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I don't get it...(spoiler alert)

Mace MacLeod

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Kotor1 sucked about 2 months of my life away at the beginning of this year, and now after playing through tsl about 10 times now as good/evil male/female I must say: "Huh?"


Now, as entertaining and addictive as the kotor series has been, the second one has lost me. I still don't quite get the ending. I understand that bits and pieces are supposed to come together as you do the various story/character branches, but the ending still sucks major a$$. I've had a ship full of jedi and droids sparklingly white and lovey-dovey, had everyone pitch-black and miserable as that evil wookie, barbequed endless roomfuls of hssiss with Force Storm on Korr, Revan's been set to everything but a neutral hemaphrodite, but questions remain.



1) What's up with the HK/G0-T0 subplot? "Much work" must be done? Like what? Do they go on "Republic Idol" in their spare time without telling me or something?


2) G0-T0/Bao-Dur's annoying remote scene on Malachor. Huh? The planet seems to implode quite nicely in some circumstances. Did the remote overpower goto, bribe him with sexual droid favours or something? Huh?


3) Why the hell do you spend all game leveling up all your party members, converting them to jedi, learning their various life stories, only to not be able to use them in the ENTIRE LAST THREE AREAS?! Seriously aggravating.



I'm sure there are a ton more that I can't think of right now.


Oh, and thanks Rhett for getting this acct working on the forums. :)

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Oh yeah, remembered something else.



Was checking out the list list of items that spawn randomly, and just how bloody high to you have to inflate your lvl before half those cool jedi robes will spawn? I've *never* seen about 9/10's of those ingame ever. Everything else (more or less) has appeared at some time or other, but virtually none of the jedi robes besides the generic padawan, knight, (rare) master, etc.


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the question in your second post was answered here by stoffe in a thread i started in Padawan's Lounge with a similar question.


hope that helps.


unfortunately, your other questions have been bothering me as well and i can't give you any answers beyond conjecture.

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Well, I'll give you props Mace. None of those were the stupid "wtf is up with <insert obvious game subtlety here>" questions that I've seen all to often around here.


Sadly, there aren't really any good answers. Spinkle posted a link to Stoffe's explanation on post #2, but other than that all the other things are unfinished tidbits due to the excessive amount of material cut from the game. At least, that's what I've gathered.

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Well, I did suspect there was a lot of content that didn't find its way into the final product. I was hoping it was more or less confined to the

mysterious HK factory hidden RIGHT BESIDE THE BLOODY PYLON on Nar. I went over and over and over and over that particular piece of wall before I finally remembered the security spike thing from kotor1 and actually accepted defeat. Would've been fun to stomp the factory with HK tho.



*sigh* Thanks anyway, folks.


Oh yeah, and I know I've seen the answer buried somewhere on this site, but how do you get juma juice to knock out Vogga's dogs again? thx

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Kotor1 sucked about 2 months of my life away at the beginning of this year, and now after playing through tsl about 10 times now as good/evil male/female I must say: "Huh?"


Now, as entertaining and addictive as the kotor series has been, the second one has lost me. I still don't quite get the ending. I understand that bits and pieces are supposed to come together as you do the various story/character branches, but the ending still sucks major a$$. I've had a ship full of jedi and droids sparklingly white and lovey-dovey, had everyone pitch-black and miserable as that evil wookie, barbequed endless roomfuls of hssiss with Force Storm on Korr, Revan's been set to everything but a neutral hemaphrodite, but questions remain.



1) What's up with the HK/G0-T0 subplot? "Much work" must be done? Like what? Do they go on "Republic Idol" in their spare time without telling me or something?


2) G0-T0/Bao-Dur's annoying remote scene on Malachor. Huh? The planet seems to implode quite nicely in some circumstances. Did the remote overpower goto, bribe him with sexual droid favours or something? Huh?


3) Why the hell do you spend all game leveling up all your party members, converting them to jedi, learning their various life stories, only to not be able to use them in the ENTIRE LAST THREE AREAS?! Seriously aggravating.



I'm sure there are a ton more that I can't think of right now.


Oh, and thanks Rhett for getting this acct working on the forums. :)



1) dunno

2) I think it was too late because the remote has already activated the mass shadow generator, but why does the remote not level up aswell! I HATE THAT!!


3) I see your point and I think they are trying to prove that you maybe depend on your allies, and seeing as you have completed it you do not need your allies. (probably :) )


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My theory: When you choose the dark side, G0-T0 doesn't activate mass shadow generator and destroy Malachor V - he doesn't care whether the Republic is ruled by the dark side or not. If you choose the light side G0-T0 blows up Malachor V because of your choice to end its corrupting influence.



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