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New Movie Coming Out!


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This time, it is me as Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. But guess what? This one has combat! A LOT of combat!


I don't have the time to put it together tonight, I may get it done by Friday, it really depends how the week goes.


I hope you all enjoy this one,


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I liked it! I also liked the tie-in to Order 66 (although I don't want to know where you got the footage ;) ). One thing disappointed me about the video, though: the combat. It seemed like there were too few units fighting each other. Does the beta allow you to change the number of units on a map per game?

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Yeah, the beta is just mindless killing, whil on the X-box demo you need to destroy AA-Guns, defeat General Grievous etc.


That is because on the Demo, that is the acutal Mission level in the Campaign mode. But on the BETA, it is just instant action.




Not if you host the server.

I got the entiry Order 66 piece, but in bad quality :(


I do, but still anything over 400 lags the server


Are you going to do one for Space Yavin (on Beat...like Tantive Four and Utapau).....just wondering...even though there isn't much on Space Yavin.


I never thought of that. I guess I could do that.

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