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Giving Carth Onasi a Republic Admiral Uniform

Nur Ab Sal

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Carth in TSL wears one of many ugly armors that has little common with his position in the Fleet. I think that he should wear identical uniform Admiral Dodonna had in KOTOR - but someone has to produce male version of this item...


Admit that Carth in Dodonna's uniform will look much more elegant and stylisch.



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I have never seen his armor change, but you can edit his modeld and texd colums in appearance with what ever you want. I actually have Carth wearing a reskin of his clothes that I made for k1.


so if you open appearance.2da and replace PMBDM(modeld) and PMBD(texd) with N_RepOff and N_RepOff when you see him he should be wearing the officers uniform. If someone wanted to you could even make a officer cap for him and make it a mask, although getting that on him would require a little scripting, but nothing major.

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Well then, as we cannot yet make new body models


Well, that is and isn't true. We can actually modify any exsisting models with relative ease, but that depends on the model. Some models just don't like to play nice. and we can rig a new mesh to an exsisting skeleton, but its not a simple thing to do and only a couple have been done successfully. You may remember Seprithro's Halo mesh. That was a fully animated mesh so it is possible. the real problem lays in skill, only a couple of us know how to rig a new mesh, and i'm not one of them yet(I haven't tried).


I think that Dodonna's body mesh could be altered to look male, But it might be easyer to just reskin the the officer mesh to look like an Admirals.

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