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WIP: Abregado Casino


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Finally got the Camera/Mirror thang working, so I can finsih the Casino Security Room and The Showgirls dressing room.


Also sorted out getting NPC's moving around a bit better, so my animal fights should work out a bit better now!


Currently trying to get the Endor Siege map finsihed, so this one is going a bit slow at the moment...


But with these things resolved, progress can now continue!

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  • 2 months later...

Happy New Year...


Well, Xmas break is over and work is finally slowing down, so maybe I will at last have time to finish this one off... or at least get it to public testing stage...

If there's anyone interested in private testing I'd be interested to hear back... but as usual I mean proper TESTING and FEEDBACK of the map.


All the best for 2006


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