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How fun would it be to kill all the noob jedi?


How fun would it be to kill all the nob jedi?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How fun would it be to kill all the nob jedi?

    • Extremly fun
    • Not fun at all
    • ahhh i am a wimpy, no db please jedi who finds this scary

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depending on who you ask, yes and no. you can choose to follow the Jedi profession, but wont be granted the rank of Jedi till much later. Its difficulty, much like any profession, is all in the matter of how you view it: at times itll be tough and others easy. its a matter of learning the pros and cons of the profession and using them to your advantage.


at present, though, the Jedi profession lacks any form of Damage Mitigation which can make it very tough at times.

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yeah bassically jedi is the worst proffesion in the game, if you want a strong proffesion go medic or commando the other combat proffesions are good too, jedi are far too easy too kill which is why soe are giving you it for free, no work needed, i would say that its your choice but a lot of peole dislike new jedi especially the elder jedi.

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Oh I don't mind them. IMHO Sony and LA has made SWG into KOTR III. Everyone should get to live out their Jedi fantasies and now the game will finally start to sell cause afterall, who doesn't want swing a lightsaber? Good for the game, good for the people, bad for the movies, and bad for any sucker that was already a jedi.


You say medic is a good profession to be?

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yeah bassically jedi is the worst proffesion in the game, if you want a strong proffesion go medic or commando the other combat proffesions are good too, jedi are far too easy too kill which is why soe are giving you it for free, no work needed, i would say that its your choice but a lot of peole dislike new jedi especially the elder jedi.

you really should work on your negativity. the worst profession in the game is...well, there really isnt a worse profession, but if one would need to be listed it would have to be the one a person would least likely want to play.


All professions have their bonus' and their weakness' its a matter of which one does well. If you like to play alone more often than not, then a heavy weapons profession like the BH or Commando would be good. Support? Medic and even smuggler. Spy can be a good one to play as well but I know little about it. Officer is a great group profession.


As for no work needed....Jedi need to work just the same if not harder to gain levels as the other professions. with the current lack of damage mitigation, havint to be in melee range, and all, inlcuding Medic (doc/cm), command, officer (squad leader), Bounty Hunter, Commando, Smuggler...all required some effort before you made it to the novice ranking so you are getting those for free as well.


I suggest you choose the profession you would be more interested in playing regardless of whether or not some disgruntled nipplehead gives you flak for it.

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with the current lack of damage mitigation, havint to be in melee range

looks like you just told us why its the worst proffesion.


also if you want to play solo then jedi should be an option since they do solo missions in movies and can kill tons of people without getting a scratch, i mean make up your mind lucasarts, are jedi powerful or do they suck LOL.

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that doesnt make them the worse profession.....it makes it a challenging profession, but not the worst profession. It makes it profession that takes some thought before you rush headlong into battle, but doesnt make it the worst profession. it only appears that youre attempting to dissuade players from taking that route in for their gameplay.

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many professions are wiped clean by a lvl90 commando or a lvl90 medic, etc. simply because, at present and todays fix could alter that dramatically, a profession is falling short in one area doesnt mean it doesnt excel in others; or even the worst profession. you ahve to remember, not everyone plays SWG with PvP in mind...I know I dont.

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yeah but comandos are clones pretty much anyway so it doesnt matter, anyway the fact remains that jedi are far too weak, and why? because there far too easy to become and jedi should be knowledgeable, but they arent because all the noobs are headless chicken, anyway just look at the poll dude its obvious most dislike noob jedi, end of

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see, now youre heading someplace new.


one: all professions are "easy" to get. even the old Jedi was easy to get if you felt the urge to mindlessly grind and even better if one took advantage of some of the big advantages there were. having to spend hours grinding doesnt make something hard...it just makes it time consuming...which isnt hard, just tedious.


two: the only knowledge that former Jedi had was where to grind. nothing else made them more knowledgeable at the game than any other dedicated player in their profession. I happen to know a lot about the game and several other professions. and Jedi knew there profession just as well as others knew theres.


three: we are all headless chicken regardless of our profession.


four: polls mean squat other than some will follow a crowd. others will make an uninformed choice based off some public exclamations. others will vote even if they have no opinion just to see the numbers swell. and still others are disgruntled players that will do what they can to ensure that their "beloved" profession remains small just so they can say, "see see" which is pretty much what youre doing. have you even played the new Jedi profession? or are you going off of something that you only know from the words of others? if youre not in the profession or never played it (and im not talking about 10 minutes then back to something else) then your opinions are based off of what others have said.


I have had the luxury of actually playing on both fenses. the new Jedi pales, yes, but its got its own unique challenges now. in fact, with mortality being a strong factor it actually adds to game play and causes you to pause. then again, with teh changes they put in yesterday, its doing pretty well.


I also find it strange how you feel the need to blame those that went into the profession on 11/15...are you and your crowd seeking to disuade anyone from actually going into the profession? is that the goal..to make the "community" so horrendous...so hateful...so ignorant..as to protect your little niche in the woods? is that goal?


your anger and hatred is not with those players, but with SOE and thier decision. I suggest that you take up your angst with them. and the constant use of N00b really says nothing for you.

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i have no problem or hatred as you try to put it, with New players, and i have already stated that its partially soe's fault, but my problem is not so much with new jedi, its that jedi are so weak, if soe madde it a proffesion you gain through time, such as mastering a proffesion first, then unlocking the jedi proffesion which requires much more xp, because the long grind may have been time consuming but by this time you knew the planets and could help new players so you had gained much knowledge through becoming a jedi.

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