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Aiding Lashowe


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You have to have high charisma/persuade to open that up. I don't recall the exact number but I remember that a casual effort toward a persuasive PC isn't going to cut it. The KotOR walkthough referenced in my signature might have more specifics for you (I can't access gamebanshee from work).

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You're referring to this line of dialog:

"I'd like to help you retrieve your artifact" ?


The skill in question is Persuade. Your chances of convincing her depend on your Persuade skill level:

0-4: 40% chance

5-9: 50% chance

10-14: 75% chance

15+: 100% chance

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I've never once not been able to convince her to let me help. But then, I am of the opinion that the only three important skills in the game are Persuade, Treat Injury and Awareness. I mean Security and Repair can come in handy, but they are hardly fundemental.


I guess that is why they added that workbench stuff in number two then. :)


Yup most definitively, I don't remember killing her though?

Where did she die again?


Well once you help her you get a few options. Kill her and take the Holocron, Take the Holocron to the Sith guy with her (which ends up with you slaughtering her) and let her take it by herself. I suppose that if you let her take it by herself you don't kill her, but i've never taken that option.


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I've never once not been able to convince her to let me help. But then, I am of the opinion that the only three important skills in the game are Persuade, Treat Injury and Awareness. I mean Security and Repair can come in handy, but they are hardly fundemental.


I guess that is why they added that workbench stuff in number two then. :)




Well once you help her you get a few options. Kill her and take the Holocron, Take the Holocron to the Sith guy with her (which ends up with you slaughtering her) and let her take it by herself. I suppose that if you let her take it by herself you don't kill her, but i've never taken that option.



you never get the chance to take it back with her, and if she takes it back herself she says she got it herself.


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