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Hey there, I got Galaxies (TTE) delivered today and after a good while of downloading patches and stuff I got to go through the Star Destroyer walk-through and end up on Tatooine. Now I have been introduced to some random guy who wants me to craft all sorts of things for him and I have no idea how to. I know I need certain materials but I don't know where to get them! Help? I'm totally new to this sort of game. :S The lag is pretty woeful but I can put up with it all in the name of Star Wars. I'm in the Europe-Chimaera Galaxy, anyone else?


My character is a male Twi'Lek named Robbu i'Del. His bio is he is the illigitimate child of a Twi'Lek dancer and an unknown bounty hunter, his mother was taken away from him at the age of 13 and he is on a quest to find her. His mother taught him good ideals and to fight against injustice but he may pull every trick in the book and walk every path to find her trail. His ultimate ambition is to crush the slave trade working from Ryloth. I love the whole role-playing apsect of the game and I can't wait to get immersed in the galaxy.




Anyway, hope to see you around. :)

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Uuu, I think I heard the euro servers are the worst hit by lag. :(


But anyway, might be an idea to tell us exactly what you need to craft?


But the way to find resources is to go out of town (any directions) then use one of your survey tools. I think you have them all on you these days.

There are atleast 6 different types:

  • Mineral
  • Chemical
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Solar


Correct me guys if I've missed something. :)


Anyway, once you are outside city limits, right click one of them depending on the type of materials you are looking for, then select Use (or something similar to that) The first time you use them you are promted to select a range on them. When you have selected the maximum range (always select maximum range), you will be promted to select a resource. The list you see there are the resources that are present on that specific planet at that time. If the resources you are looking for arn't listed there, you will need to search other planets. If they are, select the resource you are looking for, then press the Survey button. it will then preform a scan of the area.


You'll see a visual animation and then the window shows you (maybe, depending if there are any kind of that type of resource at that location) some numbers. These numbers are prosentage of how rich the resource is at that location. A waypoint to the richest deposit site within scanner range will also appear. If the spot you are in is the highest value, then you don't need to move. If the richest site is over there *points over there* then go there and do a new survey. Rins and repeat until you have found the richest site


*NOTE: The site can be populated by other peoples harvesters!*


Now, in order to get these resources out of the ground you can do 2 things. You can get them by either taking samples from the ground, or you can buy a harvester of the propper kind (mineral harvester to get minerals, chemical one for chemicals etc...) and then place it there. You'll need to put credits on it for maintainance, plus get power to power it. So the latter option might be expensive solution in the beginning.


If you want to be a crafter and such, I suggest you sample the ground, as this will increase your skills in sampling and surveying. By increasing your skills you'll get more out of the ground each time you sample, plus you'll be able to search greateer and greater areas at a time aswell.


"Now, Lieutenant, prepare to fast forward!"

Ltn: Preparing to fast forward, Sir!

"Fast forward!"

Ltn: "Fast forwarding, Sir!"




Ok, you've surveyed the land, and you've sampled your way to get the resources you need. Now you need to craft something out of it.


As a beginner you will also be equiped with some basic manufacturing tools.

Not gonna list them now cause I'm not sure which ones you start with these days. ;)


Anyway, most likely you need to use the Generic Crafting Tool, which I mean to remember you are equiped with. Right click it (double clicking them might also work I seem to recall) and select Use (or something similar to that :D ). Now, from the list that comes up, find the things you need to craft. Select it and press the button that indicates you want to proceed. Next you need to select the resources you need in order to make it. On the right is the list of materials and how many of each you'll need, on the left is the materials you have and how much you have. Double click the materials you need on the left side. The right amount will be applied to the right slots.


*NOTE: Some componments can be built with more than one type of material. For instance, if it requires ferrous minerals, any type of ferrous minerals can be used. Also, Some componments require other componments aswell, which you will need to craft first before you can make it. The boxes that says Optional on them is not required to be used to make the item. It only adds to it's preformance.*


Now, you've allocated the propper materials and are ready to craft. Press the button that indicates you wish to proceed. I'm alittle unsure what is next now, but I think you are presented with some options:

  • Craft Schematic
  • Craft Item
  • Experiment


Craft Schematic is not for you at this level, but what it does is, instead of making an item, it creates a schematic out of it that you can put into a factory so you can mass produce the item. Limit per schematic is 1000 units.


Craft Item is self explainatory I think. :D


Experiment allowes you to experiment with the item before you create it, in order to increase it's preformance capabilities. B warned that the experimentation could fail also, resulting in an inferior product. At this level you won't have many points to experiment with )I think 2 or 3 points). You'll get more as you increase your crafting skills.


You've selected one of the three options, and moved to the next operation before the action is preformed. This last selections allowes you to rename the item to your likings. Rename it (or not) then proceed.

If you chose to craft a schematic, the resources you allocated will be lost, and a schematic will be placed in your datapad. Schematics will always be successfull I believe.

If you chose to craft the item, the resources will also be lost, and if the crafting is successfull, the newly crafted item will be placed in your inventory. If not, the resources are lost, and you'll get no item out of it.



This may sound like alot of work in text form, but crafting can go really fast once you learn what to do. :)


Hope this helps abit on understanding the basics.

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Very informative, very funny reply.


Thanks! If people in the SWG community are half as friendly and half as funny as you I'll be glued to it. :)


I've created the character again and changed to the Tempest Galaxy...I claimed my BARC speeder in my first game so I think that it may be lost now. :( I hope not though.

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Unfortunatly it is lost now, you'll have to buy it from someone (only costs around 3 million credits :D ). You can only choose rewards for 1 character per account.


Small hint is, don't choose any rewards until you are sure you've found the server you want. You start with a couple (or 1, I forget) speeders in your inventory anyway, so you won't need to run around much. ;)


There is another thing you need to consider when you are getting higher in whatever crafting profession you choose: Quality of the materials used.


In the crafting session where you allocate resources I believe it will also tell you what qualities of said resources that you need to pay attention too. For instance, if you need copper, and conduitivity is a factor, the higher the value of the resources you use (up to 1000) the better the resource is, and the better the end product will be.

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Unfortunatly it is lost now, you'll have to buy it from someone (only costs around 3 million credits :D ). You can only choose rewards for 1 character per account.

CZERKA SPEEDER CLERK: Welcome to Czerka Speeder Services. May I help you?



CZERKA SPEEDER CLERK: How may I help you?


ROBBU: You can start by wiping that f**king dumb-ass smile off your rosy f**king cheeks. Then you can give me a f**king BARC speeder. A f**king Datsun. A f**king Toyota. A f**king Mustang. A f**king Buick. Four f**king turbolifts and a seat.


CZERKA SPEEDER CLERK: I really don't care for the way you're speaking to me.


ROBBU: And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of f**king nowhere, with the f**king keys to a f**king BARC speeder that isn't f**king there. And I really didn't care to f**king walk down a f**king highway and across a f**king landing pad to get back here to have you smile at my f**king face. I want a f**king BARC speeder, right f**king now.


CZERKA SPEEDER CLERK: May I see your rental agreement?


ROBBU: I threw it away.




ROBBU: Oh boy what?




(<3 Planes, Trains & Automobiles)


At least I didn't wake up with Barf's hand between my two pillows. ;) I can look at it and laugh at least, if I don't laugh I'll cry. (Apologies to all who have never seen the comedy genius of Steve Martin and John Candy and may get offended by all the swearing!).


There is another thing you need to consider when you are getting higher in whatever crafting profession you choose: Quality of the materials used.


In the crafting session where you allocate resources I believe it will also tell you what qualities of said resources that you need to pay attention too. For instance, if you need copper, and conduitivity is a factor, the higher the value of the resources you use (up to 1000) the better the resource is, and the better the end product will be.


I figured out how to survey the place but whenever I try to take a sample it says my skill is too low. Last night a friend took me away from Mos Eisley and to Alderaan where I joined their city so I got a house and furniture and all that stuff, I'm in their guild and apparantly I'm going to be taken care of until I come to grips with the game. I'll do that until I want to join the Empire or something. :p


Amazing help so far guys, thanks. :)

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No problem, idle. :wavey:


Being taken care of is good when you are new. After all, RPG's are supposed to be social games mostly.


I'm not sure why you would be too low level, I can't seem to remember why that would be. Maybe it's something new. The game has changed some the last year.


I would like to put up a warning about sampling for certain resources though. Don't sample for anything that says Radioactive. It's obvious in real life, but you just don't expect it to sting in a game. ;)

But it does. :p

Trust me, it does. :D


My hands was sore for weeks after.

No, just kidding, but you'll lose health in a bad way each time you get a sample out of the ground.

The kind of health loss that requires you to see a doctor to heal.


Good luck with the game.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

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hey idle wats your computers specification, also i would reccomend coming over to an american server like sunrunner which is the one i am in.


My game has been running decently ever since I moved over to the Tempest server and I have a few people looking after me. I'm not sure whether I'm being taken advantage of since I've joined their city and got all this stuff (like here's a house and some furniture, now you're tied to my evil empire like city paying me UBERcredits and if you can't make the payments you shall be my slave, muahauaha!). They're Rebels but I kinda liked the idea of being in the Empire, it'll take time though. :)


I went exploring (took me about 30 minutes to RUN all the way to a point of interest :S) and although it was a nice exploration I got killed by a baby something, it looked like crap anyway. :( Then cloned...which is against my gameplaying heart, usually if I do something crap I like to start over again. I wish I arsed about with the game for a few days before claiming my speeder and joining a "guild". (Surely there could be a better word for guild, I mean this is Star Wars! But oh well.


No problem, idle. :wavey:


Being taken care of is good when you are new. After all, RPG's are supposed to be social games mostly.


I'm not sure why you would be too low level, I can't seem to remember why that would be. Maybe it's something new. The game has changed some the last year.


I would like to put up a warning about sampling for certain resources though. Don't sample for anything that says Radioactive. It's obvious in real life, but you just don't expect it to sting in a game. ;)

But it does. :p

Trust me, it does. :D


My hands was sore for a week after.

No, just kidding, but you'll lose health in a bad way each time you get a sample out of the ground.

The kind of health loss that requires you to see a doctor to heal.


Good luck with the game.

Hope you'll enjoy it.


Haha, I'll keep that in mind and thanks again. :)

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It's not called "guild" in Star Wars Galaxies.

It's "Player Associations".

PA's for sort.


And you can join a new PA whenever you want to. You can even switch between being a rebel or Imperial almost whenever you want too.

I say almost cause you need to get rid of your negative faction points towards the side you want to switch too first before you are able to join them. :)

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...Then why isn't it called PAchat? :p


That's what I was just about to say. :p


I got a swoop off someone in my "faction"...which I'm totally pleased about. :)




I'm digging the game even though it feels as if I've done nothing but walk around in it!

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