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Kotor V

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Zaalbacca: OK, I'll wait here.

<something moves near Zaalbacca>

Zaalbacca: Who is there?

<he hears the sound again>

Zaalbacca: Show yourself.

<Czerka Slavers catch Zaalbacca by surprise and catch him>

Zaalbacca*comlink*: Zaroke, I just got capt.........

<a slaver desteroys Zaalbacca's comlink>

Czeaka slaver: Well, looks like we have another one.

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Alright, so im here, now to find Zaalbaaca, err wats this?

*Comm Link*

"Replay message*

Zaroke, I just got capt.........

*comm link off*

Ok wow, this is bad, this is very bad,this has to be work of the czerka, and i thought me and Zaalbaaca took care of this problem a few years ago, damn, i guess not, though i will slaughter every czerka official to get to him

*A czerka docking officer walks up to Zaroke*

Hello kind sir, wonderful day eh?

Yes, where do the czerka slave traders keep the wookies?

I dont know what your talking about

You will tell me or i will slay u

*opening his robe for the czerka official to see his lightsaber*

Ahh, plz dont, i have a wife! i will tell you anything,errr,

"Tell me or i will leave a note for your wife saying you fell off the side of the railing, does that sound good?

Czerka slave trader: Err, no, i remeber now, its on the great walkway, there is a console, find it activate it and a door will open to your left, the door is on the tree

Ahh thank you!


"Now to get to that console!

*Zaroke master speeds all the way to the council, and finds a console*

"Alright, uh now what? Lets see,

Overide Console

Open Doors

Overload Power Conduct

View Cameras

"Hmm, open doors, there it is, alright then

*Zaroke hits the open door button, the door opens*

*He sees Zaalbaaca but then a czerka slave trader stands in front of Zaalbaaca*

Czerka Slave trader: Wha? how did you get in here and who the hell are you to walk in here upon business?

Zaroke: Im your business now!Let my friend go or you will never live to see this planet again!

*igniting his lightsaber*

Czerka Slave Trader: ohh, go ahead take him, we have no business with you

*Zaroke unignites his lightsaber and goes over to the cage*

Czerka Slave Trader: Get Him!

*the capture him and take his lightsaber*

"Well this was quite unexpecting now wasnt it zaalbaaca? heehe

*Using his comm link, Zaroke calls the wookies*

"Zaalbaaca, you should take over from here"

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Zaalbacca: Gladly.

<Zaalbacca rushes and kills the Czerka slavers>

<He leaves the room he is in and kills more slavers>

Zaalbacca: You shall never make another wookie a slave again.

<He frees captured wookies>

Zaalbacca: Fight for you freedom.

<The wookies kill the rest of the Czerka slavers and free all of the wookies>

Zaalbacca: Thanks, Zaroke. I wouldn't have gotten out without your help. As a token of my appreciation, I pledge a lifedebt to you.

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Master Nayytvan watched as the Rakatan ships were blown out of the sky by the allied forces. Maybe I should have just went to the enclave and gotten a drink instead of waiting here. Or I could have had some foresight and asked for a starfighter, He thought. He noticed another wookie sitting under a tree who looked like he was thinking about the same thing.


Focusing back up on the Rakatan Ships, he waited to see if any drop ships made it down. Only two were able get down and land - that is if you could call it landing. One crashed and blew up seconds later, while the other landed rather hard. The doors opened and out jumped one Rakatan lieutenant, then a Rakatan soldier, then another, then - no one else. Three?! Thats it, three? I thought this army was supposed to be super dangerous, it looks like we didn't need any help. Unless this isn't the real.... He left the thought unfinished.


He only activated one of his bronze blades and force choked one of the Rakatan. The others charged at him, and he cooly dueled with the leader and killed him easily. He strode toward the other one, but the Rakatan was shot by a bowcaster bolt, from the same wookie he had seen sitting under the tree.

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Pah! If this is all we have to deal with I'd rather go chew on a mandalorian's ass! I thought these Raka... what's their name..?... bah, were supposed to be tough, that fellow over there had no trouble at all and all I got was the last one...


Grauwlth calmly stood up and hitched his bowcaster on his back and slowly and methodically stepped his way round the debris to approach the jeedai.


"Good day to you jeedai... You look rather forlorn for a human... Perhaps this... 'battle'... is not to your tastes?" Growled Grauwlth.

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Surprised at the open and honest reply Grauwlth automatically responded, " Name's Grauwlth, Former Gullible Wookie of Kashyyyk and Apprentice to the Zabrak Mercenary, the late Zilus Vasahere. I'm impressed you're almost fluent with my language, perhaps you have visited Kashyyyk?"


As he spoke Grauwlth had smelt a smoldering metal not linked to the dropships collision course and continued to seek the smell.

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"Mmm... I can smelll... burning... metal...? Not the smell of broken battleships but of a ... melting.. object...? I do not know but it seems to be emanating from the Raka... ship...."


Carefully stepping inside the ship, Grauwlth's eyes widened in stunned amazement at the number of explosive devices within the ship ranging from the average frag grenade to a thermal detonator, and near the top of the ship a sliver of molten liquid slowly slid towards the mound of explosives from a broken Cache made of a resistant metal.

No wonder the ship has so little amount of people and the fleet was so weak, all they needed was these landing ships...


"This ship is a damn bomb! This molten liquid is going to melt the grenades and turn Dantooine's Enclave into Taris!" grauwlth grabbed a Rakatan's body and used it to wipe the molten sliver away but it simply burned its way through the body. "Oh... I think this is going to hurt... Unless a jeedai can do something about it." Grauwlth looked at Master Nayytvan.

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(Zaalbaaca, that seemed a little too easy, but ok)(OOO, ive got an idea, all these rakata ships keep coming in, which in time seperate us from the Sith ships nad merc ships, and the Rakata capture them and turn them on us, sound good?)


"we must get back! I sense another wave of Rakata ships coming, its almost like an endless onslaugh of Rakata!"

*Zaalbaaca got in his ship and did a hyper jump to the planet, he stood in the middle of another Rakata Fleet*

*Zaroke followed and was caught inside the middle*


"Well isnt this just dandy? Looks like we have found another way to screw ourselves over again, ehh?"


*Zaroke Chuckles*


*Comm Link on*


Zaroke: Jedi Hurron can you here me? come in Jedi Hurron"


Jedi Hurron: Yes i read you loud and clear


Zaroke: Me and Zaalbaaca are in the middle of the next rakata fleet


Jedi Hurron: *Interupts* wha more? alright then what shall we do?


Zaroke: Me and Zaalbaaca will rush inside the capitol ship and destroy it with a few bombs, though we will have to make em, do you think you could get everyone to take out everything, right of the capitol ship? Because thats where we are, and i want to make a clear path for us to get in, while also making a diversion.


Jedi Hurron: Alright will do, *In the background* Jedi come in, and all sith, mandalorian, republic, merc ships, The sith and Mandalorian will focus all the blasting left of the capitol ship and the rest focus it to the right!

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Triko looked at the molten material slowly yet inevitably sliding down toward the bombs. "I'm not sure," he replied. "It will burn through anything, I doubt there is anything I could do to stop it! I don't know how to stop something like that except to freeze it. Maybe I could try to stop the explosion using the force, or try to contain it. But I don't know if I can. Get out of here, Grauwith, if I am not able to contain the explosion you will die!"

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"That was too easy. Dont you think this was just a test?" Niomi asked Zarlak

"Of corse it is. But I wouldnt be sirprised during the battle another planet was attacked. This was no invasion fleet!"Zarlak replied as he turned the Ebon Hawk back to dantooine

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The sliver of molten metal ran down closer and closer to the bombs. Triko concetrated on making a sheild of energy around them, hoping that it would stop the explosion. It ran closer and closer, almost touching them, and then...


Triko was thrown across the courtyard and felt burns on him. He fell to the ground and got up slowly, holding his side as he felt blood running down his side. He looked over to the dropship, amazed that he was not dead. He saw a huge hole, with burning grass around it. And the Enclave wasn't hurt-he had contained the explosion!

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(Zaalbaaca, that seemed a little too easy, but ok)(OOO, ive got an idea, all these rakata ships keep coming in, which in time seperate us from the Sith ships nad merc ships, and the Rakata capture them and turn them on us, sound good?)

<Yeah, I like that idea,but we get them back right, or do we capture the capital ship?>

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Turning around Grauwlth noticed Triko standing with his legs spread and his arms raised in a barrier position.

I wonder if I could have helped, then again perhaps my - The explosion tossed Grauwlth into the wall like a toy, Grauwlth was thrown into the wall and then forced through it. Landing on the pathway just outside the Enclave Grauwlth moaned and then lay still.


(No i am not dead and about the too easy thing, I already noticed that so i added the Explosive Loaded rakatan ships, maybe every Rakatan assault would have them?)

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Triko got up unsteadily and looked around. I hope that that was the only one, he thought. Then again, they probably loaded every single one. Those ones up in the sky could be dangerous, if they don't get into one of their capital ships or whatever is dropping those things and stop them, we are going to lose a lot of ships; and a lot of the enclave if they make it down her. He saw several more coming down, damaged, but falling toward the enclave. "Get all the tanks and anti-starfighter weapons you can, and blow those things up before they hit the ground!!!" he shouted. He ran over to Grauwith.

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(Good idea)

*As all the orders and races fire upon the ships, rakata transport ships start to land upon Dantooine, many Rakata transport ships were desrtroyed but still they kept coming*


"Alright, we must fall back to defend Dantooine, if we lose that we lose everything,"

Sith General: Ok we will stay here along with the mercs and shoot as many ships out of the space that we can, have the others drop back to the enclave, thats where we will fight as the battle if we cannot contain them here!

"OK, Zaalbaaca, land on back on Dantooine, we need to organize"


*Upon landing on Dantooine, the enclave was already starting to get attacked*


"Alright, Jedi Hurron, fly down there and shoot them up, then land, we may need to preserve our ships, this is going to be a long fight, get your equipment everyone"

"Zarlak, bring the fight to them get em' when there backs are turned to you, land and just keep attacking we will fight along side you in a few minutes"

*Zarlak nods on the intercom*


(Ill wait for you, Zarlak, to attack)

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More dropships were coming down, a lot of them with troops too. Triko hoped not all of them had bombs, but there were probably a lot, maybe those odd looking ones behind the rest. But he would have to worry about that later.


The dropships started to unload. Rakatan warriors came out by the hundreds, suprising Triko. I wonder if this was actually a real fleet, and not just a bunch of suicide ships? he thought. Turning on both of his bronze blades he rushed at the landing Rakatan ships, with Grauwith. Meeting them head-on he spun around with his saberstaff slicing many of them. Using the force to speed up his body, he deflected each attack by the Rakata's vibroblades and killed many of them, with Grauwith and Sith, Republic, and Dantioone Militia picking off the rest.


There was a huge roar, followed by many more. The Rakata had brought their Rancors! Oh well, Triko thought, I guess I get to see how good these things are. He jumped high up into the air and came down next to a Rancor, slicing down his arm. The rancor reached for him and he drove one of his blades up into its hand; And then went flying as the rancor batted him away. Triko got up and threw his lightsaber at the Rancor, slicing into its head. The rancor fell down. One down, about a hundred to go , he thought wryly.


(hey, since on the unknown world it is revealed that during the time that the Rakata were in control of the galaxy lots of them were force-users, what about having many of these Rakata being Jedi, after all, they were put in a sleep or whatever at the time that they would still have the force in some of them)

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(Yea sure, that sounds good, cause the original rakata suck worse than a jedi trying to shoot a blaster)


Dropping down upon hundreds and hundreds of jedi while theres thousands and thousands of Rakata, Zaroke ignites his lightsaber and runs into the furry of Rakata, slicing and dicing them left and right, then all of a sudden Zaroke is caught in a stasis field and a Rakata jedi steps out of the crowd right next to his face.........


(Ok either i can die really fast, or someone can save me lol)

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(Man, I am posting every other one :) )


Triko felt another Jedi calling for help through the force. Abandoning his 4th Rancor he was "working" on, he sliced through several Rakata, and saw Master Zaroke caught ins Stasis...with a Rakata approaching him with a wierd lightsaber (since they were alien force-users thousands of years ago, they probably had really wierd lightsabers and colors). There were too many Rakata blocking his path. He engaged in a fierce duel with a Rakata, using all of his strength to kill him quickly. To many surrounding him...pulling him down, only his rapidly spinning blade and his overuse of force lightning kept them from hacking him to bits. Calling on all his force, all his power, he blew all of them away with a force wave and using his last strength went flying high up in the air, coming down on the Rakata a second before his blade crashed in to Zaroke's face. All that was left of the Rakata was a burnt corpse.

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Oo, wow Triko, i think you just took care of the second wave


Thank you, lets abondon this for a minute and get some cold grenades, we can freeze those dropships coming down on us, they will blow us up to smitherines unless we can freeze the pod and then destroy them, sound good?

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