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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi

Dagobahn Eagle

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I just saw it some days ago, since it was hyped so badly, and I can heartily recommend it to others, too. For you ignorants who haven't seen it yet, it's about a lazy, spoiled girl named Chihiro who's moving from the city to a new place "far from everything". Her parents take a shortcut and get lost, ending up at a bathing facility for 8 million Gods, led by the evil witch Yubaba.


The movie is excellent, in terms of everything from scenes and story to all the different creatures in it. There's a splash of good humour in there, too, and some very well-developed characters (the creator of the movie based almost everyone on real people he knows in reality).


The only two drawbacks are that I think the ending's a little odd, and that


we never figure out why that Faceless helps Chihiro, do we?





PS: How the Heck could the translators change the title so badly? "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi" sure as Heck doesn't translate to "Spirited Away"! Geez, show some respect, people:rolleyes:.

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I got a boxset of Ghibli/Miyazaki films a while back and I'm slowly working through them.


- So far Naussica of the Valley of the Wind is my favorite (his first one).


- Wasn't so impressed with Lauputa, Castle in the Sky.


- My Neighbor Totoro is the best film ever!!! ;)


- Kiki's Delivery Service is also very good.


- Princess Mononoke is excellent, I prefer it to Spirited Away.


- Spirited Away is pretty good.


- Howl's moving castle is also excellent (don't have that on dvd, but saw it in cinema last month). I think i also prefer it in places to Spirited Away, but the ending seems rushed.

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Didn't this come out, like, years ago?

It sure as Heck did:o. What's even more surprising than the fact that I haven't seen it until now is the fact that several people I know have zero clue as to what it is:eek:.


What's wrong with people nowadays?


The title "Spirited Away" still has significance, plus it's often the Japanese who suggest what the movie could be renamed to in these instances. After all "Chihiro and the thousand hiding Gods" (that's my crappy translation anywayz) isn't a catching a title as "Spiritied Away" is.

Fair enough.

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What's wrong with people nowadays?

They've become ****wads with no sense of exploration. They're more content to sit on their asses watching the latest season/series of big brother(or any other reality show which pretty much follows the same exact thing) in which some big titted chick bangs the standard issue hot guy. All while eating some fatty food.

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