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stuck, met all 4 jedi, nothing happens...


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Ive met up all the jedi and just finished up on ka...whatever the name is. The sith training planet. I thought this is weird nothing has told me what to do, so I thought it must be back to dantoine, so I go back and low and behold nothing has happened...Ive been to afew more planets and nothing. I have now read you go to dantoine and then the jedi order is back...well ive been inside and tried the door, nothing...


I guess im screwed because my last other save game was narr shadar and I went to izi after that, there's no way I can do all that again. Actually I was going to ask for a save game file, but I guess that will mean different powers etc. Damn. Is there anyway out of this or is my starwars adventure over now? :(

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She doesnt say anything new, its all old stuff.



However. I have since gone back to my old save, and gone through tedious parts ive played before (saving the queen again, the whole damn sith thing again) and again nothing has happened when I went to dantooine. I didnt stop to talk to anyone or nothing. Kreia isnt saying anything new or letting me go. It must mean ive not seen all the jedi after all? I remember the one with the queen, the bearded one in nar shad, and the dead one, cant remember the other one? Maybe Ive not saved them all? On my search to solve it I ran into a massive spoiler that has spoilt the end of the game too, so thats just great!

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just had another go and I dont see what is going on. I replayed from another save game and still nothing happens. I meet that sith in the academy, then i go down the caves, kreia says some crap, I leave. Then what? Nothing! Nothing happens, nothing in the journal. Kreia has no new stuff Ive looked and went over all the same crap. I cant believe it, its really spoilt it now. Also I read the stupid spoiler about revan.



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the jedi masters are KAVAR, VROOK, ZAZ-KIAL and VASH after you seen all of them go back to dantoinne and to the enclave and it should go into a squence


You mean the old jedi adacemy at dantooine? nothing happens. That door that wouldnt open before wont open, the whole place is still in ruins, ive been in. When does anything happen? As you walk where? What a glitchy annoyance

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The masters are not there, kreia anit saying anything, just the usual crap. Its gone horribly wrong. What I dont understand is Ive now replayed from a much earlier save point and still nothing is happening.


Okay Ive loaded it up. this is what happens:


I come out of cave alone, go onto ship, speak to keira, she says "yes got any questions" and then its the usual list of questions I can ask. Am I missing something on korriban? It said I have encountered the remains of master vash on korriban. What could I of misseD?

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Yeh Ive been in the tomb and had all the visions. One thing that happens is when I go to dantoonie, it plays a movie of the handmaidens.


I really wish the moderator hadnt moved this topic, because I feel this is a glitch error not a noob error.


I dont suppose you have a save game file from karriban? i know youd have different powers etc, but otherwise Ill never get to play the end

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if the handmadien movies played kreaia should be gone and you should come bck to the ship and attons been beat up you than need to go to telos back to the acdamy.


the movie it plays is two handmaidens saying about how the sister is an exile and maybe its better she chose it rather than got forced. Its short and weirdly placed. Its only when I go to dantooine this plays, then I land. kiera is still there etc. Ill go try goingback on ship. Also you mention telos?


(also after the sith academy, tomb one karriban, i go onto ship and a small crap movie where that ball goto machine thing destroys the little crappy thing)

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i thought I cant just leave it, Ill have a look around, I went to telos, nothing there, i went to dantooine, looked around for ages, the entire place. Then I got thinking, this vrook guy, I dont remember his face. why. I went in the caves just now, i remember getting the crystal, but hold ****pot! I never got vrook! LOL! there he is! so hopefully itll work now. silly me


Closing so this cannot be 'ressurected' again. -RH

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