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Like it or hate it, NGE has had an impact

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

No matter what your views might be about NGE, it has made an incredible impact across servers. My server has seen a dramatic drop in players. Today, in Mos Eisley, I counted 23 players. Normally theres at least 100, and lots of nOObs.


Vendors are empty, no one is crafting, people have cancelled their accounts, guilds are dead and for me, the fun has been taken out of the game in disgraceful fashion.


How has NGE impacted on your server?



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Well, on I was playing on my old character on Coribantis(sp?), and the cantina in mos eisley always used to be packed, but I saw about 2 entertainers there, and no one else. Nym's stronghold also used to be pretty busy, but now I only saw around 3 or 4 people there.

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My guild has disbanded, I have too left and gave my stuff and credits to some low cl who probably doesnt even notice his credit balance is strangely high. I have given up on SOE now, no way Im coming back after all the effort I and many others made in trying to like and get used to the CU.


Also aaahaahaahaahaa britishallstar, enjoy your starwarsy game! ;)

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Tarq has been busy on Mustafar, but when it comes to other planets and cities they are empty. Avalon Sunrise was quite active in the months coming up to the NGE and with ToOW we were gathering up to attempt some of the higher level dungeons. Then the NGE was announced and slammed on us and basically everyone either quit, stopped playing while bugs were being fixed or just haven't had the heart to log in since many were the odd professions that were destroyed. Unfortunately for those that haven't logged in... I think I'll be reading goodbye messages sooner rather than later. This weekend was a terrible time. On many occassions I was the only one on when the weeks before saw at least 10-15 at any one time.


I'll give the NGE one prop. The Ranged part of combat seems to be quite fun, but Melee is near impossible with the continued connection lag that SWG has had for the last 2.5 years. That lag seems to be approximately 8-10m. If you want to hit a running target you need to be nearly on top of him/her or 1-2m ahead on your screen.


My overall rating for the NGE - 2 out of 10.

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Today, at the risk of being banned forever by SOE, I filed a formal complant with the BBB of San Diego, CA. It was based on the SWG Newsletter I received from SOE on 1 November touting the proposed upcoming Ranger Revamp and the nuclear warhead detonated by SOE on the 2nd of November about the NGE. I expressed the desire in my settlement request that NGE be recalled and the proposed changes discussed in the newsletter be implemented. I know, I know, wish in one hand and crap in the other.

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Well, my plan isn't going along so well. I have to say, all the combat upgrades have worsened me, I dropped to CL 21 due to a messed up respec, and now I'm stuck at Jedi level 21, with no saber and xp coming in at a snail's pace. ANyone else encounter this problem? If you have any tips other than "Just shut up and grind" lemme know.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its best that you do the nOOb quests. they give u alot of xp. XP is VERY hard to comeby and after all those protests when the group XP changed, SOE finally got their way.


SOE forced us into group hunting, then they take it away. Doesnt make sense



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I took a 3 month break from the game, came back last night and everything was completely different. Haven't checked many forums lately, but man, I couldn't even figure out how to pay maint on my house... took me awhile to figure out the new interface and such. My first impression is I don't like it... but I will give it a week and see if I change my mind. I am a little unhappy that my master marksman/master pistoleer/master bounty hunter is no more... trying to see what I can respec to that I'll actually want to play.


I went through Anchorhead and no one was there, so I decided to go back to my house and log for the night. I don't know, the whole vibe of this game has changed drastically. Just seems the focus has totally shifted from when I started playing the game in 2003. I didn't mind the last combat upgrade as much, there were aspects of it I didn't care for, but this NGE is something that will take me awhile to get used to.

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A sea of ignorant Jedi fill the streets....

Cantinas once known as galactic hotspots are as dead as npc cities....

The exp-centrals such as Dantoonie and Lok are empty....


...and I am laughing so hard.


Too bad my subscription ends next week. I wanted to watch the rest of the train wreck :)


SWG is mortally wounded. Give it six monthes, unless LA seizes it from the hands of bumbling morons.

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