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Off-Topic and On-Topic Fan Stories (Not RPG)


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see, i wish i could write like that



I sure as hell hope you don't write like that.


Than how would you be original.


Let Cheez have their original style of writing and let you have yours.


Cheez, I don't think there is anything wrong with your style I''m just pointing out the flaws of everyone having the same style.

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I see there is a Robert in the story......that makes me think of......ROBERT GOULET!!!!!!!!!


There once was a girl named Vendetta who wore a different scarf to school every day. She would quote video games and rock out to Queen on the school bus. The children would make fun of her, making her feel sad. One day she told them all she would one day rule the world and enslave them all. They just laughted and shoved her in a random locker for the crazy math teacher to find.


Then, one day the world ended and Vendetta seized control. She enslaved the children, then adults. The women were fed to the dogs, the men handknit her scarves, and the children compeated to the death in hand to hand combat. Vendetta was finally happy, and when she lost control of the world, all the children who taunted her were dead. Vendetta died a happy, peaceful death.

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Allie is a llama!



There, satisfied?


The Grand Soujurn


Once there was a fantastic place called Embòsquet'chhore. I was very much inclined to visit: I had heard amazing things about what the fruit could do for your pallor, and being somewhat pasty myself, I decided to give it a shot. Problem was, I couldn't pronounce the name of the country. How am I supposed to get to my destination if I can't bloody pronounce it?


"Excuse me, sir? Can you tell me how to get to emb...emboo...emboskw...Damn!"


Well, finally, I just cracked. I strolled down to the police station and demanded that I take a look at their official, super cushy maps. They just laughed and shook their heads at me. But, ho ho! They didn't just laugh and shake their heads at my shotgun! No sir! They took me right down to the map room, where I spend many an hour pouring over the texts. Finally, I found what I was looking for. The place was right in the middle of Turkmenistan! That in itself explained why, in turn, I couldn’t pronounce it and why no one knew where it was.


So off I went. I chartered a plane, and in a couple of days I was at the place I had so long sought after. And I’ll tell you, I was right about everything. Except the guavas. I’m allergic, you see.

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Five Iron Frenzy inspires.




Odd was curled up in a ball on his bed, diving his head into his knees, sobbing. The lights were out, as he skipped class once more. As the bell rang, he walked over to his


radio, turning up some music. A sorrowful track, the song "Hurricanes" by Five Iron Frenzy.


"I am so lonely..." Odd whispered along with the song. He saw Ulrich open the door. He turned on the lights, to see the depressed Odd lying so darkly.


"Odd? Why are you sad? That's not like you."


{Yo toda via espero un milagro,

Yo toda via te espero a ti.

The sunlight is fading,

the longest shadows have been cast.

Like songs from a siren,

hurricanes from the past.}


"I'll never find it," Odd mumbled grimly. "Sweet love is not for a fool."


"Au contraire, it is. You need to stop trying and let it happen to you."


Ulrich sat down on the bed opposite Odd's. "You've dated almost every girl at school, Odd. You need to slow down and think about romance in its full."


"No," Odd said. "There are only 3 girls I haven't dated at school, 2 are taken, and one is... Sissi."


"Well Odd," Ulrich said, "maybe if first you don't succeed try again. And think about Sherlock Holmes."


"I don't remember him getting any ladies."


"No. I mean, logical deduction. When all others are eliminated, what's left must be the answer."


"But me and Sissi...? That's disgusting. That's like a fish and a shark in love. She'll crush me."


"Well I'm relatively sure she gave up on me, seeing as... Well, I don't want to make you feel bad, so I won't say."


Odd looked at him. That lucky jerk. He was satisfied. He had one girl he cared about. "The Valentine's Day ball isn't too far away. Try it, and if it doesn't work out? I'll


let you do a few rounds on me in Lyoko."


"Sounds good," Odd smiled a dark, faked smile.




{And I am a failure,

defeated every time,

so let me lie here,

a sidewalk for a shrine. }


Odd walked down the stairs, to the courtyard, as he went to get a soda. He saw Sissi and her gang hanging out there, and he looked at her eyes slowly. "Sissi," Odd said,


blushing and confused, "Do you want to... er, go to the Valentine's Day Dance with me...?"


Sissi looked at the poor boy. She could see the remnants of tears running down his face, his blushing, truthful face, as he looked down at her feet, weak and confused.


"Buzz off, Sissi's-" Herve began, but she pushed him out of the way.


"You look serious," she said in a soft tone, "and I guess so. Ulrich's come and passed with that blasted Yumi..."


"So, you're serious?" Odd asked, looking up at her.


"Sure," Sissi said. "See you at the dance tonight."


Odd smirked a pale smile as she walked off, Herve feeling rejected, and Nicolas feeling... Nicolas. He didn't care, mainly because he didn't think often. Now was no





{I am so lonely,

they say you were lonely too.

Dear God be my savior,

I wait for you. }


Odd ran to the gym, smiling a sincere smile, as he opened the door, scouting through the crowd. He saw Sissi, dressed up in a beautiful pink and red dress, fleeting to her


feet. "Hi Odd!" Sissi shouted with a wave.


"Sissi and Odd?" Yumi asked, confused, as she saw from afar with Ulrich as Odd scurried through the crowd to get to her.


"It was kind of my idea," Ulrich said, grinning sheepishly, "and I guess it wasn't bad."


"Amazing," Jeremie commented, standing by them waiting for Aelita.


Sissi smirked, embracing Odd. "Oddie dear, I'm glad you're not late. I was kind of counting on that, in honesty."


"I wouldn't be late for you," Odd said.


"But you didn't dress up nice for the dance!" Sissi commented, pulling gently the fabric from his sleeve.


"That's why I'm not late."


"Yeah," Sissi remarked, "you dressing yourself has to be a disaster. Just look at your pants."


Odd laughed, having to admit the pants were sewn from two different pairs, and he looked into her deep, sweet eyes.


"Sissi..." He felt the color drain from his face, turning to a blush in her intimidating presence. "Err, nevermind."




"No, let's just... dance." Odd said, as the same song he listened to in his dorm played across the speakers.


{My broken spirit,

is trembling slow.

Park bench for a throne now,

my blanket is the snow.

And I'm being haunted,

by long forgotten dreams,

for hurricanes have,

the bluest eyes I've ever seen.


I am so lonely,

they say you were lonely too.

Dear God be my savior,

I wait for you. }


"A romatic song," Sissi said, smiling her usual grin. "Don't you just feel... you know, romantic?"


"Yeah," Odd said, bringing to mind instead memories of each and every girl who called him a jerk, idiot, loser and freak.


"So Odd, I guess you have quite the experience with romance?"


"Not quite, I've only had one kiss, and she left me, along with the entire country. She moved to America."


"Then wipe a clean slate," Sissi smirked, drawing her face to his gradually.


Oh no, Odd thought. Do not kiss her, if this fails... But she looked so sweet and innocent, as he found himself inadvertently pulled to her. He closed his eyes slowly, and he


felt his lips on hers.


"My god," Ulrich said. "Strangest couple of the century."


"Pfft, romantic losers." William grumbled.


"Why are you still here?" Yumi asked.


"To tell Jeremie that Aelita's here, but she's DJing."


"Darn," Jeremie said, lowly.


But he looked up at her, who shone the spotlights on Odd and Sissi, impervious to anything else but eachother.


Everyone stared in silence, as the music had already gone to the next track, "Cool Enough For You," and the song had paused, as per the composition.


As the bass began to drone back in, laughs started to run around the room. Odd drew his head back, looking around, and covering his eyes from the blinding spotlights.


"Oh Oddie, you're always the laughing stock," Sissi said, giggling, as Odd looked confused for the hilarious phenomenon the crowd laughed about.


{I am pining for your mercy,

for this storm to break,

Lord you are my comfort,

the hope for which I wait.


I am so lonely,

they say you were lonely too.

Dear God be my savior,

I wait for you.}





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My old JTHM fic


They had said it was his kind of place, he would fit right in. He would be in a place where others would be able to understand and sypmathize with him.


It was not his kind of place.


No, it was a place where sweating bodies were pressed up against one another in some sort of sick ritual to mask the tedium brough on by life. In other words, it was a dance club. Not an ordinary dance club, a goth club.


Johnny had questioned what would be "his kind of place" as he did not know what it would look like. He didn't even know he would have one. It was a great mystery of life. So how could that man who had told him, know so much about him?


The strangest part was, Johnny had not been offended by that statement. Sure he found it, odd, but no homicidial tendencies rose up to blind him in a furious blood both of torn organs. It ended with him mulling over such thoughts. He was standing next to the said dance club wondering if the idea was a good one and if thinking for so long about such things would make one's head explode.


He finally came to the decision to at least go into the building, if he couldn't stand it then he would just leave and listen to Reverend Meat for a good few hours before he knifed him in the stomach. And well,he was running out of knives.


"I am going in!" he souted to the heavens and walked in, army fashion. To walk in army fashion is to keep your back and shoulders perfectly straight, whil lifting your legs parellel to the ground. A walk Johnny had long since ago mastered.


The first thing he had noticed upon entering was the smoke. Smoke that made him fall to his knees and water at the eyes onto the cold tile floors. The reaction from the dancers was to look down from their noses, or hunch over looking away. One particular female felt the need to comment on how rude he was by choking on their fumes. A few around her noted his rudeness as well, bust still no one thought of the idea of dragging poor Johnny out. No, instead more people ringed around him, all of them staring down as if someone was holding a tazer to their backs, forcing them to stand so erect that they almost fell over.


If this had been five minutes earlier, Johnny may have laughed, but for now his lungs were preoccupied with coughing out poisens at the moment and was not ready to begin spasming at some unfunny joke in the first place. This upset him, how was he suppoused to give a dramatic dying speech if he could not so much as laugh?

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Listen, I'm not really into Lucasforums as much so, I'll write one last fanfic before I take my final bow.


How much does it hurt to leave?


She was in love with him. He was her obsession, and her antidote to her problems. She wanted him so much, but he wasn't as interested. He blamed her jokingly on things, and would ignore her questions, but it only turned her on more. She would stare at him in class, and would dream about the two of them, forever in eternity. She loved his taunting, and his blaming. She loved the way he hated her.


She tried for years, until she discovered the truth. No matter how much you can love sometimes, you may never find love. So, she gave up, still wanting some, but slowly losing hope in his coming to her. She grew old, and bought a cat. It was her only love in life, the only thing she cared for. We don't know what happened to him, but he never discovered the truth of her feelings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Except Squid. :[


She fell off the internet. She no longer posts on her livejournal, or whatever.


That kind of willpower...I need it. Grades, etc.





Once there was this big cat, and it ate a whole lot of food, and threw up all the time. So my family the cat's family put two golf balls in the cat's food dish, and everyone lived happily ever after.

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  • 4 months later...

Josh was a young boy, no older than fifteen at the most, with jet black hair from under a dark red hat with an AoC written on it in an orange circle. He wore a black coat that hung from his shoulders loosely, drooping over an ash grey shirt. He also was dressed in a pair of long, baggy and wrinkly tan pants, small straps and strings hanging from the side that blew in the weak wind there was. Next to his feet was a large guitar case, covered in stickers.


Josh stood at the side of the large cruise ship, holding onto the railing. He looked out at the blue sea, its calming motion making him almost lethargic. The night sky reflected off, his eyes gazing up at the stars that shined on without rhyme or reason. He heard footsteps and heard a voice near him. "Oh, hello, who are you?"


The boy turned around. "Why do you want to know?" His eyes met with the girl's for a moment. Hers were clear and blue, but almost empty and inhuman, blurred and estranged. She wore a smile, and bright blonde hair running down to her shoulders in smooth straight lines. Her body was dressed with a bright pink belly-shirt, with a black line running across it horizontally, with strange striped armwarmers in pink and red. She wore a slightly long skirt, running down to shoeless feet.


"Because, I just came here. My name's Akida Lechyenne."


Josh scratched the side of his head for a brief moment. "You don't just come on a cruise ship."


Akida giggled. "No, silly, I just came to this world. Don't you know?"


Josh stared at her for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Haha, that's rich... another world. You're interesting."


The girl looked almost angry. "No, seriously! Why don't you believe me?"


"Because it's totally illogical! How could there be people on other worlds..."


"Other dimensions, actually..."


"See!? That's completely ridiculous! How could those even exist!? It's scientifically impossible, not to mention..."


Josh sighed, closing his eyes. "What I'm saying is, it just makes no sense at all..."


Akida smiled a stupid-looking smile. "Why does it have to make sense? Why not just believe it? People in this world are all just like that. EVerything has to have perfect reason and logic or it's impossible... and yet they put their faith blindly in religion and governments. It's much more simple at home."


Josh opened his eyes. "You've got a good point. I kind of like you."


Akida giggled again, edging closer to her. "Sometimes you just have to let go of disbelief, you know? Then interesting things will really start happening. Then you can see things for what you are, not just what their reason is."


"Wow," Josh remarked with a bit of a smile. "You're pretty smart."


Akida let out a single sharp laugh. "You know, I didn't think of any of that. It's a speech by a man from where I'm from - Raeth Khoras, to be specific. People practically worship him."


Josh hung his head low, a bit of an embarassed smile on his face. "Yeah, well... h-how was I supposed to know that? I've barely even left Japan, hardly my... dimension!"


The two of them stood silently at the edge of the boat, looking over at the shore. The city was lit up by hundreds of lights, neon signs in bright greens and blues, colors of all hues, tall buildings and short ones all adorned with bright lights. Akida's eyes were wide and curious as she stared out, resting her hands on the railing with a smile. "It's so pretty there." Josh nodded once, a small smile growing across his face, his hands resting just on the railing as well. Akida moved her own hands closer to his, her eyes showing a nervous expression to contrast her grin. Josh closed his eyes, feeling the warm, soft sensation on his hand, Akida's hand gently resting on it. He looked relaxed and tranquil, before quickly opening his eyes and pulling his hand away.


"H-hey! Don't do that!" He blushed a bit. "I mean, well, that's... awkward."


"Why?" Akida beamed, her ignorant grin returning again.


"B-because, it's... well, it's just..."


Josh hung his head low, as Akida laughed a bit. "Just, I'm confused, it's just a thing we do... here... if, well, rgh..."


Akida smiled, and without thinking a second thought, she patted him on the back. Josh's face was flushed and bright red as he shouted, "Don't do that either!" Akida quickly drew her hand back, looking a bit disappointed. She folded her arms, still looking out at the waterfront. The lights still twinkled, their reflection now growing on the bay. "Well, we're almost there, huh?" Josh asked.


"You tell me," Akida replied, still cheerful. The boat grew silent again, as several people walked by, waiting by the side where the boat would be opened to the docks. People scratched their head, not recognizing Akida at all, but some people smiled as they saw Josh.


"So what's that?" Akida asked, looking at Josh's guitar case. "Is that your suitbox?"


"No," Josh replied with a laugh. "First of all, it's suitcase - second, it's a guitar case. You know, guitar. Six strings, play it like... c'mon, there have to be guitars where you're from."




Josh sighed. "I hate explaining things, I'm awful at that... it's, it's like... Listen. I play it on a big stage and everyone watches and listen. I play in a ska band called 'Army of Chickens.' And we're not half ba-"


He was interrupted within seconds. "What's a ska? And what's a chicken? And how can you play that case? I don't see any strings."


Josh closed his eyes in a bit of frustration. "Ska is a type of music, chickens are little animals with wings, and the guitar is INSIDE the case."


Akida blinked. "So chickens are like little dragons?"


Josh put his hand to his forehead. "I'll show you one some time. Anyway, I suppose I could let you backstage while I perform."


Just then, a loud voice came over the loudspeakers. "Attention - we will be temporarily delayed. There is a technical error at the docks."


Josh groaned, opening his eyes once again slowly. "I'm gonna be so late..."


It was then that he saw it - a small glint on the water, barely a drop to him reaching up. It began rising, a larger dark blue blob, and two yellow eyes peeked out of the water that illuminated itself. Josh stared blankly at it - after all, what was it? It grew taller, a bright tentacle rising from the water, followed by another, claws extending from them, and a tail was visible. It still seemed to be part of the water, as it suddenly let out a horrible screech. Everyone turned their heads to it. At this point, it was practically three times taller than the boat, its roar continuing. The boat shook, people losing their footing and falling backwards.


Akida shouted, "Oh my... Josh! You have to stop it!"


Josh stared blankly at it. "...First of all, what is it, second of all, how can I stop it WITH A GUITAR CASE!?"


Akida looked nervously around. "First, it's a Leviathan, and second, you can... distract it while I think of a plan?"


Josh laughed once. "Works for me." He ran to the side of the boat, dropping the guitar case and diving into the air.

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Reposting here because nobody read it. I'm proud of my work


Wispering Rock get's all talenty!!!


The banner above the stage in the main lodge read '5th annual Wispering Rock Talent Show'. All the students sat on benches awaiting their turns to do their act for the judges.


Ford, Milla and Sasha all sat at a table, with clipboards and pencils in hand. They were the judges. The winner of this talent show has the right to roam the mind of anyone at the camp for 1 hour. Whether it be Ford, Lili, Sasha, or even a squirrel.


Ford stood up and said "Now, welcome all talent show participents. We all know the rules. Any talent can be shown, it just can't be involving your psychic powers."


Milla then spoke up with a "Now children, I wish you all good luck. Everyone is really a winner here. The first contestants up are Franke and Kitty."


There was a round of applaudes as the duo took the stage. They had on basketball uniforms and took an odd position, getting ready to start a dance. Some dribbling of a basktball of a beat started and slowly the children realised....IT WAS HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sasha heard this and pulled out some earplugs. The students all covered their ears in disgust and thought 'Eww...Zac Efron.' Except Chloe, who pondered 'What is this strange noise? It sounds intreguing. I shall investigate on return to my home planet.'


When the crappy dance ended and Zac Efron's girly voice stopped singing on the boombox, everyone uncovered their ears for a small round of applaudes, except Vernon, who gave a standing ovation to the women who is 'warm for his form'


The long night continued on forever. Mikhail did a traditonal Russian dance, Chloe sang a song in her native tongue(the name is unpronuncable), Elka sang 'These boots are made for walkin', and even Maloof did a Sinatra number. Though none of those compare to the performances of Vernon, Elton and Milka, and even a judge.

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