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What's with Disc B?


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Hi there :) I found my old grim that i purchase 3 years ago that i never happened to finish,my cousin

tried installing it in my XP but it seems that you don't need Disc B do you? what is it for actually can anyone tell me? my Disc B is all beaten up and i don't wanna waste half-way thru playing this game and suddnely some message message pop-up and say "insert disc B"..thanks for the help


-Curious,paranoid man.

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I noticed that when we got a new computer I no longer needed Disc B for anything but the installation. I haven't downloaded any patches, and still I can play the game from the beginning to the end by using Disc A only. What's up with that?


Well, at least I can view all the cut scenes without switching discs.

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