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Kotor V

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Grinning with savage anticipation he watched the odd looking humanoids slowly approach him and he let out a mighty roar and leapt into the fray. Gripping a Rakatan's head he crushed it then swung the lifeless corpse into a group of then, he pulled out a pair of thermal detonators and threw them in two directions. Ramming a Rakatans face with his bowcaster then shooting his head off he dropped it then pulled out the Zhaboka.


Turning around he saw 6 Rakatan Warriors slowly retreat but a pair of Rakatan warriors carrying what he thought were those laser swords approach, the one on the left decided to force push just as the one on the right force pulled this resulted in Grauwlth turning to his side and pulled diagonally towards the Rakatan on the right, startled the Rakatan raised his blade, too slow he had a 2 foot long Zhaboka sticking out of his chest. Pulling his Zhaboka out Grauwlth advanced on the second one, the Rakatan roared a challenge and then charged at Grauwlth... to which Grauwlth used his very long legs tripped the Rakatan up and impaled him on the spot.


A rakatan screamed at Grauwlth then opened a formerly stuck hatch of a dropship to reveal a rancor, who easily burst out of his refinement and started to rampage to Grauwlth. Grauwlth kicked the rancor and when it opened its mouth to roar he flipped a frag grenade in its mouth and started running.

Grenades... the greatest creation of war yet...


He looked around and was amazed to see wookiees in the battle.

What in space is going on? Since when did wookiees come scrappin?


Looking around he saw Triko standing with his shoulders slumped over an enormous amount of dead lifeless bodies.

One thing I did right... I did not insult him....

Stepping over a corpse and impaling a Rakatan still whimpering he stopped a couple of feet from Triko.


"Ho! Having fun Triko?"

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*Zaroke looks at Grauwlthz*

"Heheh...Triko look out!"

*Igniting his lightsaber he strikes 2 of the 5 Jedi Rakata with one blow*

"You will pay for trying to strike my friend!"


*Zaroke twirled his lightsaber and he looked into the eyes of the 3 Rakata Jedi, Then threw his lightsaber at the 2 on the left took out a spair single lightsaber and runs after the last Rakata....Zarokes doublebladed lightsaber came twirling back*




*Zaroke throws the single lightsaber to the Rakata Jedi and catches his double bladed lightsaber that was twirling back, Zaroke strikes him down*


"I think that was too easy..............Dammit here comes another wave!"

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Triko grinned and looked at the incoming Rakata, seven of them with a Rakata Force-User as their leader, with the wierdest lightsaber hue he had ever seen. Using the force, he mimicked a sound he had heard from the Rakata generals, calling their troops back. The Rakata stopped suddenly, and then looked around with probably the stupidest look on their faces. Triko force jumped to them and struck one down. Taking up it's lightsaber he deactivated on of his blades and used two of them, twirling them around him and killing two as they rushed up on him. One impaled him self on Grauwiths blade and Zaroke dueled with and killed another. The remaining two backed up and showed thermal detonators in their hands. In what seemed like laughing, they tossed them toward him and his companions and ran away. Triko reached up, using the force to flip the switch on them, and caught them. Looking at the way Grauwith has used them today, I better start a collection of these. They seem very handy.


One of the Rakata ran back, looking at them, and ran back into the blade of a Dantooine Militia's blade. The other one stopped and turned around, only to be nailed in the head by Grauwith.


Several Rancors were still roaming the battlefield. "Well, looks like we still have work to do, my friends," Triko said. "Lets see how good these guys really are."

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Grauwlth looked around and noticed the rancors roaming in clusters and singles, muttering to himself he stalked to a tree taht somehow remained standing through all the blaster fire, climbed up and unhitched his bowcaster.


Looking around he saw a rancor off by itself, taking careful aim he shot it in the eye to which it reared back and screamed in anguish and pain, yawning Grauwlth flipped an adhesive grenade at it and then rained green bolts on it.


He saw a cluster of rancors and prepared to do the same...

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ok, im kinda pissed but i hate when people post friggin 2 word sentences no offense extream jedi but you have submitted like 3 word sentences every time, get into depth! like my teacher says, theres the bones but wheres the meat to eat? If you catch my drift here, try to get more into detail when posting, look at Tysacha in her posts, thats in depth and look at treex, again a fine example of that, your might as well stop the rpg now, so come on, give some detail.

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(Last time I checked, Tysyacha is a female :xp: )


(Indeed, takes a female to manage the love stuff... not that i'm against it :smash:


Oh yeah and I think its about time to wrap up this first scrap dont ya think, I'm getting bored spamming grenades )


Grauwlth looked around from his vantage point, bodies littered the fields of Dantooine, Rakatan, mandalorian and sith ships scattered here and there.


Mmm... scrap's over, i suppose the humans should be starting to return and perhaps fight among themselves... bah.. i suppose I should stay in the cantina...


Grauwlth's boredom sated temporarily he hopped off the tree and continued towards the Enclave...


Stepping in the cantina he was surprised to note that he was not the first, he noticed a pair of sith soldiers off in the corner arguing and a trio of mandalorians playing pazaak with one watching. Shrugging absently he headed to the bar, waved the barkeep over and pointed to the Juma Juice...


"Arrgh! You have a skifter up your sleeve I know it!" Shouted Kilan.

"Ha! Hardly, Daiburr, you just suck at pazaak! Should stop picking fights you just shot Rakatans out of the sky." Replied his opponent.

"Bah, I'm not playing you can have fun cheating Danvec, but I will not be cheated more." Getting off the seat, Captain Daiburr slowly waltzed out of the cantina, noting that a wookiee was at the bar, Hnnh... wookiee gettin drunk, now whatja think of that.....

Lazily dragging his feet he stepped out into the smoky air of the battle dusted Dantooine air, removed his helmet, yawned and headed towards his bunk for an early night.


(Read my character sheet for who Kilan is)

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Triko looked up at the night sky. The Dantooine plains were littered with dropships and dead bodies, which were being carted away. A few, like Triko, were looting the Rakata for whatever equipment they could find. So far, he had a collection of about 15 frag grenades, and a couple of other types. The rest, a collection of lightsabers, stims, medpacks, and vibroswords were taken to the enclave, except for a few that Triko had claimed. Looking up, Triko wondered where the Rakatan were striking from.

They must have a humongous fleet if this was only a small strike force...And they must have set up a base away from detection. Now would be a good time to get a starfighter from the Enclave for my own personal use...


About thirty minutes later, Triko walked out of the Enclave, now owner of a small snub fighter with hyperdrive capabilities. He wanted to go somewhere, fight more Rakatan, but he had no clue where they were. Besides, he might be needed here. Walking across the plains, he looked into the Jedi training rooms. Several padawans were training there. Maybe this would be a good time to think of taking on and teaching a padawan as my apprentice...

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Mmm...hic...i suppose Zilus... wuz right... i dont hold my alcohol well.... hic


Stumbling and weeving Grauwlth made his way to his bunk, stopping briefly to vomit over the rail... (yeah unpleasant scene... a wookiee vomitting....) noticing Triko he waved then continued towards his bunk, where he sat down, stared at his feet for a good long while then went to sleep.

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