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Kotor Comic Mod?


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Sorry man, I'm not very clear as to what I'm saying when I say it or something...


I was refering to my comment about splintercell graphics, and wether or not something similar could be achieved by using the system the game uses when there are comunications with other npcs, where everything is blue and grainy.

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I was putting my fan art up here, with my moms scanner, and I realized that sketching is the ultimate form of this look, then I realized that it may be possible to print out a texture, trace an outline of the main parts, sketch in the blanks and rescan and use for texture, (look at the Boomstick thread in fanart section, my stuff there isn't actually texture form, but will give you a better idea of how it might look) this may take me a while to figure out the details like scale and stuff,

Would another modder with a scanner and free time be nice enough to take a stab at it as well, even if I get mine to work it would be great to see a different style as well.


Thanks in advance if you want to try:D

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