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AVol's Darth Vader


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AVol's Character: Darth Vader (ver. 0.92.36 beta)

For KotOR II: TSL by: AVol


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Mod Name:

"Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords" Character: Darth Vader



This modification allows to play as Darth Vader.

Or equip to your character Darth Vader's Armor.

For this purpose:

Using the "giveitem" cheat command (Optional!)

To enable cheats, in your game directory edit swkotor.ini and under [Game Options] add EnableCheats=1. Start the game then when playing press ' to bring down the console prompt, which is not visible.

At the console prompt, type "giveitem avol_arm_vader" to add the Darth Vader's Armor suit to the inventory. These can then be equiped by the player with the appropriate feats from the inventory screen.


It is beta-version! Some problems with animation!

You can use only one one-handed lightsaber!

Game can be crash when you select your character!


New in ver.0.92.36:

+ The problem with a leg getting out through a cape at run is corrected

+ Some changes in model

+ Some changes in a texture

- Animation is in development

- Problems at a choice of the character are not corrected


At creation of a head used parts from model of a helmet from the mod "Vader's Helmet" by GSCCC.




Run "Install AVol's Char Darth Vader.exe" and follow instructions. At inquiry, select yours installation folder (NOT "Override"!!!). The default path is: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2".



Copy all files from your BackUp folder (created during installation) (Default: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ BackUp_AVol_Vader_<yyyy-mm-dd>") in your game folder (Default: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 ").



Download: http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/15968.html

Direct Download: http://ds1.pcgamemods.com/core/15968/AVol_Char_DarthVader_092.36.ZIP


Alternate DL: (Stable for now); http://files.filefront.com/avol+vaderzip/;9863664;/fileinfo.html

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I tried out this mod a couple days ago (may have been a previous version) and it doesn't seem to work at all.


The auto-install does not complete correctly. It seems to skip the section where it's supposed to create backups.


If you try to select vader as the PC (new character creation) you get a blank head model (invisible or headless) and when you load the game past the prolog (I.E. where you emerge from the kolto tank) the game freezes at the black screen, though the game music continues to play the game will not load. If you try to equip the vader armor on an already made character you can put the armor on but you can not move, you can stand there and flourish your saber (realy cool flourish though) but when you try to move you just "run in place" and dont go anywhere.


The "Holowan plugin (TSL)" has a version of this armor that is usable though it splits the armor in seperate robes and helmet. Unfortunatly the helmet model in this version is set to far forward and the back of the PC head protrudes through the back of the helmet. This may not be as ovious if you use a PC with black hair but for a bald or light hair colored PC this is painfully obvious.


Thanks for your time and i sincerly hope these errors can be corrected as this would be one hell of a mod if it worked as it should.


PS. tried this one out seems to be a new version. got past character creation and into the game. past where i previously mentioned teh freeze-up. Character creation is still headless though you do get the vader prtrait. aside from that minor asthetic gripe this mod seems to mork much beter than the previous version.

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The auto-install does not complete correctly. It seems to skip the section where it's supposed to create backups.

In the new version of it is not present? At me in old and new version installation always passed normally.


If you try to select vader as the PC (new character creation) you get a blank head model (invisible or headless) and when you load the game past the prolog (I.E. where you emerge from the kolto tank) the game freezes at the black screen, though the game music continues to play the game will not load. If you try to equip the vader armor on an already made character you can put the armor on but you can not move, you can stand there and flourish your saber (realy cool flourish though) but when you try to move you just "run in place" and dont go anywhere.

It almost completely is corrected. Blank-head model of that in my model a body and a head - a single whole.

If at a choice of the character it is visible not blank-head model, that, at opening a window of a choice of character, game takes off :( In other cases all works.


The "Holowan plugin (TSL)" has a version of this armor that is usable though it splits the armor in seperate robes and helmet. Unfortunatly the helmet model in this version is set to far forward and the back of the PC head protrudes through the back of the helmet. This may not be as ovious if you use a PC with black hair but for a bald or light hair colored PC this is painfully obvious.


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Meow! The mod is really cool, but there are few questions, that bother me:


1 - Am I glitching, or there are really all FEAT animations but no default ATTACK one? =(

2 - Why Lord Vader has the skirt under his coat? =/ Does'nt he got just NORMAL pants?

3 - When you will release the new version? :)


And, I think, that the mod should come with a custom saber and some all-new Force Choke, that will be MUCH more powerful, that the game's default, and even maybe Crush...


P.S. I think, that your FEAT/FLUORISH anims need a little slow-down...

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Meow! The mod is really cool, but there are few questions, that bother me:


1 - Am I glitching, or there are really all FEAT animations but no default ATTACK one? =(

2 - Why Lord Vader has the skirt under his coat? =/ Does'nt he got just NORMAL pants?

3 - When you will release the new version? :)


And, I think, that the mod should come with a custom saber and some all-new Force Choke, that will be MUCH more powerful, that the game's default, and even maybe Crush...


P.S. I think, that your FEAT/FLUORISH anims need a little slow-down...


O_o His flourish is just the one Malak uses in K1, you cant expect everything to be correct about the character afterall he basically retextured the whole thing, and there is a 'normal attack' animation but only for Humanoids as the Malak/Nihilus Template wasn't made to fight things like Mining Droids and Bomas. I think I know what I'm talking about. O_O

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I thought, that fighting droids/bomas uses the same anim, that is for ranged opponents... =/ The default one. While Malak was spotted only in fighting with dueling anims... (Which I can not say about Nihilus, who must've been able to attack Mandalore directly.. Or am I mistaken? Either way, the anims for melee duel fight and ranged opponents are different ;) )


And, BTW, the model was custom created? I haven't seen any thing, that could be retextured for Vader... =/ Anyways, it is possible to change it a little near the legs to make him look more realistic...


His electronics texture on chest needs a little alteration too... The coat and helm are looking O.K., and I hope, no one will complain about DS/LS transition, 'but it can be done by making a default Anakin character (I think, that there are few average at pcgamemods, and it will cause no problems with a animation at the start of the game) and at the second transition just make him permanently equip such armor by Canderous-kind-of script... This would be GREAT, but it needs lot of work, will broke other characters and it's just an idea - nothing more. =|


And I just say, that this mod release is VERY GOOD for BETA! About the sabers - I think, that is better to forbid him using a offhand AT ALL, like Kreia. Lord Vader will look ugly with dual or two lightsabers EVEN if someone will supply the anims! And there's definetly must be his own lightsaber with enchanced stats...


P.S. Does anyone have high-polygon Vader's saber model? I surfed the net, but high-poly saber hilts were only for the 1-st KOTOR Obi and Qui... :(

And I just can't made one by myself due to the lack of resources and 3D modelling skillZ.


Please correct if mistaken in anything... I'm not such a skilled moder for KOTOR... Still I love this game. =)

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Sooo, if U can't add an anim, is it possible to just link NORMAL chara's anims to Vader? =/


And I think the author knows, what he's saying, "animation is in development". ;) Surely he will do something... At least, TRY. =|


P.S. Here are the links to other Lord Vader stuff for The Sith Lords:


http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/13357.html - For sound


http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/13272.html - The lightsaber... As I said before, it's the most-poly model, that I found...


P.P.S. And what about the Mandalore's armor and Kreia's Offhand scripts? Can they be rigged to this model in game to forbid him using the offhand and to remove armor/helmet?

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I just downloaded this and cant wait to try it )

Avol this looks so nice and cant believe your not finished ) just drooling to think what your finished version will be, but aye well done )



Edit: Ohh, i just loaded this up, at the char screen ya there was no head but that was okies the game loaded up fine fer me, But ohh man that looks soo cool, so im off to find some jedi heh.

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Sooo, if U can't add an anim, is it possible to just link NORMAL chara's anims to Vader? =/

Not at this time... though things might change pending a model animation breakthrough. ;)


And I think the author knows, what he's saying, "animation is in development". ;) Surely he will do something... At least, TRY. =|

Well this can mean a lot of things, but importing or creating new animations is a big hurdle for us, and currently impossible, so I really have no-idea what AVol means by this. But it sounds promising. :)


Just an FYI, we have no official support from either LA, Bioware, or Obsidian Ent. so all of our tools have to be made from scratch, and every file format has to be figured out by us, and the model format is one of these hurdles. Example: The Darth Revan Models and their non-animated cape, getting that cape to be animated is one of our longest desired but impossible to do mods.

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2 - Why Lord Vader has the skirt under his coat? =/ Does'nt he got just NORMAL pants?

Look the movie...;)

His electronics texture on chest needs a little alteration too... The coat and helm are looking O.K., and I hope, no one will complain about DS/LS transition, 'but it can be done by making a default Anakin character (I think, that there are few average at pcgamemods, and it will cause no problems with a animation at the start of the game) and at the second transition just make him permanently equip such armor by Canderous-kind-of script... This would be GREAT, but it needs lot of work, will broke other characters and it's just an idea - nothing more. =|

Good idea - I shall try to make... :)

adding animations to KotOR or KotOR II is impossible

I can use Hex-Editor... I try to create chains of animations through supermodel...

AVol, reply, pliZ, when the new version will be released? 8)

Heh... I am enough occupied recently, therefore it is difficult for me to tell... :(

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2 AVol: He has not "skirt", but the small thing, that DOES NOT cover front of his legs, I mean, it is smaller... ;) I little misspelled at first... :/


2 RedHawke: I know all about modders' troubles, 'coz i've got some me-self, when was modding other games, still, I'm nope in scripting, and they were unsignificant.


KOTOR got some troubles, 'coz the game was designed for X-box (those damn Microsofters!) and even not includes a visible console... :/ But sure it is easier to mod, that, for example, Fallout! =)


2 All: Guys, I've got trouble with game - it hangs on Visas Vision cutscene, could anyone tell me, why it can be? =/ My game is full up in modules, but the .2da files not conflict, and where can I download a game-editor? PliZ post a link... 8)

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