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Mod Idea


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I'm no modder, but I thought this would be nice


Space Heroes (Not ****ty like the one that's out)

Pilot and Marine Classes Still Exist, but only one hero like in Conquest.


(If I leave any maps out tell me.)


I'll try not to reuse heroes


Space Felucia: Republic - Aayla Secura | CIS - General Grievous

Space Kashyyyk: Republic - Yoda (Chewbacca would be better but he's rebels) | CIS - Darth Maul

Space Mygeeto: Republic - Ki-Adi Mundi | CIS - Jango Fett

Space Hoth: Rebels - Pilot Luke | Empire - Darth Vader

Space Yavin: Rebels - Han Solo | Empire - Boba Fett

Space Tatooine: Rebels - Luke (His outfit from ANH if possible) or Chewbacca or Han, doesn't matter | Empire - Boba Fett


Now for maps that aren't in IA (maybe someone could convert?)


Space Coruscant: Republic - Obi-Wan | CIS - Grievous or Dooku

Space Mustafar: Republic - Anakin | CIS - Darth Maul

Space Endor: Rebels - Han Solo | Empire - The Emperor

Space (Clone Wars Era): Republic - Obi-Wan | CIS - Jango Fett (After the battle between these two in AotC)

Space (Galactic Civil War): Rebels - Princess Leia | Empire - Darth Vader


I also suggest we get rid of this "Rebel Gunship" crap and put in the Millenium Falcon (YT-100 Freighter)


So any thoughts?

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i was thinking give heros and villans better moves and more health and when been choked they could attack cause its gay when you take 3 secondsto attack when choked when pulled press jump then you could do what it does on jk3 same with push and give them more health and better looking blocks then you could and maybe put force drain and force heal on and more health it wood be far better then

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Yes...I would would surely like to play as more than one hero on levels. Besides Hero Assualt on Mos Eisley. Like on Geonosis, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windu and everybody else who was there versus Count Dooku, and General Grievous (was there). Or at least another Hero Assualt mode on another level. Like Yavin IV: Arena or Coruscant.

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