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To be, or not to be?


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Are they{snip} unappropriate vocabulary making KOTOR 3 or not!? Geez, they are so lazy! Can't they at least say if they are planning to make it, or if they are making it?! How much is it going to take them, to just write somewhere, ANYWHERE: "We are making KOTOR 3, more details later."


Geez, they only have to type 8 words!!! They can at least say if they are or they are not planning or making it! I am sorry for such an outburst of rage, but this is starting to be REALLY annoying!


Who supports me? :firemad:

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Umm....you might want to switch to decaf.


But otherwise I think it would be silly for them to announce it if they're still months, or even years, away from anything concrete. Too many things can go wrong in the meantime and they'll have even angrier customers.


Don't forget that K3 was being worked on by Lucasarts, but then scrapped when they laid off the K3 team. Imagine if they had announced that K3 was in development, then had to announce its cancelation after the layoffs?


I'd rather they don't announce it until they actually have something to announce, rather than "hey, you know we might be doing K3 in 3 years time. So sit tight for the next three years, okay".

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Don't we already have a thread for those who can't wait anymore? http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=151611 :p


Locking for redundancy.


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