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Where's the Space Endor Map, i so wanted to play that and be able to fly into the Death Star and destroy the Core.


I was hoping there would be a Map also of Yavin 4 Space Battle where you fly towards the Death Star and you have to shoot your torpedos in the centre to blow it up.

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Where's the Space Endor Map, i so wanted to play that and be able to fly into the Death Star and destroy the Core.


I was hoping there would be a Map also of Yavin 4 Space Battle where you fly towards the Death Star and you have to shoot your torpedos in the centre to blow it up.

Sorry, all your hopes didn't come true. If you take the time to learn how to maps they can...

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Where's the Space Endor Map, i so wanted to play that and be able to fly into the Death Star and destroy the Core.


I was hoping there would be a Map also of Yavin 4 Space Battle where you fly towards the Death Star and you have to shoot your torpedos in the centre to blow it up.


You really think all that would work in a Battlefront game? No. It wouldn't, the Death Star trench would be pretty crowded wouldn't it? and imagine flying into the second Death Star, how would that work exactly? I don't remember a hangar dispensing Rebel fighters on the Death Star...

The tunnels leading to the core were only wide enough for ONE fighter, that would be a pretty messy flight.

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Isn't it kind of weird, the three main space battles shown in the movies (Battle over coruscant, Death Star Trench run, and battle over endor) and only one is in the game, and it's not even playable in instant action or multiplayer... it's to bad, but expected, It would take a lot of extra effort to add the Death Star to any map, and make it work in a battlefront style setting.

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Yeah, it's dissapointing, especially since everyone wants at least one of the two back, if not both.


Other maps they have removed are Tatooine: Dune Sea, Naboo: plains, Yavin: arena and Kashyyyk: islands, I really don't care about the islands, never thought it was to much fun but I do kind of miss the dune sea and the plains, they were fun but maybe a bit to small. And I never really liked the Yavin: Arena, but I would like to see it return, I think it would be a great place to play celebrity deathmatch.

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Have you guy's notice there are no Bespin and Rhen Var Maps, i forgot what else was left out from the previous Game.


They really should've brought those back ecspecially Cloud City for Rise of the Empire, I mean shouldn't it be there, because Vader was in Cloud City and wouldn't Vader's Fist be there as well, because of Vader's presence?

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