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Another Jedi Question...


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Bascially, you just visit Points Of Interests (POIs) complete the themeparks, do a bunker and thats it! Great path!



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WOW... That kinda sounds... retarded.... what does that have to do with useing the force by completeing a themepark?? Would'nt it be better to just have some sort of force quest related? Like maybe its random like if you go to a old jedi ruin or something it opens your slot a little more or something....

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Hey Han, yes it is kinda weird that getting badges makes you a force sensitive but if you notice most people have said that visiting exar kuns ruins and/or the jedi temple affect your force rating the most(also ben kenobis hut is a jedi poi, in case you didnt know that), well until the force rating is gotten rid of on the 15th

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if the current jedi population is any indication of the New Order of jedi, then, han, i would welcome your jedi with open arms. ATM, we hve to many Light Side Sith running around and too many Dark Side Wannabe's.


Current jedi have no inclination to aid in restoring peace in the galaxy...just "/say duel me n00b" outside the theed starport.



besides, the Empire cant restore peace and order until these Seperatists...I mean Rebellion/Terrorists...are dealt with once and for all!! the only difference between the current "rebel" seperatists and the old clone wars version is the use of "meatbags" as opposed to droids.

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Yes the order I would be standing for is the one that aids others with the game and stand up for week defenseless noobs. Jedi's realy cant destroy the Empire in this game because oviously the game would end. I would not be a Light Sith or a Sith wannabe in the game I would stand for what I think is right or if some point in the game I start hating the rebels or if I have a sudden drive for power and destruction I would turn completely evil instead of some Sith wannabe and think of nothing except for myself and kill poor defenseless noobs for my own personal gain.


P.S. Cercueil are you an Imperial (I can tell by the way you called rebels meatbags lol)

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