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Two Years, Two Masters


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The Exile striaghtened, and Elron released her. She stubbornly dried her eyes.

"Come," she told him firmly. "Let's gather Falya and Tadrick and find out what crashed into the ship. Who knows? Maybe that errant vessel has an escape pod or two we can use."

He smiled. Her weakness and fear had passed for the moment. She was once again the determined Jedi she really was.

"Right, they'll probably want to be informed of what has happened."

Awaken. The Darkness has passed.

Elron felt the conciousness of Tadrick and Falya return as he and Syscha turned into the dormitory. The two of them sat up, rubbing their heads, Tadrick glaring at him suspiciously.



((Okay, I'm gone for good now tonight. Adios. ttyl))

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((hmmm... could someone tell me where you are?(planet) since I'm a bit confused, as you know, if you've read my post. "The man" is looking for Revan, the reason might be mentioned later on same as the name, he is now searching for the Ebon Hawk, and hopefully can find you soon ^^. Just so I know where to look :p, since I'm not sure. Thank you!))


And there was nothing, he didn't find anything. He got deeply annoyed of how dumb he was, the ship who not to long ago destroyed Malachor V, is to hard to find. One of the most famous ships... he went angry away from the Academy and back to his ship. Where should he go? After thinking a while he found out that Nar Shadda, could be a great place to ask around on, all kinds of Repbulic scums, bounty hunters, mercs and lots of more were there, someone had to know something. He started the ship and headed for Nar Shadda.


((I'm sorry for misspelling names and stuff, its a bit embarrassing since I should know it ))

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((hmmm... could someone tell me where you are?(planet) since I'm a bit confused, as you know, if you've read my post. "The man" is looking for Revan, the reason might be mentioned later on same as the name, he is now searching for the Ebon Hawk, and hopefully can find you soon ^^. Just so I know where to look , since I'm not sure. Thank you!))


((Heheh, good question. I'm not totally sure actually. All I know is that we're on the Ebon Hawk and the freighter currently has another ship sticking out of its side. And Sion is out for our blood. Yet, I have no clue where we are...))

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(OOC: Very soon, within the next 10 posts or so, I would like to have a v

very chilling yet deep initiation "ceremony" where I'm turned to the Dark

Side. Either Darth Sion or Elron will be my Dark Master (yay!), so whoever

wants to claim me for my first 'year' of service, emerge and convince me! ;))

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((Will do. Um...Sion, I'm guessing you're not going to take her?


Exile, you fear, and rightfully so, you will try to run, with the two jedi, and the child, but they cannot protect you from me, and you cannot protect them. I will kill them all slowly, and force you to watch, then I will remake you, so that when I look upon you, it will be as looking in mirror. Only then will you truly understand my vengeance, and the power of the Dark Side


So I guess that it'll be my job then...))

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After explaining to Tadrick and Falya their possition, the two went to another room to 'prepare'.

"He has something else in store for her. I can sense it." Elron said.

The Exile nodded, and began to walk out.

"As do I, for you." Elron said, and she stopped in her tracks, turning back to him, a quizzical look on her face.

"I know your fear, Syscha. You fear Sion because of his power, of the monster that he is. You know that you can't defeat him. But please," he drew closer to her, hands on her shoulders, "Let me help you. Let me protect you. Become my apprentice. I can help you beat him. I can show you things that haven't been seen for a millenia. I can unlock secrets of power that can help you destroy him. Join me, and together we can free the galaxy of this wreched monster."





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Tysyacha nodded slightly, but even though her nod was subtle,

the passion and resolution in it could be clearly felt. Whether or

not you were sensitive to the Force, if you were stranded in the

damaged freighter along with her, you would know that Syscha

would dedicate every part of her being to come out victorious...


"When I said sdavayu,, 'I surrender', and sent my message

out through the Force, I never dreamed that Darth Sion would hear

it. As I've said before, I thought he was dead, but now I know that's

not true. I don't know what can defeat him now--not lightsabers,

not the Force, not even the possible breaking of his iron will.

However, that doesn't mean I'll just give up and let us abandon

ourselves to slaughter. I'll fight, and I'll fight along with you,

until either Sion is truly one with the Force, or--" she shuddered

at the thought--"until he kills all of us or takes us as apprentices."


Elron nodded, and Syscha said, "I have an idea. The Ebon

Hawk has become far too much of a target for us to continue

traveling aboard her. I suggest that we gather our forces, abandon

ship, and ask the pilot of the escape pod that crashed into us if we

can come on board. The vessel's small, so it may be a bad idea,

but there are only four of us: you, myself, Falya, and Tadrick, to

contend with. If the pilot says no, then perhaps--! I don't want to

do this, but I might have to use a gentle push, a Force Persuade.

What do you think?" She waited with wide eyes for Elron's answer.

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She starred at him with wide eyes, awaiting his answer. He rolled the plan over in his mind...staying in close quarters with Tadrick and Falya could become a problem...their Force signature would be too great if they continued to follow them...yet Syscha would never forgive him if they left them here to die. No...they would have to stay. For now.

"Alright, sounds like a plan. Come, we should prepare..."

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"Tadrick..." Falya said uncertainly, rubbing her head. "What happened?"


Without waiting for an answer, she went on. "I had a dream. When my father was killed, he told me that my destiny waited for me... that slavery was merely a part of my path and that I would not be a slave forever." She paused. "Forgive me... I'd forgotten that you don't know my story."


She explained how, when she was twelve, her parents were killed by pirates and she was sold into slavery. She explained how she'd escaped once when she was fifteen and then again no less than a month ago... just after her eighteenth birthday.


"Anyway," she went on. "My dream continued and showed me the brutality I'd lived under for so long. At sixteen, I was often put in a cage for things I hadn't done wrong. It was often two days before my owner would release me." She paused.


"When I was seventeen, he realized that I couldn't work efficiently without proper nutricion... that's why I don't look starved. But the beatings still continued." She showed Tadrick a scar on her left arm. "From a vibroblade." She shook her head.


"Then, the dream showed my recent escape," she said. "After I watched myself blend into the crowded street, everything faded to white and my father's voice began saying 'Destiny... destiny... destiny...'. I asked what my destiny was, but the voice only continued repeating the word..."


She fell silent for a long moment. "I know nothing of my destiny..." she finally said. "All I know is that I'm sitting here on a ship I've never heard of with several people I never knew..."

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...and prepare they did. Syscha and Elron quickly found Falya and

Tadrick in the dormitories, packing their meager belongings for what

could be another peril-frought journey. Tysyacha turned to them,

all too eager to explain what had happened and who was after them.


"Darth Sion's not dead. He's somewhere near us in space, searching

for us and hunting us down. I did not defeat him on Malachor V, as I

thought I did. I have no idea how or why he still survived, except to

take revenge upon me and the galaxy. Take heart, though! I think that

the vessel that smashed into the Ebon Hawk not so long ago was

an escape pod from some other ship. Let's contact the pilot and see

if we can get on board. If not, we'll have to persuade him. Syscha out!"


She immediately headed toward the cockpit, the remains of the beheaded

droid slumping over in the pilot's chair, almost falling out. Turning on the

communications system, she beamed a signal over to the escape pod:


"This is Tysyacha Dvukhsotnaya, of the Ebon Hawk. Can you read

me? Is anyone there?" Static answered her over the communications system.

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Tysyacha whirled around, startled. "Oh! I didn't realize...Anyway,

could we please use your vessel if there's any way that we could

separate it from the Ebon Hawk? I think this spaceship has

become too vulnerable to bounty hunter and Sith attacks for us

to continue traveling in it. If we're just in an escape pod, then

I think we'll attract less attention than the former ship of Darth

Revan himself would." She chuckled ruefully. "What do you say?"

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Elron leaned against the door to the cargo hold, arms crossed across his chest. The other two stood next to him, chatting quietly.

Elron's eyes were closed as he was meditating.

Sion...where are you?...What are you up to?... he thought. He scanned through the area, expanding passed stars and planets. Where oh where...

Elron's eyes sprang open as someone approached. He looked up as Syscha and another man turned the corner.

"Who's this?" Elron asked, a little wary of the newcomer.

"He's the pilot of the escape pod that crashed into our hull." she answered.

"Right..." he said, still looking at him, "Well, just make sure that he doesn't do anything...funny. We can't afford any misshaps.

"In anycase," he continued, "Sion's pressence is growing stronger, although I haven't been able to pin-point him yet. If we are to escape him, we'll need to get out of here ASAP."

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((A'ight thank you v much then I'm at least in the right system :D))


The man landed at the docks of Nar Shadaa. The platform was empty and he didn't see anyone near, so the man went for a walk, searching for the master of the docks. It took a while, but he did find him.


"Hello there." the docking master said.


"Greetings! I'm looking for the Ebon Hawk, do you know if she has been here lately?"


"Hmm....the Ebon Hawk you said?" he scratched his head "Well, not to long ago I guess but she ain't here anymore."


"Well, do you know anyone or anyway to get in touch with her?"




"*sigh* well then.......farewell!" The man said and took off.

Thoughts ran through his head: "Where could she go? How to find her and what shall I do?"

He went back to his ship, but didn't take off. Thinking deeply. There had to be a way to track her, but how....? He finally took off, he liked flying so he was thinking to think when he flew round the planet.

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Elron looked around before closing and locking the hatch to the escape pod.

"Good to go." he said, his voice strangly mechanical coming out of the speaker of his enviornmental suit.

"Right, engaging life support systems." the man said.

There was a hum and a hiss as air entered the chamber.

There were several hisses as each of the five removed their helmets.

"We did transfer as much power as possible from the Hawk to this pod, right?" Elron asked.

"Yeah, everything's full."

"Right..." Elron said, a bit nervous despite himself. There was something about flying in this small, cramped hunk of space junk that made him feel like this was a bad idea.

"All systems go."

There was a lurch and a loud scratch of metal as the pod pulled away from the enlarged opening in the side of the Ebon Hawk.

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