, hyperspace travel isn't nearly as instant as Sion makes it out to be. :p Traveling from system to system will take a very, very long time without entering hyperspace, and even by entering hyperspace, you're probably going at the speed of light, and most systems are probably far enough apart for it to take quite a while for light to reach. :p Just felt like mentioning this.)

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Tysyacha wished to defer the choice of destination to the others

aboard the tiny escape pod. She hadn't expected her second visit

to Nar Shaddaa to be such a fiasco, and she regretted even setting

course for that overcrowded and fetid planet in the first place.


"Tadrick? Falya? Elron? Sir? I'll let you decide where we should go.

I'm sorry I put all of you in this dire situation with my rash actions

on Nar Shaddaa. If we have to return there again, I'll keep my

lightsaber sheathed unless we are directly under attack. I don't

want to lose any of you, because none of us can afford to stand

alone against Darth Sion. He won't rest until we're all dead."

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Elron smiled beneath his hood, "What, d'you expect us to just run off and leave you stranded? Sorry, not gonna happen. Anyway, like I said, our best bet is to set down on Nar Saddaa and charter or buy a ship to get the h*ll on out of here. We really don't have much of a choice. I mean, we don't have a hyperdrive, and Nal Hutta is nothing but a big, poisonus slime ball, so we'll have to go to Nar Shaddaa or else wait to be captured by Sion." The Exile shivered.

"Nar Shadaa is my vote."



((Hey all, I'm not sure but this may be my last post for the night, although I will try to get on later. If not, adios amigos.))

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(OOC: Yes, but it probably took several minutes to get from one place to another. Maybe 5-10 or something. However, should you look at previous posts, as you can see, the battle started (the mercs vs the Jedi) right after Elron commented on how much of a nuisance Falya was. At about that same time (when Elron commented on the nuisance level) Sion boarded his shuttle, launched into space, then charged up his hyperdrive, then headed to the Smuggler's Moon through hyperspace. Note that the battle probably lasted only a few minutes. According to you (at least from my POV) Sion took about five seconds to exit hyperspace. Well, I'm slightly exaggerating, but, nevertheless. I'm probably just being stupid anyway. :p)

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As the crew came to an agreement, the protocol droid walked away. Within a minute, Elron stepped into the cockpit and opened his eyes in shock. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING DROID! Stop the ship now!"


"I apologize sir," the droid quickly replied, "but my orders are to get the Ebon Hawk and its passengers to a safe area. The closest and safest place that the ship has already told me is in the Onderon system." Elron snarled and drew one of his sabers, but before he could get close enough to the droid to punish it, the Ebon Hawk had already entered Hyperspace, the force knocking Elron onto his bottom.


"Well, that rules out the Nar Shaddaa option..." Elron said as he force crushed the droid without thinking ahead.


"What's going on?" Syscha asked as she entered the cockpit. "Felt like we entered hyperspace...." She glanced at the remnants of the droid. "What happened?"


"Let's just say, we're on course to the Onderon system."


"Wait, what?"


(OOC: Sorry for doing this if anyone had any special plans for the Moon, but hey, I've got my own priorities :p at least my good ol' Trandoshan does. ^_^ Besides, the Exile should know that it's safer ovah there than on the Moon. :o Of course, there is another moon to go onto, one with much more friendly denizens. ^_^)

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Sion knew they had just jumped system, he could feel it. He recalled his dream, about the ancient sith system of Ziost, and Kreia's voice echoing, "She will come to you on Ziost, and there you will break her."


"Very Well old woman, I will follow your council, this one last time. Ziost is a place strong in the Darkside, and I can further my strength there. They will come to me when the time is right. Noone will be able to stand against me." Sion toils with his Nav CPU, and makes his jump outsystem, to the ancient Sith world of ZIOST.

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Middle Text Crawl: THE VY'TAKHT TRIAL


Now on course for the planet of Onderon, the

JEDI EXILE and her three companions hope to

find refuge from the threat of the resurrected

DARTH SION. Cramped in a tiny escape pod,

the four have no hope of reliable transportation

unless they find another ship while upon Onderon.


Now one with the Force, DARTH TRAYA appears

to the EXILE in a vision while she lies unconscious.

She tells Tysyacha of a phenomenal and utterly

forbidden experiment with the power of instantaneous

coma--the Vy'takht trial. TRAYA speculates about

the sinister motives of SION and REVAN, telling

Tysyacha that betrayal is her way no more. She

has no one, and nothing more, left to betray...




Warping into hyperspace did not normally bother Tysyacha,

especially with her Nerve Enhancement system lodged comfortably

in her cerebral cortex, but this time something seemed to

have happened. Was it the tininess of the escape pod, the

queasy nervousness she felt, or a sickening wave of guilt

and regret that made her fall unconscious? Whatever it was,

Syscha tumbled over forwards and surrendered to the darkness...


"Exile. My child, my Padawan. Come. Listen to me."


"Kreia?" Syscha heard her voice, a disembodied echo, very faint.


"Aye. Sion and Revan are here, their evil tearing through the fabric

of the Force. I know you are threatened, and I am here to help you.

My actions were dark, and my intentions for the Force even darker,

when I lived within this galaxy. However, gazing out across the empty

wasteland of deep space within my mind's eye, I know this is not what

I want. No life, no stars, no beating pulse of any kind, whether Light or

Dark--I was misled before, thinking the Force a cruel and mindless god,

but I see now I was wrong. The Vy'takht trial will prove it to you.


"What is it? It is a variant of Death Field, utterly forbidden to both

Jedi and Sith because it affects the user of this power as well as

his or her intended victims. No one can save himself or herself

against it, not even corpse-creatures like Sion. Once hit by

Vy'takht, a being is sent into instantaneous coma. Not death,

for this trial has an exit, but if someone destroys the victim's

body while they're in their comatose state--!"


Syscha nodded. She knew the rest. Death on par with Kavar's and Vrook's.


"Here's what I want you to do. Cast the Vy'takht upon everyone

cramped within your escape pod. The one who awakens first is the

strongest one of you all. Once you return to blessed consciousness,

pledge yourself to this one. Obey all that he or she commands, even

if it is to wash his feet or the sweaty clothing that covers his frame.

He or she is the one who will duel against Sion and Revan, not you.


"Who knows? It could even be more than one person who stirs from

their slumber at the same time, but such an event is extremely rare.

All is not lost, but Vy'takht will only work if your will, your passion,

and those of your master or masters are fully in tune. If not, then

Sion will exploit this, and his victory will come that much more easily!


"Do you understand, Dvukhsotnaya, what you must do? Do not lie."


"I understand," whispered Tysacha, tears once again in her eyes.

"Thank you, Master." At the last word, the ghostly Kreia smiled her

subtle smile, put her hand over her heart, and vanished from the

Exile's mind. Reviving, Tysyacha rose up, her heart heavy with grief.


"Forgive me," she told Falya, Tadrick, Elron, and the nameless young

man who had crashed the escape pod into the Ebon Hawk. "Darth

Traya has spoken, and this is what I must do in order to find who

will vanquish Sion and Revan. Vy'takht!" She raised her hands high.


Ultraviolet electricity shot toward the four passengers, consuming

Tysyacha as well as the others. They gently fell, comatose, to the

escape pod floor, as if in slow motion. Gentle, weightless sleep

engulfed them. As to who would awaken first from the Vy'takht

trial--who knew? Only one thing was certain...Tysyacha would not.

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Lussk awoke from his meditation by the sound of a strange sort of rippling energy, followed by the thunking of bodies. He sliced open a hole in the sealed door and popped out, and moved about, sniffing for the passengers. Passing by his destroyed droids, he saw them all. The Exile, the two masters, Falya, and another young man. "Tch," he said aloud. "The stench of human runs deep into all parts of this ship. Now... what to do with these comatose beings. Surely I won't kill them, not like this. No, I shall see how this turns out. I still need to exact my revenge on her. And... in fact, I think I shall." The Trandoshan approached Tysyacha, and whispered to her in Sith speak.


Other than a small amount of twitching, she made no act that would reveal consciousness. But the hunter knew full well that she had heard his words, though whether she understood them was beyond him. As the five slept an unrestless sleep, he rummaged through his back until he found the object he sought. "Gorogaran Mind Probe." The words echoed in his head, bringing back memories of his time spent with Revan in the Jedi Civil War.


"Let's see who these others are..." He stuck the probe to Tadrick's head, and began examining his recent memories, hopefully to decipher who he was. The Trandoshan did the same with all the others, including the Exile. Armed with his new, but unstable knowledge, Lussk hid in a dark corner and meditated. Memories of the old wars flashed within his mind, teachings of Trandosha, his family, his nest-ring (in Trandosha, children were born in nest-rings, which were bunches of nests of several Trandoshans together, and the children learned and played together, kind of like a neighborhood), he even remembered quite clearly the face of Revan.


Slowly he began to chant old Trandoshan teachings in the tongues of the Sith. The three Jedi began to twitch about, as though they could hear his words in their dreams. Vrussk... Revan... Kalden... Golgorra... General... Claw Squadron...

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