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Im becomeing a new player!!!


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Yeah, don't accept your BARC speeder (assuming you've bought The Total Experience) until you've settled in and made sure you've picked the right Galaxy. I just started today and picked a horribly laggy server so I had to delete my character and make him again over in a better one, losing my free BARC speeder (worth a lot of credits in the game) and making me want to cry. :(

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well enjoy SWG.. i know i do.

a tip for you as first time player... do all the new starter quests in Mos Eisley from that woman. excellent way to begin and you learn EVERYTHING.


read carefully about the things she tells you. and there is a nice story in it actually :)


good luck :)


Corzip Dinn

Starsider Server

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You can change servers right? And if I cant how do I know what the right server is.


There are Galaxies (servers) recommended to you, I went against the recommendation and got LAGGED to hell but then an online friend told me to join his Galaxy and it works fine (even though it wasn't recommended). You can change Galaxies with your character but there is a charge to the credit card you've used to subscribe to the game for that, you can create new characters in different Galaxies if you want though. (Up to 8).


Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience is the one i buy first right?


That's what I got and it has the two available expansions, I doubt the new expansion (Trials of Obi-Wan) will come out in a complete package soon so it is definetly the right one to buy in my opinion.


Oh ya I forgot... You think a medic would be a good starting profession?


I couldn't tell you, I guess it depends on what sort of game you want going!

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